what is the future of america Jow Forums?
What is the future of america Jow Forums?
Nothing you'd like and a bunch of stuff everyone else would.
I recommend suicide.
Someone said there is going to be a civil war that makes Yugoslavia look like a walk in the park. That’s kind of what I am thinking will happen. The kikes just can’t help themselves.
More democracy
I predict some states and citites become mostly mexican and black and some near 100% white as white people leave immigrant infested areas. Then as the mexican areas become shitholes like mexico they will want to 'migrate' again to the white states and thats when the race wars begin.
Fall of Rome 2.0. It too will take place over decades. Internecine strife will be a common occurrence. Never ending fracturing, breaking down of our cherished customs and culture. Everything we hold special will be brought down.
if so what would it be fought over? race? social class? corruption in our government? will it revolutionize america?
Doesn’t really matter what the specific impetus is, does it? What everyone is fooling themselves with is their own self delusion that it will be fixed, or that violence is permanently cleansing, etc. It will just end up happening again, as it has countless times before.
It will be fought over secession. A group, of white people, will try to flee. And when that happens, wherever they flee to will get attacked unmercifully to be opened but by this point there will be enough white people and few enough white people that they will actually fight back against the destruction of this place and that is when all hell will break loose.
Civil war
i feel greasy just looking at this picture....
Sodom and Gomorrah.
Civil War we are long overdue. We need to claim a ethnostate within the states. Take the low populated areas the Republicans and Democrats should fight themselves to death.
There’s no republicans and democtats fighting to death. They are the same.
You're right. Just a political division to keep us divided. The civil war will be between self preservation vs destruction.
The stock market, which is an indicator of how well the upper class is faring, will continue to rise.
The rest of us will fall futher and further into debt.
The economy will collapse, the wealthy will escape to Europe, and the rest of us will wallow in filth and squalor until death takes us.
america has no future. it will implode and fight itself until it is dead.
more room for the indians again.
>Civil war
But it's going to be a Lebanon-style civil war: pockets of conflict everywhere, with no clear geographical divisions.
It's already happening. I live the in the suburbs and never go into the city because it's not safe. No im seeing more degenerates come out into the suburbs and causing trouble. I'm ready to leave this country.
>Trump gets reelected
>libs go full retard
>conservatives receive attacks until fed up
>Shot heard round the world.
>U.S. enters 2nd civil war
>China sensing weakness invades Taiwan
>Iran attacks everyone else, gets shit on by everyone else too
>Russia laughs because war costs oil and they sell oil and everyone else too busy to pump
>Eurofaggots achieve highest level of faggotry and somehow cuck themselves like the ouroboros.
Depending on which side ended up winning U.S. civil war, decides the fate of the planet.
Other way this goes:
>Trump loses 2020 election
>Liberals think that they're free to do whatever they want
>Ban guns
>Conservatives keep guns
>Ban speech
>Regular people in U.S. now live like bongs
>Ban everything!!!
>U.S. descends into fascist communism
>Re-education camps for everyone to right of Stalin
>Conservatives Nope
>2nd American Civil War begins!
After that the above applies.
Pretty much this experiment is only going to end one way in the next six years.
Total Global Hegemony
> t. globo
Niggers, we ARE the Globo
Balkanization and the dawn of Jow Forums anons as regional warlords. Screencap this fellow warlords.
I plan to kill Jews, pedos and traitors to humanity on both sides.
A brown america.
The numbers don't lie!
My dreams my finally come true
Will my melancholy meet its end?
Right in line with what ive been saying..