Top story on the front page of MSNBC. Trump is done for.
Top story on the front page of MSNBC. Trump is done for
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To be a calendar girl would you not have to be 18+?
calendar girls are girls born that calendar year
Doone for...
Hearty KEK
Donald Trump fucks children
Donald Trump is the king of the pedophiles
Fucking kek
>calendar girls
Yeah, okay.
Gosh, 28 is an awful lot of eye witnesses. It’s odd that no one has come forward in the last 27 years to speak of trumps wrongdoing.
Calendar girls are of age retard.
its over
"Calendar" is code for 12 year olds (12 months)
what ever nigger. keep sucking peenlet fucking fag
Holy fuck! Why even live anymore OP?! You should probably just kys
>trump is gonna arrest le deep state
>trump is the one that gets busted
but 69 dimensional chess
>Trump had a party with a bunch of girls 18 or older
Okay..... So...... Where is the news?
There is really nothing wrong with a party, they all were +18 considering that they were calendar girls.
They wouldn't had missed the "underage" part if they were actually underage.
MSM is being misleading on porpuse, With the pedo Epstein being hot news normalfags will see "Epstein" and "Party" and believe that it must had been a pedo party.
It's meant to make Trump lose support, make normies believe that he's a pedo and make people yell about "drumf obstruting justice!!" when Epstein doesn't names him.
wow it checks out!!
MSM stories aren’t even mentioning the fact that the girls are all 18+, just dishonest kikes being dishonest kikes
Reminder, Joe Biden murdered and raped a prostitute.
>Projection: The Post
>Per the Times, Trump in 1992 directed Florida businessman George Houraney—who would later accuse Trump of sexually harassing his former girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth—to organize a members’ only “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago. After Houraney “arranged to have some contestants fly in,” he told the Times in an interview Monday, he discovered that there would be only two attendees. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein,” Houraney recalled. “I said, ‘Donald, this is supposed to be a party with V.I.P.s. You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein?’” The anecdote underscores the friendship between the pair, and suggests that their relationship proceeded in spite of warnings about Epstein’s behavior. Houraney “pretty much had to ban Jeff from my events,” he said. “Trump didn’t care about that.”
>Random nobody heard of who came up with a random Trump rape meme story a month before the election amazingly has a preposterous Trump/Epstein story.
Whoa, what are the odds?
Imagine being Epstein. Years of blackmail, underaged pussy, parties and immunity from consequences due to Dems protection. Trump gets elected and they launch him from a cannon into the tires of a bus just for the chance to have Trumps name in the same sentence as a pedophile.
I hope they push him so hard he flips on them all.
>they are still trying to link epstein and Trump
holy shit you can smell the desperation
remember when like 3 years ago Clinton making 38 flights to epsteins island was no big deal? lol
Even if true the story is a gigantic fucking nothingburger
Yep, he's done for sure now.
Key supreme.
i would still vote for trump but this comment cannot be ignored. fucking kek
I’m starting to think this is really just the latest version of get trump. All the billions of shill threads, all the scrubbing of internet references, all the effort to clean the table of everything except trump and this guy. Really sort of brazen... the ultimate crisis actor play as of yet.
It's bullshit, Houraney was behind the previous sex allegations from the Election. Why would he just mention this now? Everyone knew Epstein was a scum bag in 2016... connecting Trump to him would be a big deal. Bigger than Trump trying to bang his girlfriend.
It doesn't fucking matter, they have the disks and the prosecution is being run by the public corruption office, not sex crimes. The establishment is shit scared, which is why you see bullshit stories like this on MSNBC. But despite russiagate huge fart of nothingness, The majority of people, more every day, see it for what it is. It's gonna get good. Does Trump seem scared? He doesn't to me.
I don't know if they're trying to paint trump as a pedo or the most alpha fuck to every exist, imagine spending the whole day with 28 cover girls willing and eager to suck and fuck their way to the top, every other news about trump is how he spent his youth days fucking hot models.
I don't know if they're trying to awake our incel instincts and just hate the man for spending his life inside models
>playboy billionaire did playboy billionaire shit
A truly devastating story.
Epstein head is fuckn twice the size of trumps
Katie J’s Testimony v. Donald J. Trump: Alleging he tied, beat, raped and threatened her with murder when she was 13 years old
Dude CNN and MSNBC are trash heap news organizations you'll have to try better than that as far a reliable source
Who gave Avenati internet access
You fags keep posting this shit, Do you seriously think that we would forget the part when it was confirmed false?
>people think a literal billionaire reality television star/businessman isn't a pedophile.
Donald has probably eaten babies. How fucking blind are you guys? Rich fucks do this shit all the time.
It's almost like...they're deflecting the blame on to something...
I wonder who?
If we just legalize prostitution, then a lot of this bullshit goes away forever.
Oof of course
William Jefferson Clinton is ALL OVER that flight log, though.
I don't believe it because of Donnie not being in the flight log for the island, not being part of the BG or SaB, banning Epstein from his club, helping his victims in 2009 and being the only one giving clues of this shit.
This doesn't sounds like someone that's implicit in this shit, What evidence is there of Trump being a pedo other than "he took a picture with him 25 years ago and said that he was terrific"?
At Cornell University they have an
incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the tunneling
electron microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that
by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom,
the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe.
If I were using that microscope right now... I still
wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your post.
We have got him now!!
media is all propaganda
not just news media, but all media in all forms
Why are so many people terrible at parsing information from news outlets? You act like 100% of info from a left leaning source is false. It's not even CNN and MSNBC that are orginally reporting the story, it's nytimes. It's based on testimony from the guy, George Houraney, who organized the party at Trump's request.
How lucky that there happened to be a photographer on the bus the very minute Rosa decided she wasnt going to sit in the back of the bus. And he followed her throughout the ordeal.
Wow. Media has been fake news from day one.
>confirmed false
dropping a case doesn't confirm it's false, but having like 24 women accuse someone of sexual assault is reason to be suspicious because it's very unusual.
>how dare trump have adult strippers at his property
>child rape and mutilation is literally freedom
Which of his wives did he cheat on for this one?
i read this in a carl sagan voice
>implying they would thow eveyone under the bus to get that information out.
Keep projecting that degeneracy, homo.
Not when that "someone" happens to be the most famous man in the world and an entire establishment known for dirty tricks and lies has spent the last four years doing everything they can to smear him
not when its literally hitler and your entire worldview revolves around being a victim
>Rich fucks do this shit all the time.
How the fuck would you know what rich people are doing...faggot
>This much hope
Almost as sad as thinking Epstein is actually gonna fry pre-morteim.
I would advise you also get your shit in order too, cause I bet you haven't even thought about where you go after this.
Why do they keep hanging this on Trump when only Democrats are under investigation?
Who's 'they'?
Donald Trump was a member of the Manson Family. Disgusting!
NIGGA are u even trying anymore?
Reminder that sage grows in all fields you stupid faggots that are replying to this shill bait.
But? There aren't 28 months?
Pfft. That was 10 years ago. Who cares?
The ones doing these allegations are retard like this:
I doubt that is a coincidence how these allegations with no evidence started after he ran for president and made comments of Bill being a creep.
>calendar girls
>not children
Please explain why anyone will care about this. He literally said he grabs women by the pussy, and nobody cared.
stories like this just discredit msnbc in my eyes.
This just in
>Trump allegedly talks to women
>Hitler 2.0
>Hit him with the Billy Bush tape
>Let’s go Russian spy angle
>Look how many diet cokes
>He has dementia
>Bring out Stormy
It’s a widely known fact that Trump fucks whores.
That was 10 seconds ago, who cares? Who cares? I'm a degenerate, so I don't care. Oops, I guess SJWs won. Oh well.
I don't think most people fall for the medias bullshit anymore.
Yes, professional models
Nothing illegal about calendar girls being at a party. Sex trafficking minors is another story.
You made a claim about Trump, prove it or fuck off, kike.
almost no one, especially msnpc
Surely, this time!
He is finished this time!
Hopefully Trump gave them both a million dollars so they can be worth 3 billion in a few years.
Saved kek
>He literally said he grabs women by the pussy, and nobody cared.
"they let your grab them by the pussy"
>brainwashing those who are already brainwashed
Dems are losing because they can't gain new ground when all they do is feed the same sheep. It's fucking redundant.
Only faggots do that, faggot!
its O V E R .
Says the side in which the only source of news is Trump Tweets, Fox news, and Brietbart all echoing the same shit for years.
>(((MSM))) working OVERDRIVE on this narrative since Epstein's arrest
We got em boys
trump raped nash in the summer of 92
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Ah the luggenpresse