The difference, as with most things with the right comes down to skin color

The difference, as with most things with the right comes down to skin color.

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Other urls found in this thread:

an empty parking lot violates human rights?

Who tf is the guy in the second panel

white is right
everything else, to the left


Attached: Jewtuber.jpg (230x219, 12K)

leave plumbers alone :(

the left can't meme, once again

fuck your slide thread, anons get in here:

Attached: braids.jpg (302x453, 37K)

The left cant meme

>we should listen to AOC because eleven years ago someone else shouldn't have been president

what the FUCK

mirin that jaw

I think nick Fuentes?

Except Joe is a useful contributor to society and isn't trying to take all your shit to pay for his inadequacies; and he didn't run for office.


No it's Tucker Carlson

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Except when we protested the taxes being too high, the movement was astroturfed into oblivion. The liberals really need their WHITE MAN BAD narrative, otherwise their heads explode from all the cognitive dissonance. Poor little goys.

I think it's supposed to look like Tucker Carlson

It's not the right obsessed with race

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>skin color

It's more than that. Whites literally have more neurons in their brains than other races, especially niggers.

Joe the Plumber is a white American small business owner. AOC is a Puerto-Rican nationalist who's trying to flood the US with illegal beaners, which decreases the value of labor. She basically has an anti-worker position.

Every race should be obsessed with race.

Anti-white leftists literally aren't going to stop unless we use state/guerilla force against them and make them stop.

>there are people on Jow Forums right now who are too young to know who joe the plumber is

Taxes to daggum high has been a winning platform for literally all of human history

Have a varmint.

Attached: varmint.jpg (340x255, 28K)