Ein Volk!

Ein Volk!
Ein Reich!
Ein Fuhrer!

Attached: hitler salute.jpg (768x504, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>fünf bier, bitte!

ein loaf of bread
ein kilo of butter
ein flag

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>looses war and dooms germany forever

dis Hitler thread nau

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the third reich never happened.
it was all one big psyop complete with deep fakes.
we are all being lied to.
muh holocaust never happened.
Adolf Hitler never really existed.
It never happened.
world war II never happened.

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Why are you all flat out jew hating nazis?
Why not stand for patriotism, meritocracy and sustainability instead of the worst the "right" has to offer? I'm convincing myself that all this is falseflagging

Ein idiotic geopolitical decisions that get his own country destroyed!

>Cucked tirade
Cringe and Bluepilled

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As for a bunch of psychos cowards executing unarmed civilians on a dialy basis They sure knew how to larp as classy soldies

Stop proving my point my dull friend

don't blame the hero in the story of tragedy. blame the villains.

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he was like this tall. still a beast. i won

Christ Lenin really was an absolute mong wasn't he? Look at that face, what siberian cave did they find that sad excuse for a human?

>shareblue shills making /pol and trump look bad

>>shareblue shills making /pol and trump look bad

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Sieg Heil!

Why die for a government that gives zero shits about you? The only meaning in life is life itself, and the only life that has worth is the life of your family and people, because they are your blood and when you die, the only means by which your blood will continue is through your children.

the nwo chose russia to win over germany because hitler started printing his own currency, he basically went jfk's assassination on him like when saddam hussein tried to print his own currency. germany was destroyed because it resisted the nwo... blah blah blah, why am i typing this you guys already know

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>Sie können uns unterdrücken,
>Sie können uns meinetwegen töten,
>Kapitulieren werden wir nicht!

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holy shit

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Thread theme

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>Jews making Jews look even worse
>Trumpenstein making Jow Forums look like r/The_Donald 2

Generation Zyklon confirmed.