Caffeine is a physically and psychologically addictive stimulant drug used by the elites to make the average worker drone work longer and harder without complaining. It is the most addictive drug in the world, with 107 million addicts in the United States alone, and withdrawal symptoms identical to those of cocaine.
Many caffeine addicts will react with absolute fury to this thread. Despite needing to get high from a stimulant drug every single day from the moment they wake up just to feel "normal," they are still in denial about their addiction. I am going to prove to you all that you are addicted to caffeine, then I will explain why the system has made you this way.
Physical signs of addiction:
>Withdrawal symptoms (fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, poor concentration, poor memory, headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, stomachache, etc.)
>Appetite changes
>Insomnia from use of substance
>Increasing tolerance
Psychological signs of addiction:
>An inability to stop using
>Mood swings
>Lack of motivation
>Inability to deal with stress
Typical addict responses when confronted about their addiction:
>Rationalizing – Offering alibis, excuses, justifications, or other explanations for their using behavior
>Minimization – Admitting superficially to the problem but not admitting to the seriousness or full scope of the behavior or consequences
>Blaming – Placing the blame for the behavior on someone or something else
>Diversion – Changing the subject to avoid discussing the topic
Sound familiar? Because caffeine fits EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. Every single word in that list is applicable to caffeine and its users.
Next, I will explain WHY you have been made dependent upon caffeine, and how your addiction is advantageous to those in power.