Are Jews predisposed to sex perversion?

Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Elie Wiesel
Anthony Weiner
Bryan Singer
Alex Kozinski
Larry King
Howard Stern
Robert Kraft
Gene Simmons
James Deen
David Copperfield
Louis CK
Woody Allen
Roman Polanski
etc etc

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David Blaine

the powerful get away with sex perversion thats why you see high ranking christains have this too

they are dressed so poorly, especially woody

They are the ones that push depravity all the time.I'd say its a safe bet.

Moses had to make up a religion to stop them from being degenerate faggots.

So, yes.

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They get off to power. There is no greater imbalance of power than between adults and children. There is no greater expression of it than literally raping, slaughtering, and eating them. It's pretty simple.

lol what do you expect from your master faggot ?!

This. The wealthy can do whatever the fuck they want, and many Jews are wealthy. It would be naive to believe that other races/religions don't have molesters as well.


all jews are pedos

>Jeffrey Epstein
>Harvey Weinstein
>Elie Wiesel
>Anthony Weiner
>Bryan Singer
>Alex Kozinski
>Larry King
>Howard Stern
>Robert Kraft
>Gene Simmons
>James Deen
>David Copperfield
>Louis CK
>Woody Allen
>Roman Polanski
>etc etc

Attached: ww2 jews psyop.jpg (3509x1828, 1.25M)

Jews are predisposed to violating laws. Mans and gods. The act of sex is incidental to this thrill for them

Elie wiesel? Is there anything to this or is this just the usual level of Jow Forums autism?

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this is absolutely something we should run with
all the me too dudes are jews lol
purely a coincidence amirite

And it's no surprise when they abandoned said religion that they've all turned back into degenerate faggots, and why they push it so much; people seek approval through societal mimicry.

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It would seem so

Predisposed is the question.
Yes, they are, they are servants of their father, the devil. Perversion of everything is all they do.

Matt Lauer

>I'm going to attack the character of a holocaust victim and post about it on a retarded website because I NEED the attention

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>wall of text
I thought only twitter jews and tumblrinas made memes like this?

>Sex perversion
I think you mean psychopathy, as in low or no empathy on a genetic level

Their perversion is beyond sexual

non Jews on Jow Forums would never fuck a willing 16yo if they were so rich and connected that they felt untouchable.

is this some sort of retaliation for the "holocaust" jews are just gonna rape and murder children ??

>Are Jews predisposed to sex perversion?
It's seems as though it's no big deal to fuck youngsters

Attached: talmud_child_sex_no_big_deal_kethuboth_11b.png (826x423, 430K)

Rich and powerful people can fuck anything they want. After they get bored or fucking models they become more perverted and degenerate, it's the only way they can still get off. Now they want to fuck kids because they're bored of fucking adults and they can get away with it because they're rich and powerful.

This is common sense, you can see it in your own life. The more you masturbate, have sex, and and watch the more degenerate and perverted you become and the harder it is for you to get off. It's the same with rich and powerful people only they have the means to carry out their pervervisions in real life meanwhile you're jacking off to BLACKED, incest, or loli because you're not a powerful rich person.


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And then one day, for no reason....

You forgot their king, Al Goldstein.

>lineage is passed through the female
>females lack instincts to protect their young
>selfish drives are being pushed in the media
It's all so tiresome...

Those are Christian sexual morals we're talking about here - not Jewish ones.

Kikes despise beauty and purity in the spiritual and physical form and seek to subvert and destroy both through any means.

Add that degenerate to the list. For non-frogs, the kike is a french ecologist

>I work with an alternative kindergarten
>There are kids between 1 and 2 years old
>I wipe their ass, I tickle them, they tickle me back, I kiss them
>The sexuality of children is fantastic
>When a 5 years old little girl starts undressing you, it's fantastic
>It's like an erotic game

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This is a level of Jewish rationality so Jewish that I can barely even understand what the rabbi is saying

He says this in the video? What the fuck. Why is he not in prison?

dennis hastert

Every jew i know is pervert. Not every christian though

i think you are correct. you just listed the majority of jews in the world, therefore you are correct.