And just when we thought we couldn't sink any lower, a hand reaches out and pulls us deeper

And just when we thought we couldn't sink any lower, a hand reaches out and pulls us deeper.
What was his name, Jow Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_20190710-143507_Chrome.jpg (1439x1521, 650K)

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>because only a Russian would have tried to link Hillary to Seth's death

>doubling down on russian disinfo

absolute state of schizos

yup.. russians..
definitely not autstic kids.

Isn't this being pushed by the same journalist implicated as a patsy for the FBI?

Maybe. I know it's the same stooge who fell for the Steele Dossier.

>russians plating fake stories and try to to rile people up

nothing new

Attached: russian-shills.jpg (1860x3886, 1.34M)

I thought we were supposed to respect tha family and not speak about Seth. Didn’t liberals say that

Autistic kids are extremely easy to manipulate.

Reply to this post or else (etc)

Too bad his parents cucked and gave in to all the dnc pressure. Imagine not fighting for your son.

Imagine your son dying, and retards on the internet try to use it as a political prop with zero evidence. This is fox news tier shit. How fucking embarassing. Get out of my sight.


thank goodness for the fourth estate, yahoo news, and their brilliant journalistic integrity. they've really presented an exhaustive case that is proportionate to the severity of the situation. move over new york times

Imagine how much Russian intelligence sit back and laugh at you fucking morons for eating up every conspiracy theory they throw out

Imuhhh russia
Go suck a dick dumb liberal faggot.

Prove it.

Death to Dems and their Republican business partners before enemies abroad.

>Let me show you how ridiculous of a conspiracy theory that is by inventing my own conspiracy theory. -- high IQ leftist

>according to yahoo news
Not a government agency, or a report, or anything remotely qualifying on the subject - just a podcast from yahoo fucking news. Didnt they go bankrupt a couple years ago? Why the fuck is anyone listening to what they have to say?

Oh ok yup case closed guys yahoo says its the russians might as well forget all the evidence pointing back to the DNC and those two dead ms-13 members.


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