Carmageddon: Vehicle Sales Plunge to 20 year low

> VW's sales fell -9.8% in Q2
> Ford's sales fell -6.1% in Q2
> GM's sales fell -12.7% in Q2
> Toyota's sales are up +1.8% in Q2
Why don't you buy a new car user?

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Can't even afford a shitty studio apartment, how am I supposed afford a damn car too?

The weak must fear the Asians.

New cars are for grugs, boomers, and niggers. Mexicunts have the right idea when it comes to cars... drive a cheap piece of shit into the ground then replace it with a slightly newer piece of shit

Nobody’s stupid enough to buy a brand new car and waste thousands on instant depreciation

Buying a new car is fucking retarded. If you must have the latest and greatest shit just lease or wait a year or two to buy one used from some dumb boomer who buys new cars with gubment money every 6 months.

>Best advice I ever heard:


Just paid off my 2012 Mustang which I bought $10,000 off used and I'm buying a $4500 RAV4. Gonna retire the Mustang to the life of a summer car and beat the hell out of this Jap vehicle.

>Why don't you buy a new car user?

Why don't you kick out all of these fucking illegal aliens who are driving up the apartment rent due to high demand but low supply?


Then fuck off.

Concerns about job security right now are the biggest reason not to run up debt. That, and prices. You're not getting much below $40k.
$20k gets you fuck all for a new car, but opens you up to a huge number of decent used cars.

You damn millennials are ruining everything!

i swear there's a Venn diagram of people with negative testosterone, people with their right leg six inches shorter than their left, and people who think they're saving the goddamn whales by driving 5 under the speed limit in the left lane - and every fucking one of them drives a toyota.

Ah ha! I did the same thing! Mustang is my fun car and I've got a Grand Marquis as my daily. Bought both used, and both are paid off completely.

Why buy a new car when you can buy slightly used and get exactly what you want for literally $20,000 less.

It's a no brainer.

Car salesman here, AMA if you're in the market (or just curious)
I sell new Hondas and pre-owned cars
pic sadly not related

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Because I just purchased a used one less than a month ago

Buy an electric scooter for around 200 dollars. It goes faster than cars in the city and about half as fast elsewhere. Jews of the auto industry are the worst
*pic of Michigan businessmen handing saddam hussein the key to city of Detroit in the 80's

You guys ever take out any unsuspecting crowds with those particular automobiles?

Only if it's crowds of Jews.

Kek, based.

a fellow sleazecore afficianado

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Absolute shit vehicles unless you are buying vans. Burn as much oil as gas.
Long standing reputation as indestructible. Small city cars have 70mpg. At the front of electric hybrid.

Gee I just don't know...a real mystery

This. If I got a car I would spend every penny I earn on rent, utilities, car payments, and insurance. I would have to grind overtime to afford maintenance and breakdowns. Modern cars are also disgustingly ugly and full of electronics that bloat the prices. You can't even find cars with manual transmissions anymore, these things are made for senile boomers and niggers.

Because I'm waiting for a decent electric car that doesn't cost 50K or have a toy sized battery.

because the truck my dad bought in 2001 cost 25,000 and the same make/model truck today is like 45,000. for reference, you can get a decent 3 bed/2 bath home for 130,000 where im at

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sucks being poor and stupid lmao

maybe they should make cars like they make stoned washed jeans

stoned washed cars look used
would sell a few

Ironic considering you can't properly use capitals and punctuation. Enjoy driving some unreliable piece of shit that costs $40k+ because it has screens in the dash for retards that can't use basic directions to find a destination.

Indeed. I'm already all stocked up on Hawaiian shirts and linen slacks for the summer, currently trying to snag a gold Bulova Super Seville on ebay to top off the look.

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seriously new cars now range at like $35,000+ and they think the average middle class or poor person is going to buy one.
>come on goys we know offer 7,8,9 or 10 year car loans with low low payments goy

Americans used to know how to make cars. Used to.

Got any used NSXs? I hear those things don't sell at all, even by supercar standards.

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when was that?

My 2019 Honda Civic has "screens in the dash" and is like $18k brand new, what the fuck are you on about?

Lol no we don't, not even the Acura dealership has an NSX. It's a shame, they're great looking cars. But if I was buying a supercar they would be pretty low on my list, too.

why does my AC make funny noises?

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Based, fuck cagers. Daily reminder that a bunch of jews tore apart old city centers to turn them into unliveable sprawl that you can't navigate without a wheeled cage. Break free white man.

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Head design for that car was by a woman in Ohio lmao. I wish it had some more visible connection to the original NSX. This new one is just bland.

What are some issues with them? They look sweet.

because I'm very content with my stable of old german cars and you wouldn't catch me dead driving one of these new watered down pieces of crap.

Guy who sold me my Civic said they sell out of Type Rs as soon as they get em, beautiful car.

BTW, there is a defect involving newer Civics and the air conditioning, mark my words there will be a recall.

>and is like $18k brand new
and now it's worth $14k.

>buying a new car
top cuck

New cars are shit.

You can polish the shit, put fucking glitter on it, BUT ITS STILL FUCKING SHIT.









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I just steal cars lmfao. Fuck buyfags

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We sabotaged your car so you come back to us for service. Sorry bro
The interior looks pretty cheap and borrows a lot of parts from Honda and Acura. I think they've changed it now, but originally the NSX had the exact same shitty push-button shifter as a Honda Pilot.
Overall the NSX is a gorgeous car, and I'm sure it drives great, but I'm just not a big fan of Japanese cars. If I was buying a supercar it would definitely be German.

Yeah I like my cars to not have nigger semen stains on the seats and not need expensive maintenance after 20,000 miles. Any car that isn't a collectible depreciates in value. So it sounds like you're riffing me for not being poor?

New cars are shit. The only brand I like is Cadillac and they decided to rip off BMW and make their shit sportier and more economical rather than embrace what made it a Cadillac in the first place. They deserve to die. Hopefully this time they dont get bailed out.

Yeah we always sell the Type R for at least $2k over sticker, and normally within the first week of it getting to the store.
That's not good to hear about the A/C. Traditionally Honda has always had a great reputation for reliability, but that's starting to go downhill. Thankfully I'm getting out of this industry soon.

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>AC make funny noises

Is it a Civic?

I never bought a new car and never will.

03 Marquis was easily the best car ive ever owned. Parts everywhere, easy to fix yourself.


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I bought a 2015 Peugeot last year, it cost 1/3 of a new one. Why the hell would I buy an asset that loses 66% of its value in 3 years?


>no ones buying cars

Meanwhile ever zoomer spic and boomer around me is driving shit like this.

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Flyover country user detected.

>what is nigger rich
reminder that niggers and spic lease their cars and rims

Everybody who isn’t mentally retarded drives a Toyota.

Tell me, one... one single reason why you need a car besides convenience? I don't need your answer because it is none.

I actually personally need one for my job...pieces of shit like you fuck it over for us who actually do use cars as they were intended (cars were invented to DRIVE, don't be a dumb ass thinking they were created for 'fun' for folks like you). Quit fucking inspiring other ignorant suburbanites and their kids to get cars when they're just stupid wanna-be hobbyists wanting to drive on the weekend... go get a fucking train ticket if you ego demands some big blast V8 mustang and a mark at a FERD, seriously... better yet, buy a fucking video game.

You have no reason to have a car of any kind. "but myhrrrrr transport" my ass. Maybe go run laps first if your dumb fat ass relies on a car you have no business using.

YOU are the dumb fucks that make the rest of us, who actually use cars purposefully, look bad.

Go fuck yourself and leave this shit for actual adults.

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Your entire island country is smaller than my state and I live in like the 22nd smallest state

I’ll keep driving my piece of shit 92 Corolla for as long as I can. You can thank the EPA and every other regulator for rising prices. It won’t be long until they regulate the internal combustion engine out of existence all together.

Damn you're fucking dumb.

Fuck yes, hope every industry dies. Consumerism must perish, or humanity will.

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So is now a good time to buy a Mustang?

this is incredible to read.

American cars are absolute trash

Imagine being such a poorfag you only replace the clutch. Is it because you larp as a mechanic and dont know how to evac & charge the system and have it work for more than a few hours?

nice /o/ pasta

Why buy a new car? Couple years old is half the price or below

Fixing the car also gets to not be worth it really fast with the outrageous prices for parts and labor

are you autistic?

Good maybe I can scoop up a nice Lexus SUV for the senpai.

I see this every once in a while in Dallas but Houston and San Antonio are rife with this niggery.

Car prices have skyrocketed
Entry models used to be 12k nowntheyre 22k
Luxury suvs used to be 70k now theyre 140k

Car makers are greedy.

i wish people would

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New cars are sometimes worth it.

But not like latest edition, but year end leftovers and such.

$20k gets you a branch new civic EX-T. I used to think used was the way to go but these newer Japanese and Korean cars are so cheap and hold their value so well it just isn't worth the hassle to find a decent used one. Paying more than $30k is just silly though and should only be done if you've got cash to blow.

>Toyota sales up
Based honorary whites actually know how to design a vehicle that lasts

What do you drive pol
I drive an 88 prelude so 5 speed with 4 wheel steering

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My car will take me from a standstill to 60 mph in 5.1 seconds, while blasting Italo-Disco through Harmon Kardon speakers. I've got everything from a heads-up display to mood lighting. Is any of this necessary? No. Is it fun? Absolutely, and the joy I get from leaving faggots like you in my dust is invaluable.

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Depends. Certain things some people need require a more expensive vehicle.

I tow a boat in the summer, and deal with snow in the winter. FWD makes sense. I also do a lot of work on my house so trucks and such are good.

Wats the turn radius on that? Y did they stop making it?

Hey, junkyard parts count as OEM, no?

The system is charged and holding pressure just fine. Replaced the compressor about 2 years back when the original seized up. I'm surprised that the new one failed the way it did, but at least it was super easy to replace and everything worked perfectly afterwards.

>Imagine being such a poorfag
is true :(

I just borrow an old SUV + uncovered trailer from a friend when I need to haul shit. If I was going to buy a truck I definitely would just buy a beat up old piece of shit. Truck prices these days are just silly.

Dude, that's fucking neat.
Just a 03 Camry for me at the moment.
Rx7 project car in the garage

Less then 31 feet. Hardly anyone bought the option because it added close to 4 grand on the sticker price

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>Just a 03 Camry for me at the moment.
you are a smart man


It's the coolest shit . Bought it from the original owner. It's incredibly clean and I'm gonna keep it completely stock
. I've already had 3 people try to talk me into selling and I've only had it a week

Did everyone memory hole CASH FOR CLUNKERS?

>mfw i drive my 2019 pickup that was 22,000 below MSRP because pricewars and cars are for poors.

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Thank you user, it's been an excellent car.
That's awesome, definitely looks like it's been well taken care of. Hold on to that thing for sure, that's a nice gem you got there, as you seem to be aware of.

Every month seems to be truck month for GM.

>Bought it from the original owner
why the fuck did he sell it? did he recently have a kid and decided to sell his toys?

88 firebird with 120k miles on it. Couldn't pay me enough to get rid of it for a soiwagon.

On a related note, I've heard that cars look like shit these days because manufacturers have gone for a more rounded and curvy look instead of sharp lines and edges like before. This is apparently due to women (who highly favor the rounded look) making more and more big financial decisions, either for themselves or their families.

the an/o/n gets it

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Wife got parkensins and she could not get in it any more. He is an 83 year old school teacher and painter. Incredibly kind people. They invited me in and gave me homemade peach tea when I came out to look at the car

Q predicted this

Why can’t they make compact pickups anymore? This midsize shit seems the same size as full size trucks from 20 years ago. I don’t need to pull an RV or haul 5 tons of cow shit every day. I just a basic truck with just enough capacity to haul random shit around.

I drive all over the country and i just see all these fucks driving full size trucks around for no fucking reason. This is one reason why our country is going to fail. People don’t save money. They spend 30-50k on a full size truck to drive to work and the grocery store.

in that case i'd treasure it. i hope you have it insured with a really good plan. that thing is worth some dough if sold to the right people

its a gen for sure and every boy racer with a fart can try's to race me now. I look forward to baiting them into getting tickets

You’re literally retarded if you buy a new car. There are so many vehicles on the market they’re just wasting metal. Don’t buy a $30,000 car when you could LITTERALLY buy a used car every year the rest of your life for the same price. Hell you could probably find some decent used high end cars if you really need to swing your dick around.

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