The article sounds like it is written by someone who is genuinely afraid for his life. Who desperately want to shut this site down. Why are they so afraid of a bunch of shitposters?
They are genuinely scared
>Why are they so afraid of a bunch of shitposters?
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
>hate speech
>speech leftists hate
That is legit bullshit. Jow Forums is way tamer now than it used to be. Fags can't analyse shit.
Im willing to bet that they quarried the word "nigger" and got the count for 0-2015 and 0-2019 and found the 40% difference there.
hate speech rising coincides with all the shills showing up in 2015 to poison the well. really gets those axons and dendrites activated.
What's funny about that quote is you're hopelessly dependent on 4slag.
just went to check. searching that way shows that the word nigger is used about 400000x more after 2015.
because thats about the time the last of the original archives went offline or suffered catastrophic data loss.
They are afraid of our diversity.
They're not afraid for their lives or any such bullshit, they're afraid of the truth (they call it hate speech) and they know the zeitgeist is turning against them.
Jews fear free speach.
tfw vice cumrags lurking normie-chan
I spent five minutes analyzing mainstream news sources. Hate speech makes up 99% of all coverage of White Americans
>Imagine shit posting so much hate that you increase Jow Forums hate by 40%
I gotta lotta hate familam
>40% more hate
>memeflags represent 4chinz
fucking kek
Did they control for increased traffic?
I am guessing journos are lying again.
What they mean is that traffic increased by about 40%
> quoting Matrix is Jow Forums slang
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow
Does anyone have the Bess Kaleb comment stating that the first Amendment is only slightly l dangerous to Jews than the second?
It's almost like they know we are natural enemies and eventually their kikery will come back to haunt them.
Maybe Jow Forums is going to be designated dumping ground for all of Epstiens blackmail media?
People don't trust the Jewstream media
You can't be on pol too long or you become pol.
>What's funny about that quote is you're hopelessly dependent on 4slag.
I am. The ultimate irony is that there is more truth here than pretty much anywhere else in this society.
shhhhhhhh! don't tell them
They went to journalism school thinking that one day they would control the narrative wag the dog style. But really they blown the fuck out by a bunch of neet autist.
This board is unironically a better news source than anywhere else
fuck niggers
Vice news has massive Soros funding otherwise it will quickly go under....
jannie? he does shitty job but at least he does it for free
Here's some hate speech. Nigger, nigger, nigger nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, NIGGER,
Because free speech leads to truth, thus Nazis.
Anybody have some based before and after pol?
Feels good
I always assumed Rothbard was mugged right before he wrote that screed about common criminals
idk feels about the same to me
That's the real story. Who exactly does Epstein have black mail on? Every single politician? Just some big ones? THAT is the story being ignored.
Truth is the new hate speech. That and being in any way unapologetically white.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the leadup to another false flag they try to blame on Jow Forums.
Tomorrow is the social media summit at the White House. Trump threatening big tech scares them because if that control disappears then their entire narrative control does too.
because they know we wont hesitate to put our feet in their buttholes
>kekistan flag
They can't tell the difference between r/t_d and this mongolian throat singing board huh
based potato nigger
Based Nazi theme park with activities for children.
And /b/ accounts for most of the edgy rage. wgaf
People have said nigger and faggot here forever. The only thing that has increased are the tears of the easily offended.
You mean militarist indoctrination
they're afraid of people doing to them what they know for sure they would do to people if they ever gained power. This is why leftists lose their minds so much over Trump and other politics, they think when they lose we will do to them what they had planned to do us if they gained all the power.
they're incomprehensibly evil, trying to hide behind a poorly constructed veil of feigned empathy. i'm pretty sure most of them are demons anyway
I want to buy this bot. DM me
>increased 40%
I'm fucking disgusted by you niggers. If Jow Forums isn't at least 100% hate speech then you faggots aren't doing your part.
godammit why are they so comfy
I know, right? Just think of all the things they know not the meaning of.
Do kids who play CoD and decide they want to join the military so they can live CoD or reals fall under militarist indoctrination?
All me.
>everything I don't like is indoctrination
Why don't we just call video games and school yard competition militarist indoctrination while we're at it to.
chans are the pituitary gland of the inbernebs
Shush Nigel the humans are talking, go be a beady eyed embarrassment somewhere else.
Hold the phone, so you're telling me he is basically a Volunteer for chinese cartoon website? On top of that he takes his "work" with great pride and passion? All while deluding himself this is a "occupation" of great importance and respect?
>You Don't Have To Be Racist To Be Racist
Why would I care about what some nigger-loving kike faggot on some shitty, dying fake-news shit site writes?
imagine spending time analyzing this shit site
>We analyzed over 6 million comments on Jow Forums. Our overly broad definition of hate speech has expanded 40% since 2018.
Let’s bump it up to 41. I’ll start.
>Somebody actually wasted the time and effort to analyze over 1 million autistic shit posts only to find the obvious conclusion that surprised no one
Holy fuck these people are actually insane. And stupid, fuck I could have told you hate speech went up here without wasting all that time. Retards.
is that proxy paige before the tata
Jow Forums is a board of peace.
>>you must wait before posting duplicate reply
fuck you Jow Forums
i can't fucking believe the amount of retards who think this shop is real
"....And then one day, for no reason at all, the Germans elected Hitler into power."
Our collective curiosity has more journalistic integrity then all of vice’s long sordid history as a news source.
Of course this s.oy cuck is scared.
They are tho, pic related is made by the US Army to get kids to join the military
I'm talking specifically CoD
It's what got me interested in firearms ownership
wait, thats not real. Are you trying to trick me again
lemme add to it
Imagine falling for blatant propaganda like that
I hope these dumb kikes analyzed my comments
>spiked by 40%
it's a fuck of a lot higher than that.
but that's what you get when you piss off a board with your fucking bullshit.
I'm sure that's what they wanted, for me to stop buying games and guy buns instead
I played right into their hands
>Why are they so afraid of a bunch of shitposters?
It's called the truth. It's the truth they are scared of.
how can something on the internet be hate speech. only white people can do hate speech and we don't have a way of telling what race the commenter is also speech is spoken. what happens here would be hate writing.
It's obvious once you boil down the core of right vs. left political theories. The right wants to reduce government, make it less intrusive into people lives, and leave the citizenry on their own for as much as possible. The left wants to grow government, have it be more and more involved in peoples lives, and have the citizenry dependent upon it.
Of course, the individual liberty vs. collective rights dichotomy is what gets us here, since the left will always group up to achieve their goals while the right is a barely cohesive groub of based individualists.
They went through posts and counted how many times someone said nigger or spic?
That doesn't sound like a productive use of time at all.
>chances are a normie had to read my comments
Every fucking time. And if this dude has a PhD in evolutionary genetics he most likely thinks he's superior than other races. He's the REAL racist.
>Violent threats
As much as I hate kikes and nigs, this is always false information in every article. Take trannies and SJWs. They always say they receive telephone death threats, which is false.
Define "hate speech."
hate speech was already 90%, how the hell did it spike 40%?
based oma with the aa gun
First time I've seen quarried use in this context and initially thought you meant queried. Nice
If you don’t use Jow Forums for your news/current events you are a low-iq mongoloid. There is literally no other explanation.