Reminder that only 12% of children under 4 are white

reminder that only 12% of children under 4 are white.
america is screwed
press F to pay respects

Attached: amerimutt says.jpg (264x191, 8K)

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Only 28% of school children in Texas are white day bye bye to ever winning the presidency

>frees and lets niggers live
>"omg why are we outnumbered?!"
*slow clap*

some thing I read from the bearau of something something or whatever

Spics are the ones breeding like roaches, Pablo.

Nigger population is at a standstill because of general nigger violence and abortion.

We are the ones cucking you, then? Sweet revenge lmao

revenge for what? letting you stay and giving you welfare and free health care?

Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim. Give up goyim.

Hey guys, wanna hear a joke? White birth rates HAHAHAHAHAHA

Revenge for the Native slaughtering, stealing our territory, being racist assholes and all that. Don't act all innocent. Deep down you know you deserve this.

Should have finished the job desu, it's not like spics are actually human.

then get busy murdering the dark ones

Press S for spit.

> finished the job
implying your slow dispossession and low level psychological terror you are subjected to through muh privilige narratives is better than just a full on genocide

For this sort of racist attitude is why I won't mourn the death of your kind. Watching your country die in flames is such a pretty sight. Justice has come once and for all.

At least they're not slavs. We'd rather have the nogs.

I love how third worlders call whites racist, while always having been, and are, "racist" themselves. You're only jealous mate.

Dont worry guys all you need is to reelect trump and whites are saved.

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I don't know where the new Indo-European homeland will be after this paradigm and civilization ends, but everyday it looks less and less like it will be in the US

>"Deep down you know you deserve this."
>t. guy whose ancestors cut the still-beating hearts out of children and ate them as recently as a few hundred years ago

Mm hmm. Do go on.

so , in other words, something that you just pulled out of your ass and decided to kill a thread over

you're not white shitskin

so evolution is saying purebreed white is inferior? who would have guessed.

>implying we won't just start chucking nukes around to even up the numbers
We will survive the apocalypse.

No worries, without the US all the Hispanic countries will collapse as well since spics are too subhuman to manage nations, so you get to enjoy the collapse as well.

it is a white invented planet. everyone else just lives here. we will be taking that back. thanks.

That's a very weird thing to love. Either way, white Americans are dying like flies.

Faggot, I'm Mexican. We've always been on flames. We'll manage.

Looking as well.
>Babies of color now outnumber non-Hispanic white babies (1 year or younger), according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. The newest estimate shows that on July 1, 2015, the population of racial or ethnic minority babies was 50.2 percent
But that's babies, not children under 4. Can't see how the white percentage would drop so low in between 1-4 unless they're bringing in lots of toddlers

Good thing I plan on having at least 3 white children

If you're not good looking don't fuck over innocent kids

Okay Moshe

You realize all Mexicans are Spanish rape babies right? You want to take revenge on yourself?

why don't you Americans use your guns to remove your nigger problem?

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>Stealing our territory
As if it was ever truly ours. We neglected our (former) north for fuck sake. The American southwest would have - under Mexican rule
- looked no different from the rest of our country: like SHIT.

>You realize all Mexicans are Spanish rape babies right?
Maybe in the 1500s. Not anymore.
>You want to take revenge on yourself?
We're taking revenge against Anglo Americans and we're winning the war, it seems.

revenge for what? you're not a race, gringito.

Just jealous because your shitty ancestors left you nothing of significance, so to feel any sort of fulfillment you have to see "muh white racists!" Shit destroyed too? Do you retards forget who you depend on for sustenance? When all the 1st world countries go to shit, who will yall leech off of then?

I shouldn't be the one to tell you this but, people been treating each other like shit since the beginning of time. It's never going to end, Skeeter.

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cringe. opinion discarded.

You're just taking back the land that was taken from you through force (or implication of force). And doing it in a way that is relatively peaceful. You can't blame us for trying to stop you, but if someone had taken my ancestors land I'd do the same thing. We will continue to try and stop you though. Even more so to stop all the countries below you from sending their peeps through your country into ours. You don't even want them, why would we?

We are a People, though. And we're outnumbering you as time goes by. Call it fate, call it karma.

My eyes

You know it's true, attack my grammer all you want, it does not change the fact that mexicans are fucking useless, and im disgusted to be half Mexican, if I had the power that place would be a desert of radioactive glass.

Just more to be killed in the nuclear purge. Most of those babies are from rapes anyway.

Imagine seeing kindergarten classes in states like CA, TX, & FL. Try and find blue and green eyes.

Even fucking Nazis are half Mexican now? lmao the absolute state of America and people still doubt we're silently winning the war.

being the underdog is much more satisfying anyway. two bottle spanish comeback

>Just more to be killed in the nuclear purge.
Yeah, in your faggot Nazi fantasies.
>Most of those babies are from rapes anyway.
Major cope righ there.

>basado y rojopastillado
Mande a la verga al otro puto indio envidioso

Just keep sending us your "best" and your kids, we will keep locking then up in cages and pimping them out to the eilte. Sure, you guys are winning!!