Hate for jeffery epstein.

Attached: UwannaGo.jpg (2400x3600, 615K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You know what I REALLY get a kick out of---with all these Epstein/Clinton threads going up like crazy?
All those :
>"Hurr-durr! Zognald Dwumpfy ZionDon MIGA-kike"
-----shills are absolutely fucking SEETHING right now! They really still don't know wtf to do about all this.

Attached: EpsteinWikiEdit.jpg (1280x757, 302K)

Attached: seething.jpg (875x491, 267K)

Pretty weak that you sperm-slurpers only have one ancient PLATITUDE to spam, while Slick Willie's been documented on the Lolita express at LEAST 26 times

Attached: laughG.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

Attached: seething.png (934x869, 1.28M)

Attached: Epstein-fsm.jpg (1023x1024, 167K)

There are no photos of the two of them together, Bill Clinton's name is not in the "little black book", and for all we know the "26" flights are all memes and disinfo. What's the source on that?

>B-b-but Trump met him and shook his hand, see?
Trump has met EVERYONE and shaken their hand.

Number of times Bill was on Epstein's pedo plane: 26.
Number of times Trump was: ZERO.

I've got a lot of these, you know.

Attached: new_collage.jpg (1440x1080, 505K)

Ooooooooooooo.....the SAME shit that ShareBlue spams every day!
Wow! You are SOOOOOOoooooooo Special!
How hard did you cry your faggot eyes out on the night when Hillary lost the Election?
Did you lick your shit off all of your boyfriends' cocks while tearfully plowing your shit-pipe with large pieces of furniture?

Attached: Hillary biggest fuckin loser.jpg (768x768, 120K)

Calm down. This is OC.

Attached: epstein.jpg (630x894, 432K)

Maybe this will help soothe your mind a bit.

Attached: tranny_surprise.png (910x566, 1.01M)

So you photo-shopped the Emperor's face on one of your faggot boyfriend's?
Do you fantasize taking Trump's schlong?
You faggots can't shit-post for anything if your faggot life depended on it.

Attached: EpsteinShills.jpg (630x1000, 145K)

Of course the low-IQ mind of a Leftist is too fucking stupid to understand what Political PLATITUDES are.
You know that there's a mindless echo-chamber in the comments section of Mother-Jones-----where'd they'd just LOVE you

Attached: FSM Self contradictions.jpg (727x1024, 148K)

Attached: chadbod.png (736x1089, 776K)

One with no platitudes attached, courtesy of Getty.

Attached: gettyimages-681946574-2048x2048.jpg (1426x2048, 1.04M)

Crazy Days and Nights just published a fairly complex chart showing a lot of the connections.

Does anyone know how to extract it into a single image show I don't have to look at it through the shitty small window?



bill clinton
kevin spacey

While the tech-companies are scrubbing all the Clinton/Epstein pics.........
Clinton's been on the Lolita express TWENTY SIX fucking times and you faggots are so desperate to push that under the rug at all costs.
Why are you faggots so scared?

The faggot shill in this thread keeps 'pilpul'ing' and ignoring that point while rehashing 'xir's' weak bullshit. It's pretty fucking funny

Here is the extracted link for the PDF. It's somewhat better.


There were no pics to begin with.

You think pizzagaters would've ignored such a thing this whole time? Yeah right.

Pilpul again faggot. Why do you NOT want to address how Billy Clinton was on the Lolita express TWENTY SIX times?

did a search, found this version which looks to be good enough for now.

Attached: D_IN7pPXsAAuVyH.jpg (2048x1214, 436K)

Cry harder shill, making up bullshit about fake pictures, then acting victimized when those fake pictures were nefariously hidden. All to cover for your guy, in the end.

Meanwhile, I don't need to defend Clinton, if he is guilty, let him fall.

Higher-res version made from the PDF, though the PDF version has clickable links.

Attached: CDAN Jeffrey Epstein version [email protected] (6075x3600, 3.75M)

Much better. Thanks. To be honest, I wasn't going to go to a random link from someone on here (kek), you never know what you're going to get.

>Clinton's guilty
So you can be ok with that?
Now why do you try and imply 'guilt' on a political PLATITUDE from 15 years ago?
These were only 'words'.
Clinton's shit was ACTION
You sperm-slurpers really fucking suck at this game

Attached: double think.jpg (598x597, 351K)

I hear ya - you can find it in pages like that by using the inspect feature of chrome and other browsers. Same with video and audio files. Worth learning how to use if you deal with a lot of embedded files on annoying pages.