How would you correct Europe's immigration crisis in the most humanitarian way possible?

How would you correct Europe's immigration crisis in the most humanitarian way possible?
Serious answers please.

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Euthanasia, they are criminals and at best diseased

I think a big part would be done if we stop giving them child benefits and raise them for europeans.

Give them vaccinations to make them sterile and impotent

Deport them all, but white liberals will protect them

Send them back.
Maybe threaten with sanctions unless their governments puts forth some effort to pull them back.
Also, women need to stop voting, and get married.

>most humanitarian way possible
round them up and have a few guys in guard towers with m249s

Firstly, they shouldn't accept refugees, since by law you're supposed to seek asylum in the nearest country, and can only do so if your country is at war.

Failing that, ship them all to an island and decalre it as a new European humanitarian sanctuary or something. You'll still be wasting a bunch of money on them, but at least they'll all he in one easily contained area.

let nobody in

Giant robots looming over cities would totally get people to want to be somewhere else.

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Forgot to mention we should stop letting them in and shoot them on the spot when they commit a crime.

You change the ruling class of European countries. It's probably no more than several thousand people out of all eyropean countries who should give up power and be prosecuted. After good guys take power, crisis will end.

I think you already know that they intentionally sink their own boats when spotted at sea, so that the local authorities are being forced to rescue and give them asylum under international law.

everyone who makes it to our coast is sent back, everyone who helps them to our coast instead of theirs is punished

There is no such thing as "international" law. There are particular officers, judges, lawyers and attornies who break the natural law. And they have names, families and addresses.

Get the navy in to intercept and send back migrants (Its not like the navy are doing anything useful at the moment). Deport all migrants. It would actually be very easy to do and it would all be humane if judges and human rights organisations didn't get in the way.

>How would you correct Europe's immigration crisis in the most humanitarian way possible?
1 bullet/nigger

Send them back

You want a serious answer? Here's my serious answer: stop letting the boats hit our shores. Either force them to turn around or sink them.

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nuke israel

>most humanitarian way possible
no such thing, based greekbro

stop giving them welfare, no services provided, citizenship means job, work visa, treat as any other
one crime and deport, conspire to commit terrorism and death sentence
only way to defeat terrorism, join the fight

Deport the ones that are already here comfortably and for free, allowing them to take any possessions/family back with them.
Sink any ships that try to come after this event without mercy as a deterrent and harshly deport any that make it through instantly. We're talking hard labour camps -> straight on the boat within a week ideally.
Give them the carrot, then the stick.

Station the entire navy in the Mediterranean and give them orders to shoot to kill

>How would you correct Europe's immigration crisis in the most humanitarian way possible?
>Serious answers please.
End Central banking, it is only through artificially low interest rates and cheap debt that nations can afford to replace themselves with these migrants with debt that is going parabolic. We can't even afford our replacement, yet through monetary alchemy/fiat central banking, we are funding this, with debt, with interest attached, that is impossible to pay back.
It's that fucking retarded.

Stop giving aid to african and middle eastern countries. They need to find a balance in their ecosystem and continuing to prop up their booming populations is only going to cause billions more to suffer.

OR colonize Africa and correct their backward values like we tried to do before.

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Id sell your soul to the devil. So you wouldn't mind blowing them up.

I wish people could see population logically or like a resource like the Chinese do. They tried to curb their population at least, when that failed they used them in slave labor and whatnot working for 10 cents an hour until they could get standard of living up.

Africa should just stop breeding so much and then try to spend money on upskilling their current population or go brute force and try to get some countries to exploit their labor in a similar way.

Talking about population control is all politically incorrect though and you can't even bring it up to the UN.

>Serious answers please.
close borders. Send every boat back to Africa.
Stop accepting refugees. Make an agreement with some African country to deport every one there with or wthout passport.
Stop giving so many benefits.

boate are not even the "problem". They are still coming via Balkan route and even by plane.

First of all, the only way to really deal with that crisis in to solve the reasons of that crisis at the source which means in all the countries this people are coming from.
That's actually extremely hard because it requires forced change of governance in those countries.

But at least Europe could be just a bit smarter and actually deal a blow to primary provocateurs of that crisis - Russia, Syria, and Iran. It's not that hard to sanction Russian economy down the toilet for their bombardment of Syrian cities and support of various bloody tyrants all around the region.

Let them in, give them technical training and teach them the skills to make their own country a non-shithole, then send them back. If their own countries become decent places to live then they won't have any incentive to flood Europe. Humanitarian enough for the goddamned Dalai Lama.

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well if someone working hard in their country gets less than they get for free on welfare in europe i somehow sense the problem is right here

you line their beaches with 40,000 heads on pikes, problem solved.

Widescale spread of engineered virus which makes non whites positively infertile.

Kill niggers gas kikes. It's been going on covertly for too long. There is no "clean" solution

Build housing projects in their mother countries, like a Marshall Plan. Provide them a plane ticket and a deed to the condo. If accepted then no right of return.

stop the benefits, you'll suddenly see immigration crawl to a stop

That crisis would not have begun without irresponsible politicians who made a call to all theses migrants promising to welcoming them all.
>1/Every security minister should make a proper announcement like Salvini did, helps a lot.
>2/End the propaganda of NGO who give advise and false hope to migrants by cutting their aid or shutting it down.
>3/Make illegal NGO boats who enrich human traffickers.
Captcha agreed with me make these fucking boats illegal

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Neutering, desu. A Mandatory Sterilization Plan for all 1) incoming refugees, 2) immigrants of all kinds, and 3) all welfare recipients.
Have a secret court with anonymous judges preside over all criminal rape cases, with the death penalty for any and all rape offenses.





nigger that's what caused the problem to begin with

End welfare.

Redirect the funds to transporting them back to their home countries. Most of them aren't even refugees, just economic migrants, but if you want, you can invest some of the funds towards the economic development of their countries. Again, invest, not just give. The small handful that are genuine refugees, let them stay until the microsecond their country is determined to be safe enough for them to return, and then make damn sure they go back.

What you have to realize is that this was never something that couldn't be solved easily by those in power. That's bullshit fed to the stupid masses. This is happening because those in power want it to happen. Power has to be taken from them by more responsible people before anything changes, and they won't go down without a vicious fight.

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Not that difficult. Just choose a country in Africa, pay to the government and put the Muslims on a plane to Africa. Africans don't mind, muzzies will have to be obedient. They just cannot make troubles in an African city, because Africa is poor and Africans can just kill them.