The Great Bitcoin Feud

I started threatening to sue Craig last year. The price of Bitcoin reflected the credibility of my claims by failing to exceed the 2017 high price point. The price tanked within a couple months after making the legal threats towards him. Which, I'll show screenshots of in the next post.

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You can see where his eyes are looking in this live youtube interview.

He's sees me threatening to sue him.

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>Claiming to sue for rights to creator of BTC
>Creator of BITCOIN
>Uses internet explorer

If you were wondering why the price of Bitcoin didn't go higher in 2018 than it did in 2017, that's the reason...

Everyone knows a Lawsuit is on the Horizon.

Yea, what's wrong with Edge? It's called Edge.

>Calls Edge "Internet Explorer"

Your from Plebbit right ?

No one cares about your bad investments on here dude this is Jow Forums go over to Jow Forums you will probably still be laughed at though.

complete retard

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Let me guess...

The Child Rape Cult has backdoor access to Mozilla and Chrome?

Am I right? lulz

Are you sure?

Or, are people afraid to show support cuz you fuckin pyscho Mafia people will show up and Stalk them?

m8 your obviously a noob and this is not the site for you.


>> remove your personal info from the thread
>> don't use lulz fuck sake makes you look like a spook
>> stop spamming your dead thread

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Harassment from Mafia people is the BIG reason people refrain from posting. I show photos of MS-13 guys outside of my living room window when posting about them on here and they don't want the same to happen to them.

It's not that it's "dead." It's that those interested are simply refraining from posting out of fear of being targeted themselves. You Mafia guys seem to be so convinced of your bullshit that you actually genuinely believe it.

You live in a fantasy world.

You seem to lack the understand of what I'm talking about here, as well...

Posting my name is necessary when I'm describing an upcoming Lawsuit between me and Craig Wright.

Am I supposed to just say:

"user vs. Craig Wright."
You're not really making any sense when you say, "Don't post your name."

>>> remove your personal info from the thread

How could I do that when I'm showing how my case is being censored on Legal Match?

Lawyer Views: 0

It's possibly the biggest Intellectual Property Theft Lawsuit in the history of mankind. How could it have "0" Lawyer views? CENSORSHIP.

Attached: Legal Match listing.png (1920x1080, 228K)

David it's not politically related if anything is business related .

Your putting your information up so your asking for trouble if indeed it is you.

No one is posting in this thread because it's a shit tier thread and quite obviously your green why not put up your credit card info.?

This board in particular has hostile actors some are legitimate some are spooks if your thread is politically engaging then people other than myself will contribute even the shills might.

I don't quite get your mafia line sounds like you have some schizophrenia best visit for that sort of stuff.

Just trying to show you the way man.

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>No one cares about your bad investments

Am I the one that made "bad investments." The price of Bitcoin didn't go up after I made the threats. Had I been compensated and the issue been resolved, the price last year likely would've jumped up and EVERYONE would've made money. Instead, Craig refrained and the price went from $6,000 to $3,000...

It appears I'm not the one making bad decisions here. The profitable decision would've been to settle up with me so there would've been a significant price jump. By refraining from doing so the price crashed to half the value and Craig lost money. Possibly, more money than he would've made with a price jump after giving me half of those 1 million Bitcoins.

You must be new to my threads...

Bitcoin is definitely politically related. Those protest in China last month very well could've been connected to me in some way. The official story is that it had to with a new Law, but information out of China isn't always accurate.

1 million people took to the streets protesting (some violently) the day after my BIRTHDAY. Maybe, those 1 million people were trying to display the real reason for the protest by doing it the day after my birthday. Asian people don't like an American taking credit away for the creation of Bitcoin after all.
Why would you say "schizophrenia" in relation to a statement about the Mafia? As we speak deportation of immigrants with Mafia connections is serious political issue at the moment.

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>David it's not politically related if anything is business related .

Not to mention...

The REALITY is that A LOT of these Gang Members that are sieging cities in the USA right now (causing the need for deportation and border walls) is due to the fact that they know I'm the inventor of Bitcoin, and they want me arrested and punished for it. That's a FACT.

They stating they'll keep fucking with cities in the USA if they don't arrest me for it. They want me punished. This situation with me being the inventor of Bitcoin is what sparked their actions and the actions of the government in response.

These Drug Cartels have lost A LOT of money because of Bitcoin and they want me punished for inventing it.






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sue him faggot. actually do something with your pathetic life. also go all in on RSR

Inventing Bitcoin is pretty good life in my opinion...

I contributed something to existence. What have you done?

As far as suing him goes, that's what I'm trying to do...

Did you see my Legal Match listing?

what is this schizo thread

Had my Legal Match listing not been censored discussions with Lawyers would've already taken place. So, that needs to get resolved before I can move forward with Legal action.


That's your favorite word around here..."Schizo"

It's hilarious.

Strange how inconsistent the information is on Bitcoin's history...

Wikipedia shows the first Exchange being

While a Bing search for "first Bitcoin Exchange" shows Mt. Gox...

Weird how these people can't their information and stories straight. They basically just lie about shit. It'll look interesting in Court.

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If you can't get your stories straight on something simple like the first Exchange to open up, how do you expect Judges and Juries to take anything you say on other aspects of Bitcoin's history seriously?

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Haha you think the Hong Kong extradition protests were about you...

What a fucking retard

>surprise! its a gangstalking thread


if you see 5 blue cars in a row, then you know.

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