REQUIRE your citizens to go to college to do anything above swinging a hammer...

>REQUIRE your citizens to go to college to do anything above swinging a hammer. (Really requires you to go to grad school, but a bachelor's just to get your foot in the door.)
>$100,000+ please!

You now need to pay the value of a fucking house (or what one SHOULD cost) for the PRIVILEGE of joining the workforce, but of course lolbertarians and neocons wouldn't dare think of fixing these predatory loan schemes.

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I regret more than anything getting a liberal arts degree. Debt squared away from college but I'm still not in the market I want to be in. I'll need a masters just to break minimum wage.

what is the job title

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A guy one NPR just said 53% of legal immigrants last year had a college degree...

I have got a masters with no debt.

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As if they actually care about filling that position. They just want to show that they made an effort and couldn't find any qualified applicants so they can get H-1B visas and import some poos to do it for cheap.

>get paid $13 to be a dishwasher with no experience

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Tell them you're black and you'd like to get that job getting paid $16 an hour. See what they reply back to you.

at least you recognize your mistake and don't blame everyone else

All so you can help people find porn.

Yep. Bingo!

I was in your shoes. It's fine until you hit about 20 then realize your life is pathetic

Libertarians recognize the scam better than any other group retard.

One of the biggest things is the fact the gov made iq testing potential employees illegal and other methods of finding out if someone is retarded or not.

This and all the lobbying colleges do to snuff out competition and give themselves special rights.

Ffs most retail outlets in my town of 55k start at $12, one is ~$14.50 on weekends. Also have manufacturing plants starting at $16+ with no experience.

OP has a psychology degree.

I’ve got a debt with no masters degree

Wow. That's sad. We aren't even talking unless it's 20 an hour on the table, plus benefits.

I dropped out of college.

If you don't have a company car, gtfo my face.

Washing dishes isn't really a marketable skill, a-non

well, that is like, 2 times what i get here for the same degree

But Trump's economy is the best ever, and we need more immigrants to grow the GDP.

Yes, the greater society and adult figures who turned college into a racket and Ponzi scheme are to blame, you scum Boomer.

>but of course lolbertarians wouldn't dare think of fixing these predatory loan schemes.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Bbbut you need to know how to calculate the friction, force vectors and gravity as well as the calculus required to swing that hammer.

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beats spending 100k

Nice cherrypicked example that isn’t indicative of the norm

They aren't trying to hire anybody with these ads. They're just going through the motions so they can justify bringing in H1B pajeets.

That pic sounds reasonable.

Architectural engineer here. PE.

OP is full of shit. He is having trouble competing with pajeets doing faggot software pajeet shit.

Lmao probably a fucking librarian job

the only option really is for you to all destroy this entire civilization, as this is what has happened every time the Elites get too controlling and fuck up the system too much.

but now, the Elites have crafted an endless list of bread and circuses and make sure that everyone, even the dumbest most worthless nigger, is "well fed" in the west.

they cracked the code to keep you from dragging them out unto the streets and killing them, and you all collectively cannot escape now, the few who realize this can be dealt with.

its over, we will literally be ground into nothing.

learn a trade fag

Yeah, let's make college free so everyone goes so a B.S. is literally as useless as a High School diploma.

That'll sure fix those Capitalists!

take your sex schizcel


this is a h1b scam, this is how they work, they post a totally ridiculous job like this, then they say "aww gee we couldn't find an American to do it" and then they try to import somebody to do it

It's not actually meant to be taken by a local

10 years ago people memesd STEM. The whole internet did so, Jow Forums included.

Now everyone is shilling trades. That will also be mocked 10 years from now

Retard, a bachelors is already as useless as a high school diploma because everybody is expected to go to college. When LITERALLY EVERYBODY goes to college, going to college is nothing special and it just becomes another tier of basic education. A kid could figure this out watching The Incredibles but somehow it snuck past you.
The real solution is to have college crash and burn so people realize it's just a big fucking scam to line people's pockets while you get an increasingly useless piece of paper that doesn't say anything other than that you're a massive drone willing willing to suck dick to pay off the student loans you surely have.

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Im a railroad conductor. Was previously an investment advisor. Tons of my coworkers have degrees and said fuck the office cuck life. Trades are the fucking truth. My only regret is not getting into this line of work earlier in life.

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>never go to college and learn how to be meatcutter

>start out at 17 an hour and quickly get raises up to 22.

>the entire meatcutting industry is full of oldfags and Ill be moved into market management making 35 an hour in no time

>I have zero debt of any kind.

the problem now is that people think College is the only answer, Ill be making great money with zero debt, making me doubly ahead of all these retarded college kids, some are even my friends and I laugh at their choices endlessly.

You can work as a cashier and eventually you'll become manager. In the time it took to become manager you will have earned money, while someone who went to college will have spent many times more to get a degree that qualifies them to be a barista because the job they actually want goes to some Indian. Then those people are ultimately making less than you... but hey, they went to college.
College is a waste of time and money and life. I took 2 semesters. In the first semester I realized it was useless. I took the second because my family begged me to give it a shot and keep an open mind. You go there to absorb Marxism and line the pockets of idiots. No one with sense should bother.

this will not happen, the government and the federal reserve are directly connected to the industry and WANT young adults in massive debt.

this is why you cannot declare bankruptcy out of Student Loan Debt

That's the sign of the boomer.

You didn't shake its hand firmly enough. And the eye contact. You must pierce into its soul, past all the layers of Bud Light lipids and CNN that have accumulated in its head over the years.

I regret getting a bba. All it did was get my first job where I realized how poorly the company was run, quit and started my own business with the contact I made working there for a year.

>Proficient in Microsoft
a MA in what?

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ummm...the gov backed loans are one of the main reasons it's so expensive so why would the gov try and fix it?

I make more cleaning toilets, but then again I'm cleaning toilets..

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Lol, masters degree, 5+ experience, worked with every technology under the sun- $15 bucks.

I now button pushers with no qualifications, earning easily 20€ the hour.

People like you are why I love my life.

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>When LITERALLY EVERYBODY goes to college, going to college is nothing special and it just becomes another tier of basic education.
>t. Cletus
You can work for Goldman with a bachelor's in math from Harvard, but not a bachelor's in sociology from Podunk State.

they are unironically looking for a full stack IOT senior developer for min wage
will i check >50% of this i would kindly offer HR to kiss my ass for $15

This is not necessarily a problem with the university system or the degree you get (although yes, dont get a worthless degree). This is a problem with managers in general.

Every. Single. Manager. I have ever worked for has had murder-worthy shit for brains. I HATE managers. Theyre arent smarter than you. They arent more qualified than you. Theyre just more full of shit than you. And theyre rewarded for it by being given an ounce of power and that little thimble of power gives these fucktards the highest high theyve ever had in their life.

Humans who cannot weild power justly should all be murdered from a mcdonalds manager to every political office in America

I have no college degree and I make $55,000 per year plus annual bonus+stock. Arizona.

Thats decent. Not awesome. If youre happy though bro im happy. Good for you

You go to college to learn how to be a house slave. That's capitalism. Too many highschool kids get the impression that you get a degree and then you're on the path to becoming a CEO of a company.

I think a handful of psychotic /ourguys/ will shake things up over the next decade.

In the 70s and 80s a college degree was worth something. Now anyone can get a degree so theyre worthless. Scarcity is the only thing that ever gives anything value

No they wont. If given the choice between money and doing the right thing 99% of all humans will take the money. And considering 80% of "conservatives" on /pol are absolutely fucking retarded /ourguys/ doesnt exist. And btw im a conservative. I just cant take the money over doing the right thing

Not true. Demand and Scarcity are what give a thing its value. If something is scarce but has little demand it will still be worth shit.

Lmao I make almost double that driving forklift in a warehouse

I heard something about corporations putting out ridicules job descriptions that they know americans wont take so they can go back and say hey, americans wont do this, so we need to hire third worlders.

Forklift driver is pretty cushy if you have enough hobbies to keep your noggin' joggin'.

Ok hair splitting faggot. You know what i mean

Set your sights higher

That's exactly why H1 visas were sold for. Even one of the legislators that helped craft it is now against it, because in some strange twist he is honest enough to admit he got scammed by businesses that wanted to flood the supply side of the human assets market and undercut fair market value for skilled labor.

Doesnt matter. H1Bs write the shittiest code I have ever seen

>libtards give out loans you can't default on
>somehow right wingers fault
out jew

Go to a cheaper college numnuts

I got a STEM degree and I regret it. I had to retrain in IT to actually get a job.

They are genuinely confused when we shoot them too.

Yes goy, go in debt for some useless degree that wont even get you a burger flipping job.

Wrong. Prestigious degrees are just as scarce as they've ever been and increasingly harder to obtain because elite universities are getting twice as many applications as they did 20 years ago, but they haven't increased the size of each year's class.

I probably make more a week than most people here make in a quarter.

Except there wont be any money, dumb ass.

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Most of them don't even write their own code. They steal it or they write code so half-assed and nonfunctional that eventually some white nerd has to do the job for them anyway.
Poos are worthless like all diversity hires. Worst part is once you hire a poo they cling to that company forever no matter how useless like shit on a shoe and then more and more poos join in and they all collude because poos do everything in a group, even going to the bathroom.

shoulda known better when its literally called a libtard arts degree. the art of being a libtard.

>Humans who cannot weild power justly should all be murdered from a mcdonalds manager to every political office in America
I'm a trainer at my place of work, and every single trainee tells me I'm the best trainer they've ever had in any job. Endless stories about how the other guys they've had experience with didn't tell them how to do anything and then yelled at them for getting it wrong, or criticized them for asking too many questions. I'm just like "well making sure you know how to do this is literally my job, so I make sure you understand." Apparently that's a rarity. Everyone else wrangling tards for factory jobs just doesn't give a single fuck and enjoys having power over the only people on Earth who know less than they do.

Wtf did u study?

As long as the kikes get rich I’m cool with it.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. They still get gainfully employed. Just because someone is shit at software/hardware engineering doesn't mean they aren't getting the job. Companies don't care if their product has shoddy worksmanship/craftsmanship because there is absolutely nothing most consumers can do about it. All these jokes people make about not understanding how code works or that core cancers like fragmentation of the address space should just be accepted demonstrate just how incompetent the industry has become. Doesn't stop em from making bank so why change? Companies are like cats. They don't change their behavior until physically forced to with negative reinforcement.

Zoomer here. Can anyone name me a degree that will actually have good job prospects within the next 4 years or so after I graduate? I'm going to college soon and was deciding between math or finance.

People are rejecting materialism
After you live so long without you kind of realize you never needed it
Dont be full of despair
Apply yourself

Why the fuck are you an expert on US visa crap Aussie? I don't even know the name of a visa in your country- fucking kangaroo

Progressives effectively banned proficiency tests via overreach in the EEOA of 1972. This established a captive consumer base, meaning colleges can charge whatever the market can bear. Then, progressives demanded student loans, which only served to increase the cost that the market could bear, resulting in price hikes. Lather, rinse, repeat.

You faggots did this. You. It's your fault.

Fact is that majority of students major in absolute horseshit. On top of that, the majority of students are A. fucking dumb and B. probably spent less than 10 hours a week on classes/homework.

I recently graduated college. These numbers are not an exaggeration. Millennials are garbage and don't deserve shit.

>tfw I start my benefitted $17 hourly full time 2-year mechanics apprenticeship in 2 weeks

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Dont go to college, get a labour job and save up for a piece of land and build a cabin on it

HVAC you fucking retard. Many places will cover your education if you contract with them. Education is also cheap.
IT only requires Certs.
Management in customer service
Lots of jobs pay loads. You just need to look for them. Many in desperate need of employees, willing to cover most costs.

My dad just went through SWIFT trucking training. They covered his rent, shelter, food. Training was free. Good pay and benefits.

Giving every 70-IQ nigger free gibs to go to college decreased the value of college degrees.

Chemistry. Everyone either stayed in academia, which I hated; retrained or got another degree; has a shit salary of 18k in an office; is a teacher(female); or was a richfag and never even needed the degree.

Mechanics here are all spics and do a sloppy job. Most of the time they create more problems then they fix. One time they scratched the hood of my car and returned it to me in the middle of the night outside so I couldn't see the scratch

Slimy fucks. Same goes for plumbers and renovators too.

Out of curiosity; What do you intend to do with a finance degree? What do you think you can do with it?

Mfw I make double that with a hs diploma lmfao

if you work a job you should literally be applying the least amount of effort to get your paycheck unless you make commission while you create a business on the side. the only exception is sales where you're still getting jewed but slightly less.

Math or finance is good if you go to a prestigious university where top employers recruit and you can make (((connections))). Waterloo or UT in Canada, for example. The only way to get ahead of poos is with (((networking))). Also consider changing your name to something Jewish. Don't fall for the trade meme pushed by Cletus.

I am a journeyman Elevator Constructor in a Union Shop. I make $41 an hour plus $15 fringe for insurance/retirement. I am 25 years old in a medium size southern city with low cost of living. I have never attended college. The only down side is that you get dirty and have to actually move not sit on an ass in a cubical all day. The trades are short on manpower all around. Pick one that Mexicans can’t do like elevators, operating engineer, electrical, millwright, pipefitter, cable (particularly fiber) lineman. Apprenticeships generally take 4-5 years and starting paying you at half the journeyman rate with annual increases as you show proficiency.

I make over 130k a year selling shitty European cars to americans who cant afford them and I have no degree or trade school. I'm just hoping a recession doesnt hit or ill probably have to flip burgers for a living.

EE here

Can get my PE in my state after 4 years (can sign documents for anything..and I'm only about a year away) but in the meantime, my state allows me to become a Master Electrician after taking a test with no prior work experience, which, while it is difficult and I will need to study, I have been studying the basics anyways over the last few years in the EE field anyways.

Literally setting myself up for the triple crown (FE, Master, PE) at age 27 (but with 100k in debt). Worth it? We'll see. I've met a lot of extremely smart people even over the past three years and have learned a lot of things in the electrical field that 95% of people are just not comfortable (let alone qualified) with dealing with. The ability to design (and in most cases, the law requires proper qualification) based on that is a huge moneymaker too

It machine mechanics, not auto, but yeah spic mechanics are an epidemic.

trades will make a come back