Papa Nooo



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Other urls found in this thread:

fuggg i'd buy a one way ticket to Epstein Isle if that broad was the main course


btw all bitches on that island gave their consent.

>woman claims she was raped in 1994 at age 13
>was born in 81, same year as Ivanka

>source: some nigger crack dealer

this, and they got paid at least a hundred dollars for doing it. now they get to play the victim. poor whores

you must know a lot about those then

Is this really what your head is filled with?
That's a dark path to dwell on.


you mean those 13 and 14 years whose minds aren’t developed and don’t realize they’re about to be spitroasted by a dozen men and maybe this wasn’t worth it for a new iPhone?

You must be 18 or older to post here.

That's basically "fully matured" women anyway.

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>whose minds aren't developed

All women's brain are not yet developed. .

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>18 or older
sounds like something that would upset trump kek

Ever notice that as a kid before plastic surgery, she looked a lot like Chelsea Clinton?

>btw all bitches on that island gave their consent.

Legally you cannot give consent if you are underage. That is quite literally what makes you underage in the first place. It's a legal status.

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Post pics

Her and Chelsea were supposedly good friends once upon a time

you act like they have the greatest parents in the world who don't teach them awful things. some of them have trailer park tier parents

Attached: 2019_11_film.jpg (2000x1584, 566K)

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probably true tbqh desu senpai

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oh man, your post is horrible. look at little cute ivanka what a sweet picture

The absolute state of Canadian education.

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Wow When was the last time you shaved your face today? You look like a man in a dress.

There are many differences but the mouth shapes are remarkably similar. Webb Hubbell-esque.

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Why is Tzuyu so cute? Top 10 questions science still hasn't managed to answer.

Attached: tz.jpg (225x225, 6K)

There's no point even trying to link some white roastie. We both know nothing will compete against this.

Attached: tzs.jpg (704x396, 25K)

>Its real

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jesus christ chelsea looks like i don't even know. is it strange she looks nothing like bill

Or Hillary

youre a perverted kike fuck off

what is the point of this post? tricking me for all of 2 seconds?

Should be dragged in to the street and shot

Oh shit they deleted it

But epstein doesn't own dogs user. There's no place like the doghouse

Based and bogpilled


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damn.. she's cute

>Why is Tzuyu so cute
She has also taken the bogpill,aka had shittons of plastic surgery

14 years olds fuck each other
>it's normal
14 years old fucks 18 years old
what's the difference between a legal adult and a legal minor fucking a 14 years old????

based and redpilled

President Monica Cigar Humidor


It's almost as telling as the nose or the sloped forehead.

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Where's Rachel Chandler nowadays?



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Nice and fake. Big old blur under Clinton's ear.

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I hop you’re trolling. God help you .

Have a real one.

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No Poppi nooo nooooo

>literal retards cant see an extremely protective father in a sea of pedophiles

Trump is just being alpha not letting weird fucks talk to his girl. He knows better


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This is what's wrong with Barron. Epstein is actually his dad and Ivanka is actually his mother.

Shill harder sand nigger--

Nice 20 year old pic you got there

Attached: Nigger_baby_mamas.png (514x495, 14K)

more nigger shit

Attached: UpYourGameNigger.jpg (618x410, 48K)

How many times do you think Donald has actually had Ivanka's panties on his head? My bet is at least one hundred times over the years.

You leafs aren't as bad as the muriniggers.

Out of all the fantasies you could have with loli Ivanka you choose this one? Now I know OP is a faggot.

>But it's not leagull
>it's illeagull becouse it's wroung
>it's wroung becouse it's illeagull
Oi bruv you got a LOISENCE for that opinion, and for that circular logic? Clearly it's not legal to think where you're from, which makes sense because it's obvious you didn't.

apparently it's alt left pedo fantasy time

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Based and lolipillled.

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Hey (you) ad hominem TrumpTard

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Look how well behaved she is now. Can’t say that about Tiffany

This is what is like to do to these baby rapists and their enablers on Jow Forums... In my dream world...

Q predicted this entire thread.
I am Q.

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You almost had it. But it will definitely work for q boomer crowd.

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Its about fucking time all you fags figured out Trump is just another kike puppet. Get off my board

Shill sighted.

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Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein at the Mar-a-Lago.

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whats up nigger

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Poor form to undo your belt in public.

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I feel like Epstein raped all of us by not providing the evidence to take down Drumph before the election.

In subsequent years, the percentage got worse for the leftmost demographic group. Up to something like 72%

Hi Q!

I don't claim credit. If it's fake it's fake.

I suspect we'll find out soon enough who's "hear say" bubbles up factual evidence... or if anything happens at all beyond more CNN / MSM producers working material in here.

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I'm wearing a pair on my head right now. I bought them off eBay.

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You shills are absolutely terrified and desperate:

Because tards keep extrapolating Epstein's black book aka day planner with the FLIGHT LOG.

I promise you when I worked in a certain business my black book was full of every number of every person I ever met just in case at some point in the future I would be told to "contact blah blah and ask for blah blah"...

Trump would obviously be in his day planner as would any other number around Trump that Epstein could get his hands on.

Trump is NOT in the flight log to Lolita Island, not even once. He "hitched a ride" back from Daytona Beach TO NYC with Epstein's son one time...and I have little doubt they tried like holy hell to get Trump to Lolita Island. Epstein assaulted a young girl at Mara Largo and Trump had him banned for life.

At Epstein's first arrest Trump went voluntarily to the police to give a statement and at the time the Police commented "He could not have been MORE forthcoming".

Trump then hires Acosta, the asswipe that gave Epstein such a sweet deal that he got zero time...and then he waited.... Acosta probably sang like a bird and Trump et al waited until the "right time" to strike.

Trump knew what Epstein was up to "he's a fun guy, likes his girls young, really really young". People held that against him as if it were some form of agreement when in fact, in typical Trump fashion he slapped Epstein publicly..iron fist in velvet glove. He was NOT a politician and he had to do business with these people and he still managed to say something about what he knew was going on. Epstein's flight logs, look at how many times Trump isn't mentioned.

Trump is not implicated in this at all. Don't fucking let them make that claim.

He doesn't even try to hide it

If she wasn't this young, I'd say your shilling was pretty hot.

Spray it don't say it duderino.

Prince of Saudia Arabia visiting to fuck Trudeau's wife I see


Also more supporting sauce:


I clicked on your fake tweet.
Thank you for the wast of time.
It was such a waste of time that I didn't even bother to waste more time by writing you this,

Also: Fuck you.

God fucking damnit leafs

I really want this to be true.

I don't know who's Jewing who, though.

>Pedos and taking advantage of minorities
Nice folks these democrats

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Every single person needs to understand how important this is, glenn fucking Simpson and fusion fucking gps ran the original fabricated story of this fake rape accusation. Unbelievable. Keep in mind, we all knew this story in 2015 because it was posted here and we’ve dealt with the faggot shills ever since but that means FUSION WAS SEEDING HERE

Post nose.

I didn't get my shilling orders email from the TIDF. Is this the official approved narrative we are supposed to be pushing?