Get your ass kicked by the Nazis

>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later

Attached: dunkirk.jpg (600x875, 88K)

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What a cucked country

they got revenge on the nazis tho

>be germany
>start both world wars in under 50 years
>lose both

Hey man that was Austria

can someone explain what happened in Dunkirk?
Did Hitler give them the time to evacuate? Or did he just hesitate for some reason?

>Be German
>Start a war you cannot win
>Lose in less than five years
>20 years later start another war you cannot win
>Lose that war in less than six years
>Brag about how it didn't count because you "fought the whole world alone"

Hitler ordered a halt because he was fearing for one of his flanks and wanted the soldiers to refit. Goering promised the Luftwaffe would destroy all the british. Hitler realized the fuck up and resumed the attack. The germans were held off by the french.

Brits have been try-hard faggots since Deutchland surpassed them economically early 20th century.

Their lower classes are even worse - they're smug in their uselessness/entitlement.

Attached: Brit.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>Goering promised
Why did Hitler every believe that fat fuck?

Attached: Question.jpg (1024x819, 71K)

>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you

Don't remember any Americans helping us for the 'Battle of Britain'. All I remember were Spitfires BTFO of the overwhelming Luftwaffe and Mr Hitler getting very pissed off.

>be america
>enter both world wars
>win both

Lol Germany didnt start any of those wars

Hitler didn’t commit a fuck up and made a reasonable decision to secure his flanks. He resumed his attack when the flanks were more properly secured

the German divisions had been fighting for weeks straight in order to surround the British at Dunkirk, there was infighting in the German high command as to whether they should rest for a few days before advancing or continue advancing now to crush the pocket. IIRC Field Marshal von Rundstedt wanted the tanks to advance and he seized control of the tank divisions from their commanders without permission from Hitler (something you really shouldn't do). contrary to popular belief, Hitler did usually let his generals make the decisions and work things out. However in this instance Hitler had to step in and assert his authority in order to maintain discipline in the army command. He told everyone to shut the fuck up and that the tank divisions would rest and that would be the end of it.

TL;DR Hitler ordered the divisions to halt because of command infighting and exhausted troops, not because he cared about sparing the British

Deployed to Cyprus?

Soviets won the war with American supplies but yes British were a bunch of pussies in ww2

I've heard so much bullshit regarding this; your account makes the most sense by far.

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Americucks won nothing

you have to admit, it's a pretty good story.

Can someone recommend a good impartial/objective history book about WW2, as close to the facts as possible. Not interpretive, to the extent that's possible, just descriptive of what happened.

before the war hitler liked Britain and respected its people and monarch . i dont know where these British hating german kikes are coming from.

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British were a bunch of cucks who had to resort to carpet bombing civilian cities and then had the audacity to say nazis committed war crimes

Some of you germans are alright, don't go to the mosque (in minecraft) tomorrow

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his left flank was also dangerously exposed. that made the stopping of the push nessessary.

Not daddy America but mother russia

total war is a bitch dude

Churchill was a war monger who tricked the public into thinking they were the good guys.


yeah that as well

Strawmans everywhere

so much this dude... i'm so sick of the stupid war movies kissing the ass sucking the cock reach arounding "the greatest (gayest) generation"

congrats morons churchill fdr and stalin were masons and the nwo got what they wanted again while millions of beautiful german people got killed

i fuckin hate the sheep so much for eating up this nonsense as historical fact

didn't become PM until 2 days before the fall of france. blame should go to chamberlain and halifax. churchill saved the day.

>hitler liked Britain and respected its people and monarch

Well they were German.


>"total war means total victory"

Attached: german military poster ww2.jpg (640x914, 128K)

>Amerimutt on vacation

America did jack shit, Russia pushed Germany's shit in with British intelligence (code breaking).

Attached: MuttArmyFag.jpg (720x1080, 158K)

>burger ed
While WW2 can make a point for that (eventhough germanys hand was kinda forced, they still technically declared war first), it's literally just false for WW1


>if kaiser wilhelm didnt give a blank check to austria then ww1 wouldve still happened
>german ed

true but the British public he labeled as the "true Aryans" were not German.

It was either
>let austria sperg and get itself obliterated, destroying your only semi-reliable ally in europe
>let austria sperg but assure support, and pray to Gott that the Schlieffen plan works and you can kill france before britain can blockade you to oblivion
Both options were shit, one just a had a chance of success

honk honk nigger

>history is written by the winner
die mad about it, mudblood

Oh and make sure you give those degenerates in the picture more attention, its probably not the driving force for their lifestyle. Imagine having that shit on your HDD just to troll burgers, the absolute state lmao

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He considered all Europeans as true Aryans.

The British were the 'good guys' you bloody ninny.
Seriously, read or watch something outside of here.
The UK never invaded Poland or the rest of bloody Europe.
Besides the Germans also tried to blow up civilians, in the US.

See German 'Saboteurs'. They all got the electric chair in 1941(?) aside from one, who was imprisoned for life, for giving a warning.

Yes but he also went onto say after the war had begun that the british were jews disguised as aryans so. Quite a contrast

The Germans by the time of Dunkirk had out run their support infantry. This support infantry are what creates break throughs and destroys hardened positions. This was especially true with the armor Germany had at this point in the war.
The army could not have attacked the prepared position until the infantry units caught up. There was no way to outmaneuver the allies which was how the Germans were achieving victory. They would have had to smash into the teeth of their defense with air cover from Britain preventing the use of the stukas.
Hitler really had no choice but to use the Air Force.
Could the air force have done more? Yes / maybe

This really was a victory for the allies. It saved the core of the British army. These were the men that were trained for years. They knew how to perform the day to day activities of soldiering. They would eventually become the NCOs and Officers of the expanding army. Their destruction and imprisonment would have forced Britain to surrender or sue for peace terms.

>Be Germany in 1933
>Be one of the poorest nation in the world.
> in 8 year the whole world got to team up to defeat you.

I don't think there is such a thing.

>be germany
>be stupid enough to start world war in exchange for american economic assistance
>what could go wrong

I guess that what he meant by that was that the British looked like Aryans physically but had a jewish personality. That's at least my interpretation.

>Their destruction and imprisonment would have forced Britain to surrender or sue for peace terms

No chance.
UK drew up plans to fight them, even if there army was destroyed.
Brits don't surrender, no matter how hard it gets.

Lol good luck mate. Everything is jewified

>Prescot Bush

German tanks had Ford engines.
WW2, benefited the American elite first and foremost.

If the British were the good guys explain why they used communism to defeat the fascist powers?

No no no if they were good they would stomp out communism and cede their empire in Asia.

> Be Hitler
> don't give a fuck about USA because you consider them a melting pot not even worth saving
> start rebelling against jews' gold mafia
> American Jews smell the risk
> convince the whole America population that Hitler is going to invade US once he his done with Europe
> White Americans take the bait and travels to their ancient homeland to kill their brothers
> only hope for white Europe killed by other Europeans
> Jews' money are safe and white males are decimated


The actual american government, as in state-owned enterprises, were funding and supplying Hitler with military materials. They are responsible for ww2.

Watch how the geRmoid copes and observe true defeat

Hitler did declare war on USA though, making it much easier to sell the intervention in Europe to American public.

whats most remarkable to me is that an autistic vegan hobo and enlisted man brought world jewery to its knees and they are still highly sensitive about it 80 years later

Don't blame America as much as the British empire. Americans have always been anti tyranny in general so its easy to sway them against the fascist figureheads.

If Britain accepted peace with Germany then America would have to follow.


>why they used communism to defeat the fascist powers?

The British entered into an uneasy pact as allies with them. Churchill was never comfortable with it. Americans weren't either towards the end of the war.

Churchill wanted to attack the USSR at the end of the war but knew he couldn't get away with it. The americans nuked japan to scare the soviets. But yeah they were best buds lol.

That's right goy

>be Pooland
>start shit flinging
>act like a victim forever after

True, but I was talking about the white cliffs of Dover, not some far flung colony of the empire in the middle of ww2.

I heard something about the french holding back the germans whilst the brits fled back across the channel.

recent documents showed that Stalin wanted to make an alliance with the Brits and French but they didn't respond. thats why he ended up making the pact with Hitler and splitting Poland instead. and after the war started it was all or nothing

Yes, total war against other Europeans on the behest of the kikes. The only reason it was a "total war" was because london bankers made it a total war. Both Germany and England lost by not signing a peace after dunkirk.

Germany could not beat the soviet union you retard. How many times do you need to be told this. If the brits and americans didn't intervene you would be crying about how they should have saved Hitler instead.

Everyone has plans
It did not matter; those troops were the cream of the British army.
Politically he would not have been able to stand. Any terms that that were short of humiliation would have been taken.

lol look at this dirty spic

Germany would have made mince meat of the soviet union, had they had only to fight a a one front war, and the US wan't propping up the soviets with aid.

Nah that was Austria

>Brits don't surrender, no matter how hard it gets.
So based, never surrender fighting for jewish interests, no matter how much it fucks over ethnic Britains and their empire.

Be happy your comrades were able to fool us with the chimney you built after the war.

but that's wrong you dumb fucking wehrb. the soviet union's economy was outproducing the germanoids just fine

Only a few industrialists made very marginal transactions with the reich. It's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the lend lease given to the allies and the SU.

That’s what happens when you fight for Jews instead of your own people

Yes the soviets used Germany to take territory knowing German ambition was all to the east. They signed an an armistice with Finland so they would have a free hand to negotiate with the western powers later after Germany lost.

The deal with Germany was a non aggression pact not an alliance. So when relations broke down over Romanian oil fields it was war. You can say soviets outplayed all parties and you can say they won WW2 which is why Russia has a victory parade to celebrate their victory over the nazis.

what about the part where churchill and the rothschilds helped create israel. thanks UK!

>the soviet union's economy was outproducing the germanoids just fine
So? You got pushed back to fucking Stalingrad. Do you know how much of a distance the Germans completely kicked the SU's ass for? That was while Germany was fighting a two front war and the largest economy in the world (the US) was propping the SU up. No one with half a brain-cell thinks the SU stood a chance 1v1.

Fucking kike

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Maybe not in its entirety but if Mussolini hadn't fucked up the Balkans then they would have taken Moscow in the summer of 41. I doubt the soviet union itself would have survived. Probably just a never ending insurgency east of the urals

completely wrong. the luftwaffe wouldn't even be able to function without american ethyl lead and germans couldn't built a war economy without american synthetic rubber.

>In 1938, just before the outbreak of war in Europe, the German Luftwaffe had an urgent requirement for 500 tons of tetraethyl lead. Ethyl was advised by an official of DuPont that such quantities of ethyl would be used by Germany for military purposes. [14] This 500 tons was loaned by the Ethyl Export Corporation of New York to Ethyl G.m.b.H. of Germany, in a transaction arranged by the Reich Air Ministry with I.G. Farben director Mueller-Cunradi. The collateral security was arranged in a letter dated September 21, 1938 through Brown Brothers, Harriman & Co. of New York. [15]

Pretty useless when your production gets overrun, retard-kun.

You mean the jews won ww2. The same jews that controlled the SU and western finance.

>Don't remember any Americans helping us for the 'Battle of Britain'.
brits were too busy burning everyone alive in dresden, pass

Are you serious rare nigger if it wasn’t for lend lease Stalin would have gotten his shit pushed in past the Urals

>germany trading with a country is proof Germany couldn't get those supplies anywhere else

how many gulags did it take for that you LARPing asshole

Only Rotterdam is comparable in tactical unreasonableness


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Yes the British empire used the USSR to defeat Germany. And then once Germany was defeated they wanted to defeat the USSR but America did not. America actually is responsible for the British losing their empire.

So that's what im saying. The British were stupid to ally America. America never should've had any say so how the final results would be. America is why classical empires do not exist today.