Caffeine is a tool of the elite

Caffeine is a physically and psychologically addictive stimulant drug used by the elites to make the average worker drone work longer and harder without complaining. It is the most addictive drug in the world, with 107 million addicts in the United States alone, and withdrawal symptoms identical to those of cocaine.

Many caffeine addicts will react with absolute fury to this thread. Despite needing to get high from a stimulant drug every single day from the moment they wake up just to feel "normal," they are still in denial about their addiction. I am going to prove to you all that you are addicted to caffeine, then I will explain why the system has made you this way.

Physical signs of addiction:
>Withdrawal symptoms (fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, poor concentration, poor memory, headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, stomachache, etc.)
>Appetite changes
>Insomnia from use of substance
>Increasing tolerance

Psychological signs of addiction:
>An inability to stop using
>Mood swings
>Lack of motivation
>Inability to deal with stress

Typical addict responses when confronted about their addiction:
>Rationalizing – Offering alibis, excuses, justifications, or other explanations for their using behavior
>Minimization – Admitting superficially to the problem but not admitting to the seriousness or full scope of the behavior or consequences
>Blaming – Placing the blame for the behavior on someone or something else
>Diversion – Changing the subject to avoid discussing the topic

Sound familiar? Because caffeine fits EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. Every single word in that list is applicable to caffeine and its users.

Next, I will explain WHY you have been made dependent upon caffeine, and how your addiction is advantageous to those in power.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The reason caffeine has become so normalized by society is because your addiction to it is beneficial to the system. It maximizes the amount of effort you put into your job with a false chemical enthusiasm, amplifies your productivity without any compensation, and makes you indifferent to feeling tired or worn-out because your job is taking up most of your waking life--and it does this all without taking away your desire to consume and put money into the system, or causing you to drop out of society altogether, the way other drugs, like meth, cocaine, or heroin do.

In other words, caffeine maximizes the amount of money you make for the system while maintaining the amount of money you pay into the system (food, entertainment, taxes, etc.), all while making you feel "happy" or indifferent about being exploited.

You can beat this addiction, my friends. You can remove the hands clenched around your throat. You just have to try.

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can't tell if bait. holy fuck this is stupid.

nah it's good
supresses apetite, helps with shitting, tastes good, cheap

wonderful substance

> tfw own a business
> tfw work from home
> tfw make low 6 figures on auto pilot
> tfw make my own hours
> tfw get gov to pay for my healthcare cuz everything is deductible
> tfw drink as much caffeine as i want

OP is onto something tho

if you can avoid drinking caffeine, you should

it doesnt do much good for your well being

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Coffee is actually good for you, what you should stay away from is Redbull etc..

You're probably right but I see it as a mass anti depressant

Brilliant observation OP, 5 star thread, keep ‘em comin’

Yeh fuck that, you try and deal with mountains of documentation from deceitful Parjeets and Chinks without having a coffee.

I don't know what happened but at age 25 I stopped being able to tolerate caffeine. Any more than 4 ounces and I would feel jittery with a racing heartbeat. I used to be able to drink 20oz a day and smoke half a pack of cigs to go with it in my teens and early 20's.

Been mostly caffeine-free for about 5 years now. I do occasionally drink tea, and I love herbal tea like chamomile. Chamomile is actually really good for you and is an ancient european tea, and there's some evidence it may help boost test.

Although I miss the taste of coffee, I still can buy a decaf if I'm really in the mood for it.

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Not going to google this, but how the hell do you normalize the doses of psychoactive drugs, how do you normalize cross species, and how the hell do you dose a spider and then be sure you got it right.

That said, imaging a spider zonked out of its mind on caffeine racing across its abortion of a proto-web screaming REEEEE is amusing.

Tasty coffee today.

I'm obviously a caffeine addict (been drinking coffee for twenty years) but I'd hesitate to label it as self-destructive or degenerate drug dependency.

>Physical signs of addiction:
Yes, no, sometimes, yes

>Psychological signs of addiction:
Kinda, no, no, no, no, no

>Typical responses:
No, kinda(does this response count?), no, no, no

I've stopped coffee for Lent multiple times and scale my use of it depending on how much work I have to do. I usually drink the most coffee when I have time off of regular work hours and want to engage in artistic endeavors, i.e. playing music, reading/writing, drawing and so on, and I drink the least amount of coffee when I'm working at my job because I focus more on the task at hand than on optimally caffeine-ing myself. Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule, but I would say that my general approach to using caffeine refutes your argument. *sip*

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Coffee standard confirmed :(

it is the white man’s drug and number of users does not equal most addictive you niggerbrained retard

I've been drinking coffee religiously for my whole adult life. To see if I could do it, I quit caffeine for a full month. I had no adverse affects. No headache, no grogginess. But I did miss it because it's yummy.

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what about guarna and green tea?

IIIIII’m pretty sure God put coffee beans on this planet to consume.
>things that haven’t happened

Anger is an understandable response to intervention.

I think that's a significant part of its function.

Caffeine contributes to depression in well-defined ways. This is particularly due to the withdrawal effect, which can cause headache, depression and fatigue, even in light users (p. 111). Cherniske reported that 90% of people who came to him who suffered from depression and gave up caffeine completely for 2 months reported that their depression went away!

You probably buy the cheap shit sold in mainstream supermarkets. American coffee is prepared with so much water it's almost diluted like tea. Any imported coffee beans from Ethiopia / Yemen are completely healthy and of good quality.

Jesus fucking christ people just can't enjoy a coffee without some holier than thou cunt trying to take the enjoyment. Lets all become hermits living on water and nettles and bash our heads on the wall every time we even think of doing or having something not schizo/pol/ approved.

Nice b8.
You can either admit you are an addict or deny you're an addict thus proving you're an addict. Unless you're based and redpilled and ingest 0 caffeine, in which case, the ego boost and need to shitpost will put you on OP's side.
Well done.


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Yeah in regulation you dumb fuck. We are talking about addiction, now go home play fortnite or paint your nails.

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Based OP I've been saying this for years. It's disgusting seeing lines of people waiting for coffee with the jitters, unable to function. And if you don't drink it everyone around you will never stop until you join in with them. Just like drug addicts...because they are.

>mfw everyone in this thread has absolutely zero understanding of the pharmacology or pharmacokinetics involved in caffeine.

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Lol at this outburst. You are exactly the kind of person OP was baiting.

You'll fit in nicely then

Alright then coffeisbad shilling snownigger explain your reasoning to me? Oh wait you fucking can't.

>t. druggie

Sounds like my fucking parents.

no really, they drink it like 5-7 times a day and get aggressive about it if I confront them

Hate coffee because it makes me feel good for about 1-2 hours then shit for 4-5 hours. It’s a short boost then a crash, just like any other stimulant

First you'd have to make me aware of the claim you think I am making.

You either use a drug habitually or you don't. The majority of people who use caffeine do so almost if not every day because they feel as though they "need" to. They literally feel like they "need" to get high from the moment they wake up. Many people in this country joke about "needing" to ingest caffeine before they can even speak to anyone in the morning. They're aware of their addiction on a subconscious level and are trying to defuse it with facetiousness because they're scared. No one should be scared, they just have to make the decision to stop.

you're addicted to air and water you faggot

>You'll fit in nicely then
You were implying I also had no understanding of the pharmacology of caffeine. Thus, inclining me to believe that you were on the side of the delusional burger retard OP. Tell me why is that?

Correct, just like heroin addicts. Proud of you for being stimulant free.

Fuck you. I intake 1000+mgs of caffeine daily. Fuck you.

I have an idea.

Instead of drinking gallons of brown water who you call “coffee” just drink an espresso with a concentrated flavour and probably the same amount of caffeine as the dirty water you usually drink, this way you won’t associate the coffee with the likes of a slow drink to sip multiple times. The espresso is “one shot”, 2-3 per day should be fine for most of us.

Maybe avoid coffee the evening.

Do you drink coffee?

t. "haha you guys are funny... I only drink alcohol, it isn't a drug."


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Sometimes. But you don't need to drink coffee to understand that what OP is suggesting is completely blown out of proportion and retarded. Fucking schizoid niggers.

Though coffee is the most common method of administration, this applies to caffeine in any form, including non-herbal tea and chocolate.

I drank energy drinks daily and pretty much cut all caffeine over a month ago the withdrawal was pretty easy considering I've been drinking them for 15+ years.

Alright. I am not him, but I am sure you have no idea what you are talking about. Pharmacology is a branch of biology wich focuses basically on drugs if anyone is wondering. No one except a few biologists who really care and are experts in their field know exactly what caffeine does to your body. Most studies are pretty biased and just bc something is "scientific" it isn't the truth. We are talking about addiction here not passive consumption.

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Fuck the OP. OP is and will always be a faggot. But coffee everyday ain't good for you.

i even out with cannabis

I don't think I can get addicted to shit. I used to drink 5 cops of coffee a day, then I just stopped and didn't even think about it. Used to smoke half a pack of smokes a day, and then I just stopped, once again, without issue.

u sound like a loser cuck bro

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imagine actually needing caffeine


too many low T cvcks these days

>bad goy, no caffeine

I swear, coffee alone was enough reason to force shitskins onto plantations. That delicious brew is what gets me going enough in the morning to make drones for terminate sandniggers.

>t. Engineer

>just be a 57 iq mutt like me bro u sound cooler this way
this is why america is the embarrassment of the west.

its enjoyable, like having a smoke or laying your head on a fluffy pillow, user
ur so salty

"The system is monitoring all of your private communications, spying on you through all of your electronic devices, and violating your rights so as to watch you and harvest your data"
>what OP is suggesting is completely blown out of proportion and retarded. Fucking schiz--
>...oh, h-haha...

"The system is illegally experimenting upon its own citizens with chemicals, hypnosis sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and other forms of torture in order to weaponize mind control."
>what OP is suggesting is completely blown out of proportion and retarded. Fucking schiz--
>...oh, h-haha...

"The system is mass-drugging its subjects to increase profits and subdue social discontent."
>what OP is suggesting is completely blown out of proportion and retarded...

It's the closed-minded retards like you who defend your own enslavement by the system because you want to play smug contrarian on the internet.

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You have brought forth no substance demonstrating your understanding of the claimed fields. I find no reason to believe in your expertise, and thus, I find you quite gay.

decaf still has caffeine in it though, so maybe its in your head

I've been trying to quit. I never use to consume coffee but I got hooked after a breakup.

i know many aus cucks, they project so much

ill be pulling 7 figures by the time you get out of your parents house

stay a mad loser bro, ill need niggers like you to fetch my groceries when im on vacation

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Imagine writing this shitty term paper on a Mongolian basket porn site

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Why are you talking like you’re performing a magic trick faggot. Many don’t drink coffee. I fucking hate it. You might be retarded

if you only knew how comfy things can get

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Everyone here knows you will never make 7 figures let alone currently make 6 figures 'on auto pilot' you larping faggot.
I manage a drone business and make around 220k/year after tax, not the most but at least I'm not a posing cunt like you.
Keep getting cucked by the all-evil lucifer coffee, burger man.

oh fuck

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I'm addicted to caffeine and porn. Anxiety, all the fucking time. My god it's like a living nightmare that fuels itself. Slowly trying to get better, trying to go cold turkey on the porn, been exercising but it's irregular (have a bike that I try to ride a few times a week, getting back into the gym), eating right (brother/roommate has a fucking pizza club membership, there is always takeaway at the house, another nightmare), fuck I wanna make it so bad bros

You can eat pizza, just start lifting.

You cannot outrun a bad diet. I've done a good job with an 18/6 intermittent fasting schedule though, which helps keep it in check.

I gave up caffeine for two months one time. Nothing at all and I'm an avid tea drinker and soda on the weekends.

It was the lamest two months of my life. I reintroduced moderate levels of caffeine and felt better

ill leave this here:

These results from three large cohorts support an association between caffeine consumption and lower risk of suicide.

You can eat anything as long as you count your calories. Two years ago I lost 70 pounds in seven months while eating mostly fast food.

what was it used for before the jews got a hold of it?

i will be making 7 figures on purely auto pilot in a few years, then traveling around the world until i get bored, then creating more cool shit that worthless faggots like you will be consuming on daily basis

i barely work right now and still get more $$$ than whatever random number you gave me lol

even if i get brain damage and can no longer work, i will still reach 7 figures, it'll just take longer, my revenue can not go down at this point.

in all likelyhood ill end up fucking more sluts in australia than you will in your entire life

stay mad nigger, you will be delivering my groceries soon enough ^_^

pic slightly related
random tits to make u stay mad

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Even number post and i quit caffeine FOREVER

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You can, the more muscle you have the more calories you can consume. You need to find a balance between cardio and lifting. You might have low test if you struggle to lose weight.

Firstly, that's the epitome of correlation. And secondly,
>taking a drug that anesthetizes you to how terrible your life is makes you less likely to kill yourself
You don't say.

Good luck.

That's bullshit because after the initial dose caffeine just brings you back to the level you would already be if you didn't take caffeine, it doesn't actually give you any more energy.

I haven't struggled to lose weight, it's a CICO science. I've struggled to motivate myself. I don't have too much weight to lose anyway, it's more about conditioning my body.
Fast food doesn't satiate or nourish me as much as cooked meals do, though I admit I do like it

Caffeine doesn't even make me more productive.

Don't drink any coffee until lunchtime, and don't drink more than two cups in a day.

There, problem solved. Now calm the fuck down, faggot.

Gaining muscle should be a priority then.

kill yourself

Don't talk to me, I haven't had my coffee yet.

You ever seen a mother who's child commited suicide?

no, you are stupid. I drink 2 cups of coffee so I can drive over an hour to work at 4:30 in the morning. I hate this system and I need to break free.

>you are addicted!
>signs you're in denial: denying

go home caffanon u drunk

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What do you do mate?

No, and I don't think caffeine would have changed that.

no coffee no talkee haha

It might've who knows. Point is there are benefits to even bad things.

You seriously believe that?

Ah I see, so how do you explain the "elites" obsession with drinking it in every possible form as well?

You do realize that by claiming caffeine prevents people from getting depressed by the state of the system and enables them to keep working and paying taxes into the system you are agreeing with me, right?

can confirm, was a life long coffee drinker and quit. had flu like symptoms for 3-4 days

Fucking delicious, is what it is.
And your thread is bullshit tbhj... I can stop drinking coffee and have stopped drinking coffee many times. Headache for a day, then nothing.

I drink coffee because the flavor. I can stop any day and switch to decaf any time. I feel I'm more sensitive to getting headaches from lower doses too.

Nice find.

Fixed it bro.

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Reread my comments figure out my intent.

your fix is dumb as fuck. why would meth result in no web was amphetamine does?