pol - men are naturally attracted to 14 year old girls stay mad you fucking roastie

> pol - men are naturally attracted to 14 year old girls stay mad you fucking roastie

> also pol - fucking degenerate kikes raping under aged girls must hang!


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>pre-pubescent - Fuck off pedo
>post-pubescent - How nature intended it

Now, that only makes sense if the father makes the decision as to who would be a good partner for his daughter, since she cannot chose for herself.

>My only options are loving from a distance or rape
Imagine being this polarized in your thinking

>Jow Forums is one person

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anyone who said the first thing is a provocateur shill & needs to gas themselves


thats prime breeding age

they can carry children easily and make healthy offspring

>that only makes sense if the father makes the decision as to who would be a good partner for his daughter, since she cannot chose for herself.
also gonna add that involves the father not being a piece of shit or black and missing

because humans are hypocrites

Yuck. she looks 30, crows feet. hippy pink hair. chunky fore arms. probably has a real meaty pussy. gross. Plus too old.

If you have sex and don't nut inside, you deserve the rope


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Hes talking about attraction... Not a relationship.

Puberty is mother natures way of saying this person is now capable of breeding. Thats why we become attracted to them.

The persons mental capacity and critical thinking ability is separate from them being ready to conceive. 400 years ago, when you lived to the ripe ol age of 32 you didnt give a shit about mental capacity. Now when we live to 80+ brains matters.

But that has nothing to do with attraction, and theres nothing wrong with that. Attracted to child'esque looks, wrong. Attracted to some big ol tiddies and a fat ass.... right. Even if on a 17 year old.... But keep it at attraction and dont let it manifest into anything beyond that.

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Jow Forums is millions. Not one.

To be fair we say the 2nd far more than the first and when pedos post that they're always called out. Plus is it too far of a stretch to think 14-17 yo women are good for marriage but not as internation jewry's blackmail devices?

naturally attracted=/=actually raping and dressing them up provocatively

Come on, OP. who's actually giving into their perversions?

Then the age of consent should go up to 25.

This is 14 yo

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because kikes need to keep their filthy hands off of our lolis

Why? Women start losing fertility before that age.
At 30, they have lost roughly 90% of their eggs.

Speak for yourself rabbi lmao

>Jow Forums is one person

Pedos do get the Jow Forumse of impalation though.

No. To say the average 18 year old isnt smart enough to consent is foolish. Now, they may often abuse the power but they clearly know what sex is about and its ramifications.

Theres a difference between understanding and being responsible.

There’s a difference between trafficking and marrying

> tfw you never had a teenage romance

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Pick one faggot.

>400 years ago, when you lived to the ripe ol age of 32
>american """education"""

You can't currently hang people for being Jewish. You take what you can get

This is her now. Feel old yet?

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no way

>most modern "women" are not virgins by the time they are 15
>"we should totally raise the consent age even higher"
Yes, please put more innocent men in jail for doing what humans have done for fucking ever, fucked each other whenever the opportunity appears. Lets make it fucking 30. Lets put everyone in jail who fucks a 29 year old because she isn't ready to consent, despite being a stronk independent waman.

I swear to God we are not far away from peak clown world.

There's a difference between being attracted to underage girls vs. pinning them down and fucking them in the ass

Jow Forums is actually around 30 brown people and 6 Aussies

It doesn't happen over night retard, post puberty is almost always over 14.
Even if it's OK to be attracted to young girls it's not OK to rape them, prostitute them, give them drugs and groom them into prostitution and a degenerate life style.

>thousands of years
>most cultures developed a system of arranged marriage and dowry paid to the father.
>If not virgin dowry often given back
But muh natural. Then go live in africa you nigger.


No ought from is.

Jow Forums doesn't torture, murder and cannibalize tennage girls you fucking smoothbrain.

>pol is one person

Fuck off leaf

fuicking leafs

fuicking leafs

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Op this is you, pic related

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fpbp, our children should be raised to be married at 12 and adults (legal age) at 16

>average lifespan was only 32 therefore people died of old age at 32
You know infant mortality was extremely high back then? 400 years ago if you made it past 14 you actually had a very high chance of also making it into your 60's.

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>people ironicaly write they like loli stuff, based on anime nip culture

>goy, its totally the same as influential kikes human trafficking and forced children prostitution, the same !


This. I'm Aussie number 4.

You do know there is a difference between jerking it at the thought of a young ass fruelein slopping your nob. And them raping children that havent even thought about puberty and in some cases killing them. Like speilberg did to the girl from poltergeist


Prostitution is quite different from dating a teenage girl, you kike.

>since she cannot choose for herself.

Archetypal delusional misogyny which leads to stuff like the bitches we now have to deal with, user.

is she really 14
she looks 50

It is the father's right to take his daughter's virginity and anal virginity.

No, pretending that women are emotionally stable enough to make their own choices is how we get the bitches we have now.

Feminists are not capable of being free, and clearly don't want to be free. That's why they import 3rd world violent partriarcal cultures and flip the fuck out when we threaten to deport them.

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Absolutely wrong. It is the duty of either the mother or an older sister to introduce her to sex, probably around 12 years old. No filthy men. And no penetration, just heavy petting, licking, tribbing.

That is literally the total opposite of the truth.

A woman's vice that causes her to become an avoidant/borderline is to believe and obey while fearing to express or ask her desires, leading her to become a concealed sadomasochist and saboteur as well as slavish believer in silliness, like the NXIVM whores were.

Women should be let free, since they are normal and obedient by nature.

Basically liberalism is to control women and fail to control men, while the opposite is to control men and let women be free.

That is the distinction between a true and a degenerate culture.

Hence why the religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are degenerate and packed with criminals and homosexuals and the like.

Just back off while we suck on some preteen titties.

I think he was being sarcastic.

But the truth is that the natural age of consent for a woman is just menarche and that incest is bad in general.
Furthermore, that a woman tends not to be satisfied by non-penetrative lesbian sex, cunnilingus, etc, does not enjoy blowjobs at all, and is only satisfied by anal or vaginal penetration.


>Furthermore, that a woman tends not to be satisfied by non-penetrative lesbian sex, cunnilingus, etc, does not enjoy blowjobs at all, and is only satisfied by anal or vaginal penetration.
That's kinda the point, turn her off of lesbianism early on.

only beasts cant control their urges and they should be put down as beasts

Maybe there is more than one person here?
Just a theory

Let me explain the simple reasons for this.

The reason the age of consent for a woman does not require maturity but just biological development is that a woman is relative to a man neotenous, meaning childlike for her entire life, thus she need only be physically developed and not mentally mature, as she is average and normal and not prone to promiscuity or perversion like a deviant man is, etc.

Oral copulation is degenerate in general for humans as it is an easy way to transmit viruses.
Thus fellatio or cunnilingus is always degenerate and should be illegal.

There are aversive and reinforcing body-parts of a man vs. a woman that are the opposite on a woman as on a man.
So for example the face, nose, and mouth of a woman are aversive, and sense disgust readily, hence a woman does not enjoy performing oral sex.
Furthermore, the outside of a woman's vagina, including the clitoris, is aversive and feels pain rather than pleasure, such that also a clitoral orgasm is rather a forced orgasm comparable to orgasm induced through the prostate in a man, and not pleasant.
As such, a woman only experiences pleasure without discomfort from penetration of either her vagina or anus, and a woman tends not to enjoy cunnilingus, let alone performing oral sex.

The breasts likewise of a woman rather sense pain than pleasure.

What senses pleasure is more the back or the back of the neck and head, and the interior of the body such as the vagina or rectum.

Therefore lesbian sex is generally degenerate, and unpleasant for women, hence why lesbians have so little sex compared to gays.

In general the so-called morals of religious people and modern people are simply degenerate and misplaced, in an attempt to relieve men of responsibility and to foist condemnation onto women and girls who really do not need to be controlled as much as men do since they are average and normal and not deviant, perverse, fetishistic or promiscuous compared to men.

Thus e.g. the taboo around 'underage girls' in the USA is simply degenerate, and runs in tandem with things like the acceptance of the truly criminal and degenerate behaviour of homosexual men.

Since a woman prefers penetration over masturbation, really a woman who has reached menarche, generally over 12 years old, has a psychological need for penetration by a man, either anally, or vaginally for procreation.
The lack thereof leads to dissatisfaction which in turn could lead to insanity.
Thus there is nothing good about this moral which restricts the sexuality of teenage girls, as they are driven by hormonal influences to have sex, so generally also will by age 16.

What should be restricted is the age at which men can copulate, as teenage boys cannot be adequate fathers and so there should be a rather high age of consent for males but none for females but menarche.

I hate to tell you this but my missus likes performing oral sex and having her tits rubbed. You're just doing it with the wrong ladies mate.

As for gays being criminal sociopaths, see e.g. this thread:

No woman really enjoys performing oral sex, she just enjoys obeying.
The fact is women are very similar to eachother because they cluster around average, so the same rule applies to nearly all or all of them, they do not like performing or receiving oral sex and they prefer penetration over masturbation.

Pfff don't lie. We know you "Aussies" are actually just emus. Australia was taken over awhile ago.

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epstein was raping girls and boys under 10

also murdering them and drinking their blood

do you think thats ok?

wtf I love Israel now

Fuck Palestine and fuck niggers

Well if she loves obeying then I'll keep letting her do it.

I wouldn't recommend it, as obedience to a man or belief in a cult is also attached to every kind of vice in a woman as well as sadism toward that man and hatred of men in general, resentment and sabotage, and addiction of all kinds.
Not good at all.

I recommend doing what a woman enjoys which is penetration from behind.

Note here that it was kike porn that promoted oral copulation in the past 30 years or so.
I wouldn't recommend imitating their degeneracy.

Jow Forums
>I want a beautiful and fertile wife to marry and have dozens of children with
discord trannies using Jow Forums
>I want to rape children and make women lick my asshole and I am also a nazi
you (discord tranny)
>Why is Jow Forums full of misogynist pedophiles? Why does Jow Forums also claim to be against pedophilia?
you (later tonight on your tranny discord

I don't know any evidence Epstein 'raped boys under 10' and drank their blood, but of course some Jews have been caught doing this over the ages in the form of 'blood libel' so-called, which is just an extreme case of the RULE that rabbis are pederastic homosexuals, hence their central initiation rite is to suck a baby boy's bleeding dick.

Because neo/pol/ is overrun by boomer christfags and feminist tools. This site is dead.

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BTW here I would say that nature is clear based on brain-maturity vs. genital maturity/menarche that the age of consent for girls is generally 12 and that for men is as high as 28, or full maturity of his character/brain.

That is, a woman need not be mature to be a mother, but a man has to be mature to be an adequate father, so a girl can copulate after menarche, generally age 12.5, but a man cannot copulate until he is fully mature at age 28 or so.

14 is ripe and perfect for bearing a child
Roasties eternally BTFO

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As I've said, at some point we don't know what is the US and what is the Jew anymore.

The topics are the same, they spoon fed each other of shit, etc.

The same way Jews carry on something of Germany, Poland, Russia they carry on some of the US, and vice-versa is also true.

If you're not from the US you can realize how similar their aspirations sound.

no i dont care about your exact definition whethere its hebe or what not, you get the rope

Go back to your discord server and leave this place alone you fucking newfag rat.

>implying im an invader

If you lurked more youd have never made such a mistake. Kill yourself philosemite roasty.

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The US is basically a Jewish nation at this point. Through and through.

because half of Jow Forums are prison mentality faggots that need to compensate for being trash.

She is unironically hideous (I've noticed most jews who pass for white are), her facial features don't match each other, like a bad attempt at whiteness.

well forced sexual servitude is hopefully not what most people have in mind when they talk about being attracted to teenagers.

You fucking faggots should try to get some new tactics.

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I never asked her to be loyal and show dedication to her man, she chose to and offered it, that's love telling her to do that. And no she doesn't cheat and turns down every guy that tries to do funny business while I'm not by her side.
The Fr*nch have popularised and promoted oral sex for hundreds of years as a way of displaying loyalty and lust for your partner, and oral sex is the only good thing the frogs have ever come up with.

Very likely the attitude this man expresses in general means he has a closet of skeletons of some very dark vices.
That is what I observe.
The man who condemns human nature is a degenerate of some kind, such as a homosexual.
See e.g. Mark Foley.

because it is ok for (((them))) but not for us, so fuck (((them)))

It can't be 'love' telling her to blow you as it is a degenerate sex-act.

The French are degenerate people who follow Enlightenment values rather than real traditions.

I'm not lefty. Piss off with your stupid screencaps and go back to reading your jew book. I'm beyond sick of coming back here to see the same newfag trash spewed over and over again.

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>attraction and sexual attraction are the same thing

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It should only be okay for us. (((They))) shouldn't exist in our countries to any capacity.

Incelfags are butthurt they cant compete and assume they will have better luck with children. They are just as bad as muslims

14 is legal where i live so suck on that.

meanwhile white birth rates continue to plummet, all thanks to (((feminisim)))

>muh 14 year old girl is not old enough to breed

meanwhile every where else they are breeding like rabbits

>muh incels
>muh real womyn

This is actually a hamplanet post

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