What do they even do?

what do they even do?

Attached: queen-1_2451794k.jpg (858x536, 162K)

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Poop and waste Bong Tax Money that could be going to help immigrants.

spend money, the anglos are so dumb they actually want to subsidize the extravagant life of one family for the sake of "tradition"

i dunno, but i really want someone to make a deepfake with the queen

Act as politically neutral diplomats fuffiling the role that the president does in countries like germany, maintain british tradition and bring in millions via the crown estate


Orale, pendejo, it's tradition - sorry, in your language it's tradición.

Donde esta la biblioteca, ese?

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The King of Arabia has real power. America sucks the dick of the King of Arabia. That pic is just a couple of powerless old bags. A King/Queen without power is like a man without a cock.

lmao cheque'd

Attached: Queen-Elizabeth-and-Prince-Charles.png (800x558, 258K)

she likes to watch.

Yes, it is completely alien to Americans because our head of government and head of state are the same person. I would be okay with changing this. After 2024 maybe we can elect a new head of government, but retain Trump as the head of state. He can belittle foreign leaders on Twitter and stare them down at state dinners.

>the year 2019, two thousand and nineteen years after the death of Christ
>unironically, actually having a Queen
Brits love to bash Trump as being a dictator, or talk about Turkey or the Philippians as being undemocratic, but England is literally less democratic.
>inb4 but Parliament does all the work and is democratic
The Queen still has to sign off on every bill and has the ability to veto anything, giving her the highest political position. You're highest politician is determined by birth. You're legitimately North Korea tier.

ruling the british empire

Its only 10 pence of what i pay in tax that goes towards the Royals, worth every penny.

Even if they didnt exist the goverement would still be funding the upkeep of the royal properties through english heritage.

> You're highest politician is determined by birth.
better than being determined by niggers and spics like your president is

>what do they even do?

They're basically glorified diplomats, sign stuff into law and act as a tourist magnet. Constitutionally they are vital though.

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Sell out their own countrymen and allow Bolsheviks to slaughter their own family members whilst travelling around the world on expensive yachts whilst laughing at the plebeians

Oh, and produce mixed race ginger mutts

>Constitutionally they are vital though.
If we where to turn into a republic a constitution would have to be drawn up , and given the state of the current parliament it would be fucking shit

Expensive pets.

>Constitutionally they are vital though.

They haven’t been “vital” since the glorious revolution. They are merely figureheads who bow down to the Rothschilds

>better than being determined by niggers and spics like your president is
hahahahahahaha no. No it isn't. The level of cuckery is off the charts.

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Does your dog bring in £304.1 million net revenue a year?

stop Charles from taking the throne and making england actually relevant again

Run the NY Fed

Oh, they also own 90% of the land in Canada.
Also like half of the most valuable real estate in London.

show how successful a monarchy can be.

The queens ancestors won their position by fighting in battles, trump won his by sucking jewish cock

Attached: queens beaver.jpg (1000x497, 157K)

To be fair, that land is only "valuable" because it's near the royals

Sit and watch their kingdom die with them.

Muslims are Afro-Asiatic jews with inferior genes

You may have gained power through ruthless political diplomacy and intrigue but are incapable of producing high culture, unlike whites. Arabs have an average of around 90 IQ. That’s why all the best Middle Eastern civilisations and cultures were built by whites or Persians

Fair play to your elites, though. You have completely usurped the west sinc WW2 in conjunction with Israel and will probably inherit our civilisation after it collapses

>ancestors won their position by fighting
and if anyone in England still had those balls, the current regime would have been overthrown a century ago


>all the guns in the world
>fuck all done with them other than shooting white kids in school

LARP 24/7

They watch Anglo race perish.

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They watch their kid marry a goblinagger and have little tyrones who will unironically become kangz

are they husband and wife?


not really

why isnt he king then? why is a woman ruling?

becuase he isnt related by blood to the previous monarch

makes sense

>what do they even do?

promote racemixing and destroy their empire.

There's some agreement they have with Parliament where the money the royal family makes off their lands goes to the Treasury and the nation pays their living.

>american reeeing about european traditions again

Attached: 1498758446404.png (399x322, 42K)

>what do they even do?
Well now that Sir Saville isn't around, they make playdates for their son Charles with some nice asian boys to teach him about grooming.

Attached: charlessaville.jpg (320x207, 22K)

Bring in hundreds of Billions in tourist revenue. They overpay for their lifestyles, factually speaking.

No, that's the Stuarts you're thinking about. The Windsors simply married into that line and replaced them.