If you aren't in the purple square, you're an idiot
If you aren't in the purple square, you're an idiot
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Anti-White faggot.
>being unironically a nazi
Blue square masterrace
If understanding that private entrepreneurs are utter dipshits who would shoot themselves in the foot if it made them money makes me an idiot, then it shall be so.
>red square
I bet you catch bullets real good
I have been traveling up and to the right for the last 4 years, about to be in the blue, peace out purple square it was fun
This was me back in 2014 after high school in California. It hurts to think I was ever like that but I've come a long way since then so here's my shame.
Purple fags are degeneracy apologists.
>sucking authoritarian cock
unironically end yourselves you faggots
Any purple fag who isn't max right is a hypocritical ignoramus. You don't care about the market. You just want weed.
You will not keep a free society if you abandon your culture, your morals, your family and your civilization. Idiot.
id be purple if it wasnt for bolsheviks, neocons, as shitskins.
Capitalism inevitably leads to degeneracy. It is the system in which Jews thrive the most.
I used to be a turbo free market guy
god, I was in the same spot in 2014. You wouldnt happen to have watched the drunken peasants?
Libertarians live in a dream world of idealism. In your stupor you are allowing the world around you to decay because you've convinced yourself that liberty is the single most important thing ever, which means that leftists, Jews, and darkies now have the liberty to replace and destroy your people along with everything your people have historically stood for.
I would have been libertarian many decades ago, but there is no room for people like you in today's society.
I'm the opposite. I was top right in 2014 and now I'm bottom left. Complete flip flop for me.
>if you aren't far right you're an idiot
if you are all the way to the right you are an extremist idiot
you don't need a fucking authoritarian government to do that you fucking dipshit
that's red/green/blue though
>Irish opinions
I watched Amazing Atheist at one point, but not his podcast.
I feel like a recovered meth addict saying this btw
Hi op. If you're on any of those fucking squares, you're a fucking idiot.
Don;t post again.
The fulcrum upon which society rests becomes the dollar and not the family. Once you recognize that the fundamental unit of society is not the individual, but the family, you will begin to see.
Yeah, I kept watching his show until the end of 2017 when they broke off. The show felt like peak degeneracy. His current one, Deep Fat Fried is just pretty much an infographic with banter and 3 lefty fatasses. Still watch it because they are entertaining though Im no longer tainted with their ideas.
>many decades ago
Hello, mr boomer
this never happens
If you support the free market, you're a retard.
>total homosexual
every time
>being a bootlicker because gay peopel and minorities scare you
off yourself
>leaf political opinions
what if the child consents
Square power rankings
1. Blue
Power gap
2. Purple
3. Red
Power gap
4. Green
I'd say the far left is actually full of people like this. I feel like every chapotard I meet flip flopped.
>argues that the family unit is the heart of society andthe state must be predicated upon that
>must hate gays and spics
Low IQ response. You have no argument. Lurk more.
I am at the purple square, but at the first 20% of the right part of left/right axies, and I consider this, center.
Does I still count?
you don't need the fucking state to have a family and have decent morals you brainwashed idiot
bullshit. you dont go from far right to a leftoid
Don't worry. We won't forget about you. We have plenty of bullets to go around.
We're the exact same
further proof that lolbertarians are glorified leftists
Sorry, but what are you talking about? You do realize, that 'moderate libertarians' are saying that 'welfare state is inherently incompatible with unrestrained immigration'. The same thing that made the US great according to a moderate libertarian is the same thing that destroys modern western welfare states. And this is exactly because of this paradox, that current year Democrats are pushing. No sane libertarian would say that unlimited (illegal) immigration can go hand in hand with a welfare state. In fact, most libertarians would reduce the welfare state to the lower minimal level possible. In case of the latter, in an ever growing hardly laissez-faire capitalistic environment they would vote for immigration, but we (both US and even more so the EU) is as far from this state as it's possible.
>niggerloving and faggot dildo licking retard calling anyone a bootlicker
I fucking hate other Americans. Kill yourself
They're right wing SJWs. They support open borders and moral decay.
Political compass often has misleading results as some people with opinions on matters such as immigration that are considered far right find themselves put in left wing squares because they believe in universal healthcare or that the rich should be taxed higher. 8values is better, politiscales is best.
Well... sorry to destroy your whole world but... I DID.
I’m in the red square
>You do realize, that 'moderate libertarians' are saying that 'welfare state is inherently incompatible with unrestrained immigration'
Libertarians still want open borders with a welfare state. They say that it will overwhelm the welfare state and eventually destroy it.
you were never right wing, you simply dont become a faggot libcuck after being right
Says who? Are you talking about accelerationism? I sure as hell wouldn't want unlimited immigration and I'm a moderate libertarian. Tho one can say we are already too late for that anyway...
I'd also abolish the nanny state and would replace it with a single mechanism at best (NIT, or a national rated stipend)...
>if you don't hate gays and minorities you're a lefty
what the fuck
>willing to give up liberty because MUH JEWS
what the fuck
no just because you're purple squared doesn't mean you want fucking open borders
>commie opinions
>this shitty strawman
>le racist sexist white males!
you're a leftist, just admit it you stupid fuck
>Says who?
Milton Friedman
>Are you talking about accelerationism?
>no just because you're purple squared doesn't mean you want fucking open borders
If you want a true free market you need 3 things: free movement of capital, free trade and free movement of labour.
Nice seeing more anons taking the redpill
Redpill as in the red quadrant?
gas yourself
but you are unironically being racist, and I bet you think women are inferior to men too. See, I hate how the Left will call everyone sexist and racist, but you are ACTUALLY a sexist racist
stop projecting that I'm libertarian. I'm not in fucking favor of an unrestricted true free market. Free markets are good with SOME restrictions to prevent monopolies and crony capitalism
Politiscales is the best political test available today
Don't call yourself a free market supporter if you don't support the main tenants of free market capitalism.
>Milton Friedman
Well, he just so happens to be my idol and as a result I hereby link him explaining just the above thing I was talking about:
Tldr.: immigration in pre-1914 US cannot be compared to current year US immigration.
Yes you dumbfuck. Your a leftist subversive retard that has a fag hard-on for big corporations.
I literally just took this test so I could be berated by you guys, and I look and see that I'm the same as this leaf
How did I do Jow Forums?