/nsg/ - NatSoc General ϟϟ Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Jow Forums ϟϟ
Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements.
>workout >cook healthy breakfast >hour read of Art of War >work hard >cook healthy dinner >hour read on homesteading >post /nsg/ thread How about you, brother?
I want to get involved. I wish I knew others to meet with irl, but living on an island in the maritimes means you're lonely unless you're a soiboi or a libslut.
Its terrible here, how do you lads go about making a difference?
>Better yourself through /sig/ >Read NatSoc literature >Learn skills/a trade >Read books on hunting and farming >Work hard, save money
Soon we shall have the proper organization to create our communities, where we shall construct the gleaming shield in which our weak society will flock behind in protection when the turmoil fully begins. Prepare yourself, save money, and when the time is right, you’ll join us.
Make a difference by being exceptional. More people are likely to follow you and listen to your ideas if you’re charismatic. Most of the people falling for this shite media tropes and fads are doing so because they lack a leader. Be exceptional and they WILL follow you and listen to you.
Dominic Fisher
The German-American Bund was a mistake. Even Hitler thought it was shit.
Brandon Jones
Very aesthetic, I like it. A suggestion perhaps would be to maybe sketch up and create a National Socialist symbols, color schemes, flags, etc. of your own country and your own people.
I’ve always dreamed of the new American NatSoc symbol to be the 10-point star or an upright and inverse star stacked (pic)
Of course it was shit, it was a bunch of Germans in America celebrating German National Socialism. Each culture and nation must adapt their own version of National Socialism, with their own symbols, icons, and traditions. No actual American NatSoc party should never use any German NatSoc symbolism, including the swastika.
I love the swastika based off aesthetics alone, but it symbolizes German National Socialism, which is entirely based around the German people and the German culture. It doesn’t have a place in America, especially when the normie population has an immediate natural recoil instinct from decades of Jewish brainwashing through (((media & education))).
Very nice, would love to see more unique NatSoc symbolism
Logan Cook
The Swastika isn't a German symbol my man, that Alt Right argument is baseless and dumb and just an excuse to shit on the symbol. Every culture has it's own Swastika in reality. As for "well normies won't like it" well fuck normies, we don't need them and even then most people aren't bothered by Swastikas, that's an overplayed meme by the media, truth is your average person is extremely apathetic and doesn't care about anything but themselves and what effects them personally. Proof of this is with George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP, he gains lots of popularity despite using the swastika in a post-war US that just got out of a war with Germany and NS ideology. Not saying we should LARP as brownshirts and play pretend as the NSDAP like groups like "New Awakening" like to do though since that is extremely gay and played out to death.
>an island in the maritimes Whereabouts user? t. south shore
Cameron Gray
No, it was gay primarly because of the leadership making claims like "George Washington was the first fascist ever!" and other really autistic slogans, reasons why Hitler preferred the Silver Shirts but he was forced into being nice to and giving the bare minimum of attention to the group because Henry Ford was friends with the leadership (the leader and founder was one of the head doctors at Ford's Hospital in Detroit too) and considering Henry Ford was one of the biggest funders of the NSDAP and personal friends with Hitler that was more of a favor there. Though honestly, I'd argue that America never had a real Fascist movement until Rockwell came along considering the many other groups including the Silver Shirts were kinda meh at best or in the case of the German-American Bund, really autistic.
Gavin Garcia
I understand that the swastika is a universal image but whenever we see it in the modern age we equate it with the German National Socialist movement. People are too stupid, the mass majority are under a follow complex, and we must fill our ranks with these follower-types if we hope to actually achieve anything, we need grunts and workers. I believe it would be far better to take complete pride in one own’s race and nation, instead of giving credit to the German’s for their own unique form of National Socialism.
Again I'm not saying lets LARP as the NSDAP here (see groups like New Awakening or the NSM to see how that plays out IRL). What I am saying is we shouldn't avoid radical symbolism to pander to retards and the lowest. We should be aiming for the highest and the best. We are fascists after all right? If we water down our message to appeal to idiots then we'll become retarded ourselves. See Identity Europa to see were optics cucking brings you, they're a literal conservative MAGA group now that goes on the Alex Jones show to bitch about "Globalism" and they ban any mention of truth. We need radicals, not moderates in our ranks. Everyone else is becoming militant and radical, why not us? Might does make right after all and we of all people need to recognize that if we want to survive and not be overrun by our enemies.