I hope Brandon gets dementia. see how fun it is fun is for that fucking nigger jew
>As she got more and more mentally ill and more like a vegetable, she stopped thinking that my family's degenerate fucking abomination of a life was bad.
Have fun burning in hell you fucking vermin.
This is "sickle cell anemia protects against malaria" tier.
>the only way to stop people from hating fags is to literally erase their brains
sounds like a normal and reasonable thing for someone to get really excited about
>mental illness is required to accept faggots
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that leftists are NPCs.
agreed, fuck normalfags
Couldn't it just be that she has seen it all before and is tired of it? Most familys that really disapprove of homosexuals just cut ties so there would never be a repeat event anyway.
lesbian has gay kid
environmental or genetic?
What a surprise that a lesbian mother would raise a gay son, wow, golly, gee.
>you literally have to be mentally ill to like gays
Why is the left doing this?
>you accept degenerates more when your mind degrades.
Romans had gay orgies you know
and they're burning in hell for it.
The Pope said that atheists can go to heaven.
he's not wrong I don't think.
And Pompeii ended up like sodom
The new pope is full of shit
Then gays and Romans can go to heaven too.
>only the mentally ill will accept other mentally ill as normal
yup, that makes a lot of sense
Yeah and Hitler had one testicle, snorted coke and bad a transgender boyfriend.
Dementia is a degenerative disease not mental illness
Prove it. PRO TIP: Hole-y Babble quotes are NOT proof.
My grandads dementia made him forget he was a smoker
>celebrating a lifestyle of dicks in the ass and corruption of children is the same as celebrating a career of protecting people
Yep, your brain damaged
>protecting people
>people actually believe this
not the every day roman.
Going to have to agree with the commie on this one. The cops are your enemies. The only people who will protect you is yourself and your close friends.
Whats interesting is that in cardiac arrest patients, only 10% or so have an NDE that they recall. Now lets ASSUME for a second that these are genuine. That whatever makes up the conscious part of a human leaves the body upon lack of brain activity (brain activity shows pretty much no electrical activity on an EEG after 20 or so seconds after blood stops pumping to the brain, making consciousness not possible based on current understanding of the brain).
Why do only 10% report having an NDE? Is it actually indeed possible that only 10% of people have "souls", and the rest are NPCs? Indeed it does seem like theres few people out there who are capable of independent and original thought.
Having an issue with your grandma refusing to approve of your gay relationship before she dies because of her religion? Simply set the talmudvision in front of her and watch in delight as her precious memories and facets of her personality are replaced with CNN talking points, before those too vanish like stars in the night.
I agree they have a lot of negatives but if there wasn't any sort of feared entity, the streets would turn into planet of the apes pretty quickly. I don't really see a better alternative (other than eradication of all niggers) unless you want it to be like Apefrica where you deadbolt every door, have iron bars on the windows, have a gun within arms reach at all times, etc.
>not being close friends with your smalltown cop
my father's dementia makes him read anti trump books constantly
>Memories of your whole life experience going away, dying bits and bits everyday as you stop recognizing your loved ones, the raw horror of having your consciousness intact but the rest of you slowly fading away
>But it's okay because my dumbass political views means everything
This is one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen honestly
"At first, he hated taking things in his ass, but as we persisted daily..."
This fucking timeline.
If he ever has to choose you or the law he will pick the law every time. You can never be friends with a cop. Doing so only gives them more opportunity to get dirt on you.
what a fucking faggot
That's simply untrue though. Cops often look the other way for their friends, unless you're doing something really bad. What laws are you breaking that the cop would choose over you? Are you some sort of degenerate?
Imagine using your relative's mental disease as an article story.
This guy needs to kill himself.
Brandon Sargent, name is ingrained in my memory now. Good job, Brandon. I won't forget you now.
haha, that picture always flushes out at least one of these
>Oh no the kids were drinking underage because retarded american laws don't allow children to drink therefore my house got raided by the cops brought by the guy I thought was my friend!!!
Cops look the other way if they are corrupt. There is no need to befriend them to offer them money.
>The world may never know.
>mental illness runs the in family
Gays are so disgusting you need to have a mentall illness to tolerate them
Attacking cops for no reason is pretty fucking stupid and i say this as a rad socialist. If they attack you like they did the yellow vests then it is ok
I hope he forgets he's a faggot before he dies.
Then has to read the article at the mental age of 10 going "what I liked penis?! disgusting."
Lobotomies make people more tolerant!
and what happened to their empire again?
destroyed from within because they let in too many non-ethnic romans since the actual romans were living high on the hog and didn't want to do menial jobs - hmmmm
The last popes are jewish dick suckers
t. Agnostic Atheist
>Cops are bad
>Police State is good
What did commie faggot mean by this?
Thumbnail fuggg. I don't have a good copy of that saved. I'll just go an hero now.
Imagine badgering a dying old woman about how you like to suck cock when she doesn't even know you're her grandson. Then call it a victory when she gives you a vacant smile, shiny with drool, and nods politely because she hasn't spoken to anyone interested in her for her as long as she can recall, unless it's about whether or not she needs her adult diaper changed. Then when you see this reaction, you heap praise on her, and she smiles again because it feels so good to have someone smile at you. She has the vague idea that her life wasn't very filled with that, but she feels good for this brief moment, an oasis in an otherwise terrible existence of pain and confusion. She hopes these nice young people comeback to sit with her again, she's so lonely, been so lonely for so long, as long as she can remember. Then as you're feeling proud of yourself, oblivious to her thoughts as she is of yours, you drop another line about your hot boyfriend moving in together and how you might give her a great-grandchild through adoption. Her eyes light up at the idea, it's been so long since she's seen a young child, she would love to see one again in the time she still has. Then you interpret this as a moral victory, a death bed confession of how you were right and she was wrong, all these long years. And you forgive her. And then sitting there in a strange place far from either's home, with you unwilling to understand her, and she unable to understand anything, the three generations of you become a happy family for the first time in your lives. At least it feels like happiness for that brief moment, and then you get an idea for your weekly required article, and you've got to go. You made so much progress with her in such a short time. You haven't seen her in countless years, and just 15 minutes with you as a mature adult, she's like a different person! Got to go grandma, we're so happy you've finally changed.
Fag tolerance is a mental illness, though
They don't do their job though. Remember the race riots in 2014? They did jackshit. The only thing modern cops are good for is protecting the rich and the government
>I support the people that protect a corrupt oligarchal government that's replacing me
>Communism is against corrupt oligarchal goverment
imagine unironically believing this
>having any authority whatsoever
Pick one
He's literally God's representative on Earth for Catholics. Are you implying God himself has no authority?
At least commie countries don't replace their own people for cheap labor or let fags run rampant
>my commiesars are not tyrants like you cops
>Dr. Zucker lost his job amid claims he was trying to 'cure' children
Fucking clown world
10/10 summation
communism is about a small "equal elite" controlling the labor force, and that labor force is easily replaceable.
But it's purely chance, user! Not in the least bit environmental!
homosexuality is so a mental disease that elderly people with families, sons and grandsons suddenly turns into homos that It's obvious that the neurodegeneration is behind the behaviour.
>commies actually believe this
No you just let your kike elites kill millions for having a two story houses.
what the fuck
my grandma's getting dementia and it made her remember her anti-semitism
Oh yes, like the soviet union. which coined the term "racist" as to be able to relocate people to different places, erase their cultural heritage and basically destroy their identity for the greater good.
I don't think commie faggot have any ethnical lessons to give.
>Why do only 10% report having an NDE?
Most NDE's remove fear of death, sort of a loved ones are waiting for you, you're going to heaven kind of thing. Maybe a hell trip is difficult to remember, or likely to be lied about.
>At least commie countries don't replace their own people for cheap labor, since their own 'citizens' are a slave labor force, they do have to kill a few million scapegoats now and then, but it's for the greater good.
Communism is great at preventing the slow capture of institutions and creeping corruption; it immediately captures all institutions and jumps to maximum corruption.
that's mostly abuse, using someone's disability for your own benefit (in this case, not being called a faggot)
last I remember their Empire began falling when they mixed with the Etruscans
>Grandfather develops alzheimers
>Starts calling me Seung, who is some informant kid from his time in Korea
>Grandfather starts speaking korean to me
>mfw half indo half white mutt
Could dementia make a person forget their homosexuality?
>tfw your country's political view is always "back up" with capitalism
I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing.
funny, as MY grandma got older and older, she started muttering about niggers more and more, about how they would dig through her trash cans and how bad she remembered they smelled last time she walked by one, dozen++ years ago, etc.
checked & based
>seen this when I loaded FF this morning
I'm getting real tired of this shit.
human 1500 years into the future:
>americans had gay orgies like all the time. don't you know how much gay porno they filmed? it was normal for them
good point
This is why we need eugenics.
More like 15 minutes into the future. America is well known to be the gayest country on the planet by a long way.
Jow Forumss retard hero Trump is launching a global initiative to help faggots everywhere
She became less intelligent and then accepted 'progressive' evil. Not surprised. There's a strong correlation with low intelligence and progressivism.
There is no such thing as a soul. It was an old concept to explain death.
Are you nonwhite? What you described doesn't happen in small white american towns, user.
You'll only know the pain too late. Cops can never be your friend. It's like trusting a nigger.
I dunno man, buying 3 orders of large french fries and wearing a fannypack with headphones still on at Wendys seems to my encounters with the autistic.
user, the only example you've given is one where I've personally experienced the opposite. I think you're just looking for a reason to hate cops, when you should really just hate anyone in a city
Don't say I didn't warn you when you or one of your close ones gets fucked over by your 'friend'.
The job of a cop is not to protect people. It is not to save people. It is not to help people.
The job of a cop is to enforce the law, especially through violence and use of force.