This is why we need a caste system

Equality is a false god. Society will always stratify along the lines of superior/inferior DNA. All civilizations had this codified into law one way or another. It is only very recently that such institutions have been dismantled in favor of false liberalist ideals. But nature always wins in the end. It's time to go back to the way things were.

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No we need to execute people with inferior traits:
Manlets, people with dark skin, fat people, ugly people, etc.
They're burdens to society since they'll never be able to mate.

>Equality is a false god
And yet most of the burgers on this board still advocate for democracy and muh votes for AIPAC-vetted candidates

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All pajeets are faggots, especially you, OP.

Actually, OP has a point.

>They're burdens to society since they'll never be able to mate
Uh, have you taken a look outside? The fatties, uglies, niggers etc. are all breeding at a rapid pace, they're mating MUCH faster than those with quality genetic potential.

based leaf

>manlets still seething over this .

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caste systems are never genetically based

>quality genetic potential
>failing to reproduce

*Have children
*Protect said children

Everything else is bunk if you can't pull of these two tricks.

Manlet didn't do anything wrong

We need either arranged marriages for working class or legalized prostitution

guess what, mutt, you're already living in one

>This is why we need a caste system
This user is redpilled.

There was never a manlet caste though, lmao

That 5'11 dude ruined his already pathetic life

who is this jewish midget?

>people with dark skin
>they'll never be able to mate

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>There was never a manlet cast
Is that a challenge?

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Anyone know why jannies keep deleting this topic thread even on red boards?

No we need genetic engineering. Nature used to take care of this naturally but now we're not allowing genetic abominations to die early.

The tallest janny is 5'4 (its styx)

What helped in the past was the belief that there was an after life, in some case there shittier you have it this life, the better you have it in the after life. That was the ultimate cope for the people who lost at the genetic lottery. Now that belief has largely vanished form western societies, victims want to be equal, but only some of the get actually fought for. People like him believe they are owed this, but no one cares.

the roastie brain is not one of human beings.

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Only God can crown a king

>Dark skin
>Never be able to mate
Have you ever seen niggers? Like ever?

and the subjects may always kill him. Monarchy or Autocracy in general is the best system. You either get a good leader or you kill the shitty one

>thinks bagel boy has inferior DNA
Bagel boy could see he was being filmed. Bagel boy was in a dark period of his life with zero success with Tinder or whatever. He knew that if he got a viral video out of the situation, he could become something. He would become a symbol of manlet and incel frustration, he would get contacts, he would get interviewed. At least he could get money for appearing on interviews. Bagel boy might be pretty clever, dude

There are absolutely millions of successful manlets though. Hitler was one.

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>killed only 6 million
>their initial population was 7 million and in the end of the war they were at 8 million
>the war was for only 4 years

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Looks like he came up a little short

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we do and it's based on height. It doesn't matter how smart or how hard you work, at the end of the day height is the only thing that entitles you to success.

>Equality is a false god.
Maybe so but equal application of the law is the most just. Where do you assholes come from?


Stupid girl posting the video

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Hitler was 5'9 which was average height at the time

The manlet reveals himself

Oh yeah, you're right bro, EVERYBODY'S going to totally forget about Epstein and the global pedophile rings will rule for another thousand years unless EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. THREAD. is about that shit.

What the fuck do you even care, you stupid retarded nigger? Don't you know that if ANY real shit got posted HERE the mods would delete it immediately? Where do you think you are, numbnutz? Some other chan?

That's it, shut the thread down