A whirlwind just killed 6 people here an hour go

Climate change is real you fucking illiterate american faggots, remove your pedo from office, elect Bernie, if you want to save the fucking planet...which has 20 years of life max.

Attached: whirlwind.jpg (355x142, 5K)

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tf is a whirlwind turk

>which has 20 years of life max.
Good. I'll take my chances with the apocolypse. Better that then letting smug Jews win.

I was about to talk about your identity but you dont have one. I will go with gender neutral. Fag.

yeah that'll be a no

I guess that's to be expected from the American education system.
a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape.
synonyms: tornado, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone, tropical storm, tropical cyclone, vortex

Attached: 1542810392920.jpg (222x227, 16K)

turkroach seething

i was only pretending to be retarded, i can see the picture on an image board you know

Maximum butt fucker cope

Fatten up and your people won't blow away anymore.

SEETHING irrelevant country BTFO

Attached: 1561591530701.gif (288x430, 1.92M)

if you die from a fucking gustnado you honestly probably deserved it
theyre a literal breeze

Attached: OnlyPretending.jpg (349x642, 40K)

>A whirlwind just killed 6 people here an hour go
sorry to hear that
>Climate change is real
maybe it is, maybe it isnt, the above incident does not prove anything however

Your girls sell their pussy's for burger prices. As an American....I approve.

Thanks Autist. Don't give the turkroach energy it only makes him oilier.

I wish that was true you fucking retard.
We still are best in quality life in the balkans, which nothing to be proud of.

Holy shit...that is a topic specific meme. Your filing system must be PRO-tier.

Yes, climate change is real, but Bernie isn't going to do much better than our "pedo" in solving it.

>6 Grappa drunk Olive niggers were spinning near a cliff.
Climate Change

"Teenage prostitutes selling sex for the price of a sandwich as Greece's crippling recession pushes prices to an all-time low"

Oh noes, a tornado! Poor widdle baby. Have you tried not being a smelly vagina?

What a faggot

>weather is manmade
Fucking lel

>be turk rape baby
>be so weak you get killed by a whirlwind

But Bernie Sanders killed Martin Luther King, Jr. Doesn't that bother you?


I'm just really good at finding what image I want by scrolling fast and watching all the thumbnails go by out of the corners of my eyes. If it's something specific, I'll usually name the image whatever makes me think of said image. Like

Attached: 1543363433426.jpg (623x414, 148K)

>the planet has 20 years of life left

Sick bait. I wouldn't be surprised if some fucking braindead millenial actually believed this though.

Your Autism is strong.

>my country sucks and I'm too lazy to do anything about it
>hey retard burgers, elect bernie so he can fix the whirlwinds

Literal fake news, by some sociology professor. You need 10 euros for a street nigress and around 50 for an hour with an eastern european in a quality brothel.
This guy literally did propaganda.

>killed by a pokemon ability that does no damage
absolute state of these turks

>doesn’t mention China or India
Pay debnts you fucking faggot Greeks

Weather isn't climate.
You scientificly illiterate inbred faggot.

Not a drop of autism in me, from what I know

Attached: 1530025723954.png (749x502, 129K)

Whites won’t save the environment by crippling their economy, Asians and shitskins will destroy the earth even faster in our absence

a sage just flew over my house
the climate changes every year, we call it seasons you fuckin dipshit
the real question is, how much influence do humans have

Attached: Easterbrook-Natural_global_warming.jpg (1082x496, 54K)


is that the name of the turkish boxer?

>climate change is real
no shit brainlet, the weather is different everyday. imagine being so retarded you think climate change means humans are destroying the environment. fucking lmao at you, OP.

Now do you see how ridiculous you sound?

Said from a person who is jealous he can't be in America. You are a failure in your third world country. Did you use the local donkey to go to the tea shop and use the internet over dialup? Fucking fag

I hope it is real......waiting for autumn, it's too hot.