Based on this picture, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Based on this picture, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
core millennial all the way
early to core M
Boomers love all that coconut water shit too. They are clinging to every last drop of time.
Core Zoomer
early millennial man. fuck yeah crystal pepsi
Lol I havent seen a jolt since I was a 10 or so, well played.
What if your kid culture was 80s-90s and you drank surge like dad drank beer?
>tfw stuck between gen x & gen y
Whomst remember typing c:\windows>win.exe?
Late millennial to early zoomer apparently
I'm a core millennial but I've never drank "Surge" in my life.
Late gen x. I remember jolt. “All the sugar and twice the caffeine”.
Bump im an early millennial
Core millennial masterrace, suck my pog tube zoomers.
well mix between early and core
I'm closer to an early zoomer than a late millennial, but dark magician girl transcends all time.
Im a zoom zoom myself
sandwiched right in-between late millennial and early zoomer.
ah, the feeling of superiority.
Late gen X. Easy.
>data mining this hard
Fuck off glow nigger
Core zoomer master race
I was born in 90 and was poor, i had all the shit from the 80s aswell as the 90s
Kill yourself mutt these memes suck
Thanks op. I’ve always wanted to see a random sample of age groups on here. Just as I suspected. 80% kiddos.
Core zoomer
chaotic evil
Core millennial. Used to go down to the vending machine in front of the supermarket to get surge, because they didn't sell it at the corner store.
The jelly bracelets on core zoomer belong in gen x though.
Wait I remember both Transformers being the coolest toy and pogs
Late mil to core early zoom
early-core millenial. Feelsgood.
this pretty spot on my dude. born in 88 surge and Pokemon was my shit in 98 and 99, Zoomies will never know those feels.
Late genx fml
core X
Nu-Jow Forums lets itself get datamined
No matter how hard I try, I can't escape the fact that 1999 is still zoomer territory
>tfw born between late boomer and zoomer
>tfw experienced yugioh at a young age
>tfw zoomber
Holy fuck.
I remember.
These were the good times.
core? I had pogs and a bitchin' slammer that was like a ninja star. Shit was SO cash!
Early zoomer. 2001!
Late millennial genius here boys
I remember seeing these in the vending machines at the grocers, pretty sure I got the 8 ball.
Same. Born 83
Core millennial. I relate to Pokemon but not Yu-Gi-Oh
Based on this graph, I’m core Gen X.... best Gen evermutherfukers.
I feel satisfied knowing I am not a faggoty millennial, but a zoomer
Early Zoomer
Core Gen Z, just barely allowed to post
Hey. fuck you. Surge was a good drink
Core M, How fucked am I?
the generations get better the further you go back in time until it peaks at late baby boomer honestly
pikachu was worst pokemon fyi
Charmander ftw
Born in '91, so would that classify me as Early or Core M?
core millennial. i fuckin' miss surge.
is 26 core millenial?
I remember Pog but Pokemon Cards and trick yoyos were bigger in my age group, so Core Millenial
Throw me one of those Surge cans
Ah, hits the spot.
They were called pogs you fucking mongoloid nigger.
slammers are cheating nigger.
The Nintendo Generation is the best generation!!
Not over here, meme flag faggot.
Born in 94. I’m a Moomer
Early to Core Gen Z.
Early zoomer.
Holy shit! You dont remember the world before it went crazy!! You are clownworld born and bred
Late Gen-X thank fuck
I’m between early millennial and core. I played with pogs and Pokémon cards.
If you don't remember 9/11 you are a zoomer.
Great for hangovers ;)
'98 Early Zoomer
>Late gen y
Vidya was on the back burner of activities, outdoor adventures with my friends was where it was at
Core millennial. I wasn't crazy about Surge but I did drink it now and then. Pokemon cards were huge in school and I had a lot of them. Grew out of / lost interest in it after it expanded past the original 150. Feels like a good time to be born in, very tech savvy while still remembering what the world was like without smartphones.
Core millennial.
"Sprite Remix" should be replaced with "Mountain Dew Code Red"
i can't wait to cash in on all my rare pogs!
Core. Early millennials remember the early-mid 90s (fresh prince neon pogs era) well, whereas most of your childhood memories would be in the late 90s (pokemon chrome y2k era).
>pepsi blue
>born in 94
>pokemon cards, beyblades and yoyos
>vidya was Call of Duty and Halo
>no idea what the fuck any of those drinks are, I was a Dr Pepper guy
Core millennial?
Ding ding. That's what I down after a hard night of drinking. Shit's tasty as fuck.
Core millennial. Surge was my lifeblood back then and I traded pokemon cards like a master.
>Core Millennial has Pogs and not Magic: the Gathering cards
fucking garbage
>pokemon cards
They were alright a bit but I thought they were kind of lame. I got down with Magic and Pogs.
Late X Early Y
I hate all of you.
Got into mtg later on but I did collect pogs too, had some sweet milk bottle tops that were from the 60s or early 70s.
born in 90 when i was 3-4 i loved pogs though, definitely core millenial, i loved pokemon and surge.
Hi guys,
"Early Boomer" here - lol! I still play Yu-Gi-Oh! and have quite the collection. Please share more Yugi and Kaiba themed memes. Those are my favorite! Thanks again, Jow Forums guys.
Mr. Your Oldest Neighbor
Early/core zoomer.
Born 1999
Early Zoomer
Played D&D, MtG, and a host of other shit.
Late millennial, but my birth date says otherwise.
1999 but grew up mostly core millennial
Reminds of when Nickelodeon was good because they had Double Dare, Guts, Legend of the Hidden Temple, and slime, so much slime.
Early millennial. Still have all my pogs, too.
Early Zoomer I guess. I loved my PS2 a lot
Do you accept long chin joey?