ITT we decide on the flag for the ethnostate

Emphasis on not often-seen themes/ designs we haven't seen before (inb4 someone posts 300 different versions of the Blutfahne). I'll be bumping with some ideas.

Attached: zheleznogorsk-svg.png (1200x800, 112K)

my wife tomoko

Attached: tomoko1.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Attached: moscow.png (1280x853, 129K)

I second this

Flag Related

Attached: Pool is closed.png (1024x1024, 19K)

Attached: flag Texas Come and Take It.gif (1024x614, 8K)

Attached: european_empire_by_fennomanic_d4e3zo5-pre.jpg (1332x600, 78K)

Attached: Nazista_bandiera.png (1200x720, 20K)

Attached: fc1e7665986baf0df6e02bcf54c99ca7.png (900x600, 43K)

best flag

Attached: spurdo.png (1024x749, 117K)

Attached: 28a3a845cad2043c80954ac83c14d206.png (900x450, 10K)

I hope to see this fly one day

Attached: AEFPFlag.png (960x591, 8K)

what about something like this? maybe if it were a little more stylized...

Attached: 1540905825763 (2).jpg (429x283, 16K)


Attached: 1562616639077.gif (1280x640, 155K)

Attached: 1551733743546 (2).jpg (430x315, 73K)

there wil be no ethnostate,Europe is the ethnostate, either clean europe or there will be no white ethnostate

this but the flag MUST include Khazar milkers

What about a swatstika

Attached: pete-buttigieg-mayor-south-bend-in-3.jpg (600x720, 63K)

Space Communism

Attached: hu7NkES.png (1765x1059, 38K)


instead of helicopters launch them into space with no suit genious


Attached: amerifascist.png (2000x1143, 184K)