How was your hometown changed in the past ten years?

How was your hometown changed in the past ten years?

I moved back to my small rural town recently and have seen more blacks and Muslims in the past month than I did here my entire childhood.

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60% of millennials moved away.

To other parts of Macedonia, or to other countries?

Ontario town near Toronto went from 98% white to 80% in 10 years , whats worse is all the old good ol boys left cause they property values have doubled and now rich white yuppies are moving in trying to get the shooting range shut down cause its too loud.

Are there any statistics on Toronto's racial demographics at this point? I believe in Canada you measure the "visible minority" demographic.

Probably around 70% to Skopje, and the rest split equally between the rest of Macedonia and abroad. Of course, I don't have official stats to confirm, but it's mostly Skopje.

There are less and less people every year, replaced by single mothers with 3-4 mutts. People at work were just talking about how young people die so often now.

50% of the people in Toronto were not even born in Canada not even joking its just one giant make money operation for the government its out of control sprawl

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Is this because of the opioid epidemic? It's really sad to see, from an outside perspective. I'm guessing you're in the rust belt or Appalachia?

Upstate New York near the Adirondacks. Heroine overdoses and people fleeing. They closed down a school due to falling population.

What did people do for work there before? It looks like a very isolated region.

Minnesota. Please kill me. Drugs, car accidents, people disappearing into their homes and never emerging. They said kids in the school never used to die like this.

Home town is still 99% white. A new housing development started ten years ago a 15 minute drive from my town. All niggers and towel heads. I'm assuming my town will be enriched in the near future.

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I'm surrounded by spics and niggers in san diego now. Sometimes I call that stinky cunt Kamala Harris and leave messages about her opposing the wall and how run down everything is. I sure her aides just hit delete. LA is worse but SD is catching up, fuck all of our politians in CA, they are the enemy of the people.

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Truly sad. How are you managing to earn a living there?

>people disappearing into their homes and never emerging


>more kebabs
>paki grocery stores
>chinese 1€ shops
>southamerican women caretakers for grannys
>northeuropean and american tourists
>arab families amd mezquitas

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i live in a town in Oregon of about 9000, always was a white place. a sundown town back when those were a thing. There are only about 4 black people, but 1300 Chinese have moved in since 2008! there is also now a small Muslim community but they are still in a small enough number they are still acting like they are kind, takbir..

thanks Satan, i was having a bad day but now its a tripples kinda day. lets all get wasted!

What do the Chinese do for work?

most are high school age which is wierd.. they arnt 2nd gen.. fresh off the boat and rude

The numbers are even worse than that considering large numbers of Indians and other undesirables start out in Toronto, but then move on to populate other cities further west, filling the various quotas for many franchises that specialize in hiring them.


More white families with a ton of kids. When I was growing up in my small town my brother, myself, and a few other kids were the only kids in the entire town since most of the people there were retirees. Now there's kids everywhere.

I'm in Exmouth (implying anywhere knows where that is)
You'd imagine it hasn't changed much. It's still very white but for some reason, I'd imagine social media and cunts being moved away from places from London and Manchester, there's kids around here running around with knives.

Everyday is like Sunday

>grow up in comfy NZ beachside town of 5k population in the late 90s / early 2000s
>town was 100% white
>these days when I stay there for a few weeks I always see a few niggers every day and tons and tons of chinks

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Farm and work in Mills/Factories. Then all of those Mills/factories got shipped overseas and the govt told the people that got left behind to pound sand. Happened to my family in the Appalachians.

Are the government doing anything to stop so many Chinese people moving to NZ?

It got a little better, but when the fugee crisis was going on, we had way more drug dealers on the street, more assaults, and way more theft. A lot of "international" organized crime is getting BTFO right now in my area. (Bremen and surroundings)

>How was your hometown changed in the past ten years?

We went from 10% mexican to just 5% when we were expecting to be a Spanish speaking county by 2013, white kids everywhere, and no dindu's ruining things

moving them here is my guess. like.. its weird you mentioned jobs, they dont have them. I think they are doing what the Mexicans are doing but slower and quietly.

Black people and migrants are congregating, mostly around the university. That's how globalhomo spreads - I'm from Tallinn originally.

Working for a decaying generation of boomers. They can't manage anything involving technology, but I can. Most of their houses are falling apart and they're too weak to even start a lawnmower, half the time.
They go in, and that's the last anyone hears of them. Happens to all ages. They never come out, they're never seen again. Then you read through the obituaries and suddenly someone you know is in there. They lost the will to do anything and rotted away with no one to notice.

Choked with homeless, just as Hispanic, and now I have blacks on my block. The last one is the most recent

My old school was majority white when I went to it and now it's majority immigrants

>I moved back to my small rural town

LOSER - you can NEVER go home again.

Thomas Wolfe pls

they're doing everything in their power to increase the amount of chinks coming here (boomers love the chink money). All the parties support chink immigration. Its over for us.

What does the average white millenial male think about it, in your experience? People my age in my region are hostile to the idea of mass immigration, but don't really dwell on it.

Gotta keep their Ponzi schemes running even if it means their grandchildren will live in squalor.

I lived in many places because we moved a lot but almost all of them are now heroin wastelands. The town I went to high school in is still cozy but a bunch of developers are moving in and I feel more disconnected from it every time I visit.

most call you racist if you point it out, altho they can be easily converted with some redpills. Boomers outright call you a nazi etc.

Know any good houses for sale?
I'll start learning Macedonian tomorrow.

I live in an area in Northern Ireland which shall remain unnamed because everywhere here is small and I could get doxxed very easily.

It used to be a small rural-ish community (only a few minutes from a nearby "city" but still quite rural and isolated) with the centre of the community being the church, as well as a family grocer's.
Everyone knew one another, but not in the stereotypical almost cultish burger fashion-everyone just recognised one another and was generally pleasant if you happened to encounter someone.
I used to finish school at my shitty little primary school and walk home, cutting through a path behind a line of trees next to where a farmer grew a lot of strawberries. When I grew up I'd get the train into Belfast to study and then the train home again, taking a similar path home.
However since I was a kid the place changed a lot. It used to be majority "Catholic" (Catholic is more a community than a faith here) and it was very "Irish." It was one of the many parts of NI that is only in the UK by name, since you'd be hard pressed to find any evidence of it other than the fact that we accepted sterling as well as euros in the shops.
Anyway, by the time I was about 20 the area was much more Protestant. Many families had moved into a new housing development near the centre and suddenly it was all a lot more private.
We didn't know them, they didn't know us. Their kids would cycle around and get drunk in the field near my house, and they'd cause havoc in the shop near me.
More people came, more houses built. Some rich protestantfags from the city moved out and added to the shitty population.
Their houses were ugly and dirty, their kids were shitty and niggerish and they were grossly loud.
After them came the chinks, and at long last the browns. The "village" might as well be part of the city we're near now because it's just shit.the place is full of screaming prodlings who all dress and act like they're black.

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Tons of new schools being built in my area of SC. Because of Mexicans, or wherever their from. I get to finance my demise, what a life.

Almost nothing changed in my hometown.
There's some niggers in the capital but mostly tourist. Saw an elementary school class going to botanical garden last week. One if the children was a nigger.
I don't really hate niggers. Most of them are mixed native speaking slovenes. They intergrate so it's not too bad. But they are just so much uglier compared to pure Slavs. It's such a shame to lose rare beautiful genes.

I would suggest buying some land and building your own house. $50.000 would raise you a comfy modest house for you and your trad waifu.

west german town
back in the 90´s it was 90% german
now it´s overrun by "hospital tourist" from the middle east and a 3rd world shithole

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I live in a neighborhood of about 300 people where nobody makes less then 150k a year. We’re all white except for maybe 8 Asian families. We put up a neighborhood basketball court for the kids to play in and after a while the hood boys found out and they come up there blasting their rap music and leaving a mess and being a general nuisance while my boomer neighbors try to sleep. We call the police every other day to get them out of there. It’s such a horrible thing, the kids can’t even play up there now and it’s constantly dirty and loud. Animals.

I used to live in a small town in the South-East. I moved 10 mile away but I still visit it a lot. Stuff that's changed
>Housing has been built in the areas where I spent childhood fun
>Housing being built everywhere now
>Housing built along a bypass originally built so trucks don't bypass the town
>More niggers and shitskins
>Druggie scum who think they are hard as nails
>Pride event in a town of 10-15k

There are a lot more ugly middle class houses, hopefully the church was fixed and is really beautiful, some other places were also repaired nicely.
There are also some old houses almost collapsing unfortunately...

Pubs keep closing and getting knocked down to be replaced with housing (the mid 2000's alcohol tax and smoking ban plan). In razing the pubs, the chance of making new kin reduces greatly and it becomes impossible for elders to have anywhere to go to impart wisdom to our bastard youth, which is the purpose pubs did serve in Britain for many centuries. SO many have disappeared.

Elsewhere there is a problem with Jew Plants. They fit in amongst our fringes by larping.

Town is actually improving overall with new industries and companies moving in and doing urban renewal. Infrastructure still kinda sucks, but is tolerable. Though a lot of the smaller aging neighborhood are getting houses knocked down and replaced by either townhomes, apartment complexes, or two story family shitboxes with attached garage.

Invest in housing perhaps? Section 8 housing will drop the price of homes immediately nearby but raise the price of homes in non affected neighborhoods. That is, if the home prices and your loan ability is tolerable.

My father was born in
Tower hamlets 1960
I was born in Tilbury 1997
We moved to Grays 2002
We moved to East Tilbur2005
We then moved to Chelmsfor2010
All the places up to chelmsford are majority nigger/muslim invested. crime has taken hold, their is so little council tax paid that the police dont even have a HQ in tilbury anymore.
And now I watch as Chelmsford is ruined year by year by the creaping replacement.
chelmsford was 99% white when i moved here its now about 80% another 10 years and it'll be 55% ish from all the outpoor from London
We all sit here and fall for the bait threads that pit us all against each other about "who's the whitest" while our towns>cities>Counties>Country's fall one by one.
It's too late to awaken people if they cannot see it now. They'll only realize how bad it is when sharia patrols knock down their doors and rape their daughters and wifes in front of them. and even then all they will do is wallow in pity as the neck swings towards their neck.

Will your folks move again do you think?

our issues are so hidden from the world its actually impressive, the feat of propoganda. You walk into hospitals in London and i shit you not. the floors are covered in blood like a war zone. from all the stabbings and attacks that occur. then you have the massive number of bin bags waiting to give birth to their 5th kid. then inbetween all of this you see it. an old white English woman who refused to move because London is her home, her blood.
I'm 22 so i will most likely not be moving with my dad when he decided to move next (he says in the next 5 years)
me on the otherhand i am not sure. I could move but it'll never solve the issue. I could save money and escape from this coming hellhole (12 years away) but if nothing is done the country i escape to will sucomb to the same fate my grand father, father and i have tried to escape. there is no running back at this point. we are in the corner.

>wanted to collapse of USSR
>now drowning in shitskin subhumans

my town was 99% white in 1999

then bush took power

and by 2003, my town was 90% spic/chink/poos!!!

and houses went from $100k to $900k due to the shitskin invasion

fuck globalists

Mine is browned beyond belief. Used to be chad and stacy central. Giant taqueria now. Crime and school violence is of course went from 0 to 100.

How do shitskins increase the property value? I’m confused

because people cant just move on a whim, especially the working class. and as more invaders invade, the less houses there are, the less jobs the less space classes for schools and in general.
The real enemy here has always been the state, they forced these people into our lands for cheap labour and more purchases. it was the state who created this and this should not be forgotten.

Same here in my town. An old commercial tower block that was filled with offices got hollowed out and turned into dozens of cramped studio apartments. The government has dumped all the "problem" people from London in there, so basically all the single mums, drug addicts, mental cases, asylum seekers, and homeless immigrants that they could fit. The crime rate went up 400% in the first month. There's been multiple stabbings, the police regularly have to cordon off the streets around it, and everywhere you look there's browns and blacks. Our only problem before was Polish people, and everyone was pretty racist to that, so when we got flooded with shitskins it just broke everyone. They've given up on this town and a lot are moving away to escape the spread.

more niggers chinks spics arabs and taxes
fucking sick of this bullshit

The core problem is globalists who import millions of foreigners to hyperinflate housing.

>1998 L.A. house ~$150k.....most Americans can afford that even with a minimum wage job.
>2004 L.A. house ~$600k...most Americans cannot afford that.

Know who can though? illegals/mexicans. Why? Cause they literally have 4-6 FAMILIES per house.

>John Smith, his wife, and 2.5 kids can't afford $800k house
>Paco, Rodrigo, Francisco, Pablo, and Pedro and their wives/kids they put to work can though....shit raise it to $1.2mil, they can still afford it!

That's the core problem, groups of spic families are buying single homes that were designed for a single family, that single families can no longer afford because spic families are driving them out of the area.

>sell house for $200k to John Smith
>sell house for $800k to Paco Fernandez
gee, tough choice
>John Smith must just not work as hard as Paco!

yep, shitskins live 20+ to a flat

beaners, poos, chinks and assorted shitskins throw 18+ people from 5 different families to cover the cost of a home that should only have 4-5 people living in it.
It why areas like Fairfield and Vacaville in northern cal have cars park in every inch of the road on residential streets. Being 10+ people in a home end up having 5-6 cars. The only way to escape it is move to an even higher home value area where they can't pull it off, but little to no average family starting out can do that.
Like a nice white family with two little kids bought a home up the street a few months ago but it was 525k.

yeah you have your head screwed on

>lived in the same city my whole life
>rarely saw spics, niggers or faggots.
>be present day
>have drag queen book reading at out local libraries
>homeless people everywhere. Human waste and used drug paraphernalia litter the the streets and hiking trails.
>spics are everywhere.
>see a nigger chimp out at least once a week.
>downtown is becoming a hive of homosexual faggot clubs.
>taxes are always going up to pay for all of the above.
I live in the PNW... my state is dead and the kikes killed it.

It’s time to dismantle the court

>homeless people everywhere
I used to go to daytona beach every couple years with my family and we were actually looking into purchasing a vacation home for all of us
but last time we went homeless everywhere, trash, more and more of a meth vibe
I tried to enjoy some local parks and scatter through the brush and treeline were tents and trash and sketchy people living there staring at you
the pharmacy was held up at gun point while my family was at a minor league baseball game 1-2 blocks away
the homeless guy actually started shooting up the drugs while holding the store hostage and the cops went in and killed him

I went to sarasota/siesta key a couple months ago and it was way way better
no homeless clean parks friendly people
tourist towns need to really clean out these disgusting fucking degenerates if they want to keep that revenue

You see, they planned it all in a strike of genius. They knew what to do. they have been pumping out anti child propoganda for the last 30 years. its in our media, our taxes, our food costs, our schools. then when people stopped having children they recoiled in fake shock "how did this happen what will we do" then they offered the solution, import the labour. import people who do not know of less than 12 hour days, import people who do not know of human level accomidation import people who do not care about holidays import people who will dislike the native culture. import people of savegry to ban weapons because of their violent nature thus disarming the natives fom ever doing anything, import such large amount of immigrants and place them all over the countries that ever native will fill alone and weak. They want to crumble europe and the west. then make a new culture/slaverace founded only on consumerism, a culture of giving into all temptations, knee jerk purchases. a culture of such indiviuality that you wont even stop to help someone for the anything, because they are competition. a true Dog eat Dog world.
its already in full swing in England look at pic realted. these are all the adds i ever see now, on tv each year they take out one white person and replace them, the same with all media. because that is the future demographics they are hiding. and when all has collapsed and been rebuilt they'll state this is how it has always been. no future, no past, only consume.

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Grew up in a little farming town in Connecticut. Used to be a nice place to live. Nowadays it's overrun with blacks, pakis, and filthy beaners. No surprise that that correlated with a rise in crime and opioids.

First a trickle, then a flood user.
Where I live and have lived for 10 years or so, which is about 30 miles away from the town I grew up in I could go a month without seeing a single groid or pooskin, now I can't step out of my house and go into the town centre without seeing niggers idling around with do-rags on, imitating American niggers. Nowhere is safe, either something happens or we'll go out with a whimper.

Niggers started moving in in my small rural village with less than 3000 people and all of a sudden houses start getting invaded, drugs start appearing, people get attacked at night by niggers with bottles (one also tried to push a little kid off the edge of a balcony), garbage is everywhere and a few years ago they found a bag of bones in the middle of the street (i also found a sheep skull in my front yard), at night sometimes you can hear gunshots, niggers screaming at themselves in their gibberish language all night in the streets.
Niggers deserve the worst death immaginable from turning my beautiful, peaceful angle of paradise where everyone knows each other in central Italy into an actually communist shithole.

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Forgot to mention that people mysteriously started getting dysentery all if a sudden

they finally put in a market to buy food. The new neighbors(500 browns) keep robbing the place.

Give them some time, they are not as bad as black Americans and will assimilate fairy well over time

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Get it demolished.

Lots of local businesses have closed. Many of the properties are being repurposed by immigrants, with restaurants, grocery stores, and lounges that cater to the immigrant community. We knew this was coming for years, though. We've had a large immigrant population for decades, they're settled and having kids and grandchildren. The transformation is inevitable.

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We gave them 5 years and they are reproducing like rats, because that what they are, and when rats start spreading into your house what do you do, wait for them to become humans and act properly all of a sudden? No, you call an exterminator...
In Minecraft of course

Went from being 100 percent white to probably 30 percent white. Sold my house and Moved to Tasmania I work in Hobart but also ended up i bought property in the mountains. This is what we have been reduced to. I suggest Australian Anons do the same

you know what happened when the British empire imported poos into their colonies in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania, Fiji, Guyana, Trinidad? The British empire collapsed and the poos became the defacto rulers of these countries. The people of these countries became oppressed 3rd class citizens, no different than dalits untouchables, under brutal poo rulership.

In many cases, this is already happening in UK, Canada, and places like NYC and Cali.

This is the future of US

Briddish empire was destined to collapse but you can still burn it all down with the help of pyromania and Agni and rise from the ashes like Phoenicia

Nigerian mafia ran the Italian/Albanian mafia out of town. Cosa Nostra and Albanians fear the Nigerian BVLL

literally the same as here, fields i used to run around and play in as a kid are now shitty built housing estates.

t.Prince Ngubu Uzoma Nchekwe of Nigeria

you know what the Russians did, when Napolean invaded Russia??

they burnt their own cities down to the ground!

learn from history and you come out a winner

So many more niggers flooding my hometown. Stay out of north dakota, somaliniggers.

>>Pride event in a town of 10-15k
In mine they literally had an even celebrating immigration and multiculturalism, and i was forced to go because my retarded anarchist sister wanted to go there.
I felt the angriest i've ever been that day



>North Dakota
What in the...

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all brit lads come to the north east

>houses less than 100k
>pretty much everyone is white
>media makes it out like its a shit hole but it really isnt
>cleanest area ive ever seen unironically
>everyone is friendly

obviously has its downsides
>a lot of druggies but they are white and easily avoided
>big drinking problem

but honestly that's all i can think of

come to the north east lads, it can still be saved

Well with that kind of attitude comparing humans to rats probably the reason why you are having problems with them in the
first place

Didn't know the UK was so ugly. This reminds me of some Midwestern rust belt dump.
t. Ohioan

I live just South of Memphis, in Mississippi. It still had that small town feel. But in the last few years, things have changed. Our police department has a armored van and a tactical unit now.

Minnesota keeps dumping them in my town because I live near the border. That and (((Lutheran Social Services)))

>t. cuck

you should have never sailed across the atlantic to build a 1st world society so that literal stoneage mestizos mongoloids and australoids and invade and pillage it

Sheklestein, you clearly either are bait or never had any first hand experience with niggers, I'm comparing them to rats and I'm trying my hardest to be nice here

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Aandalucia is a pile of shit. You did this to yourself moor.

what towns?

Britain is a muslim country so what did you expect

Guess where the Scandinavians settled when they moved to the US. The eternal Swede never rests.