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I heard germany has many niggers
Watch out, Germ-ants will now claim how being swarthy, brown-eyed, black-haired mongrel is "what being an aryan is all about".
Niggers of Europe, Scandis and the Dutch are the only pure whites left on this planet.
they've probably both been raped by jews
mostly turks
I heard USA has many niggers, duh.
Thats a jew.
the one on the left did pornos and it's worth noting she had one of the more dramatic nose-jobs in human history
this is even more-damning and reinforces OP's point
who's that polish actress?
our movie industry is not dominated by jews, some "actress" sluts tried to start career in hollywood, meaning, but they are laughed at here
>pic related
Literally: Who?
Everyday there are dozens of anti german threads by butthurt polaks. What kind of problem do they have ?
You got fucked twice by us and we fuck all your women in the brothel for 30 euros. But this is not a reason to cry on a chinese image board.
Michalina Łabacz
10 euros over here if you want a quick hartz 4 ficki.
God Germans need to be nuked.
Please kill yourself.
She is an Turk you moron.
I believe its the whore in GoT. The one that fucked Tyrion.
Germans are the mexicans of switzerland.
Michalina Łabacz
Young actress awarded for her first role in history drama about genocide of polish civilian minority in former polish province in today's Ukraine. When we got attacked from west by germans and from east by soviets, ukrainians after submitting to nazis commited ethnic cleansing on polish minority.
I wish more poles die, acting like you people are white. I always droves of groups of badly dressed slavs walking into coffeeshops. Get the fuck out of my country you losers.
yes 1000 mountainjews are the absolute might in europe !!
typical polish woman in Germany.
> worked as prostitute for years
> made shitty rap videos
> has a mutt video with a muslim
> has to go to jail
what is wrong with polish woman ?
euthanize yourself, your country and your dog
looks like gypsy for me, glad she left
You're not any different from us, faggot.
We even speak the same language (depending on the Kanton you live in).
typical polish girl in Germany
> vivien 14 years old
> get fucked by turkish bf on toilet
> pregnant
> video goes viral
> has to leave town because bullying
why do polish girls love turkish dick so much ?