Hate is killing your soul

How do you live such a hate filled life?

Hate causes more hate untill it is all you see and feel. You seek out hate for it is not enough. You bring hate home with you and it effects your friends and family. Your hate is out of control.

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>How do you live such a hate filled life?

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> Thinking this thread is about you when there is clearly hate in this board.

Hate is a normal emotion, I guess it’s only okay to hate the evil “nazis” and white people fuck off shill hate is a good thing we hate those who wish to destroy that which we love


When you try and do good.

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So what who’s says hate is a bad thing I got lots of hate for some groups and lots of love for others and I have a great life socially and professionally your whole premise is flawed

This is not occasional hate. This is endless hate. Seeking it out, bringing it home, and passing it onto loved ones. Not reacting to a situation. Hate will destroy those you love. I can see it in your words. You need hate and defend it. It is how you define yourself and live.

You could decrease hate in the world significantly by removing one small group.

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You can feel pretty damn good killing people as well, all depends on your religion.

Every once in a while something happens to remove some hate in the world. Like this.

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Define "good"

Some more hate was removed. This is nice.

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That would be lefist rėddits. We're having fun m8

> Justifying your hate this much. I'm so sorry for you, damn.

Some people just need it to feel fulfilled..
just look at Liberals

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>Pedos in hollywood and government lording over us.
Whats not to hate?

Why do you hate me for hating niggers? Why are you so consumed with hate bro?

Insightful shit eater

never thought I'd be saying this, but based leafs

Based so true

Wow I didn’t know she was like that good thing her toll got paid

Youre the only hateful one here, fren.

Remove hate.

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Cool don’t care

Your humor doesn't mask your hate. It's just tragic that people live like you do. I'm so sorry. Peace brother, I hope you find your way someday.

Her whole family is like that, pure hate.

>seeing things accurate = hate
roger that. need to lower the ol' IQ a bit with fluoridated water and opiods, then

Remember who is full of hate in this world.

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Leftists are some of the most hate filled people though.

>be upper class priviliged hipster making six figures at software techie job
>pet homeless man's dog
>give homeless man a dollar
>shout it to the fucking world what an "awesome" and totally not shallow, sanctimonious little faggot you are

Real heroes don't advertise their good deeds, they just do. Without shoving it in everyone's face on FB or Twatter

Sage this shit thread

Remember to hate the 'correct' group

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Hate towards humans, yes. Hate towards evil incarnate, no. Gee which chosen group of people is evil incarnate?

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let that nigger rape your daughter or else you will confront unpleasant emotions.

the millenial appeal

Why do you hate conservatives and nationalists? Why do you hate people with opposing political views? Why do you hate white people?

Soon it will destroy more than just my soul
Your people will soon hang filthy parasites

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>but because it feels better
we're well aware that your misplaced benevolence is merely to fill a void in your life, our point is that you're not helping, you're actively making it worse

Remember, we must always know who is the real threat. White people.

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If it wasn't for these white people who were so full of hate, the world would be a different place. Very different.

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It's hard to ignore "hate" when what you hate comes to your doorstep. The anti-white agenda is evil. If you don't hate evil, there is something wrong with YOU. You should feel anger in the face of injustice.

National socialism is not about hate

It is about love and striving to better oneself and our species.

If only there was something that could be done.

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Hate comes from love, if you do not hold hate in your heart then you do not love.

Hate is the only thing left that animates me.

I hate this hate so much.

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I hate you

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your posts are pretty fagtarded you're definitely some kind of woman or pervert and you're either making a low iq haily mary or you're projecting hard as fuck right now, just go away


There is no group of people in the US more hateful than modern progressives, so go peddle your bullshit to the
blue checkmarks on twitter.

Luckily, some people have a solution to these evil whites and all their hate. A final solution, if you will.

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Those hateful whites actually think egalitarianism is the goal. The only way to solve the white problem is elimination. The goal is not to change white behavior, it's to end it.

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Remember, only whites can hate.

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Honestly? The word hate in English is way to broad. We hate but not in the sense you make it out to be. It is not senseless, rage fueled despise. It is more like a general aversion.
Most likely, you know someone personally who browses here. This place is too big. You won't notice except for the worst autists. Maybe they hang out with blacks and latinos even. The caricature you are drawing of us is not reality.

Here, we rationalize, yes. We justify, yes. Hate? Sort of. Despise? Maybe. But not for nothing. In this place, most people seek the truth and when they find a speck of it they will hoard it and hoard it like a dragon until they can no more. It ends with conclusions that seem natural. Unfortunately, Pedro and all his countrymen have to leave. Ill visit him back in his country, maybe. Hard to separate the needles from the haystack they say, so all the needles must go.

By the way, I write for the lurkers. You seem hopeless

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Why Is hate bad ?

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>Jow Forums is one person
i fucking hate retards like you

Why can't you people just be Christians, it would be so much less annoying

I hope you guys are doing your part to end racism... and white people.

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After all, white people have no joy. It's only natural that they're only hate.

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Hate is perfectly healthy and natural. If you do not hate then can you protect the people that you love from their enemies?

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Whites were systematically killed and removed from Haiti, then Zimbabwe, now south Africa, and soon all white nations. Soon we'll have the depth of love and culture that we deserve.

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Hate drives me to be better than those I hate and better than what I am since I'm the one I hate most.

I'm just glad we have some really
People to show us the way. When would we be without those people? Seriously. Where would we be?

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It's very important to understand that hate and whiteness is the same thing. The idea that you could ever eliminate hate while allowing whites to live is something ONLY WHITE PEOPLE BELIEVE.

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Nobody hates like the left. Remember that.

Only awful, stupid, white people believe that a world where whites exist can ever be a hate-free world.

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I hope all you white people realize that it's a decision point. Either the hate-free world forseen by our 'ethnic' superiors comes into existence, or our children do. not both.

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>I do good in the world because it feels good to be better than other people
the fucking cringe

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are you retarded or some shit

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>hate is killing your soul
I hate evil. So thats retarded. My soul is fine. Its yours thats fucked. Depart from me i never knew you.

>opting for the easy way out

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>How do you live such a hate filled life?

Also shut up nigger

>Muh feefees
Fitting that these people only do acts of charity to masturbate thier own ego

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If John Lennon wrote a song today it would be about 'imagining' a world with no whites and everyone would be free to practice Islam.

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I think I'm done here. I hope I've raised some awareness that if we ever want to get rid of hate and #stopracism we must actually #endwhitepeople. Which is exactly what they intend on doing.

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Hate = bad for whitey to do
Hate = good for everyone else to do

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I don't hate the vermin, I just don't want them in my garden.

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I tried being nice and everyone around me acts like a prick so now I dont, simple as.
basically, how do you not?

lol... nice b8, faggot
turns out that burger chan is a lot less rayciss than libtards... grow a sense of humor or kys... and if you do kys, try to do it in a funny way, to prove that you did actually grow a sense of humor. lemme know how it turns out.

I am full of hate, I am also the happiest single fucking person where I work. I don't need other people to socially accept me like almost all subhuman niggers do. Tribal collectivist thinking will take straight back to mud huts where you belong. All emotions play a role in evolution, you artificially turn them off because of being sheltered or use drugs, you deserve what's coming to you.

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Everything in your life is about hating shit that doesn't even affect you because some kike told you

You subhuman communist fuck

Where ya LOVE now white boi?

Hate is a natural emotional response to that and those who would destroy you and yours, to not feel hate is a sign of a disordered mind.

This is meaningless shit.

If someone is trying to murder you you need to hate him otherwise you are dead.

Hate is a rational feeling that allows you to overcome dangers that you can avoid.

It is one of the reason why you are even alive.

Now that our form of humanity is under threat of obliteration, hate is more necessary than ever.

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>Your hate is out of control.
maybe you should of did what Zeus told you
to do, love us as you wish to be loved, you
don't want love you want hate, get ready for

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