My GF just told me she is communist and I don't know what to do...

My GF just told me she is communist and I don't know what to do? She called Trump a fascist and said capitalism is just a scheme by the patriarchy to hold women down. My head is spinning and I feel sick. I really love her and we get along great, but I can't imagine marrying a communist. I even put up with an open relationship for her, but this might be one step too far. Do any of you have experience dating someone with political beliefs that conflict with yours?

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Is this your GF?

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if there was ever a slide thread, this is it
please, god
i dont even know what is being slid
epstein? can't be, as there are tons of epstein threads

You better kill yourself within the next 5 minutes or I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you

Dump her user.

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Seize the means of reproduction by way of violent revolution!

Since under the US code Communists waive all protections and rights, just kill her and find a woman that isn't a cancer on the world

You should probably turn yourself in for sexually abusing a mentally handicapped woman

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Open relationship? Peckery at it's worst.

Open relationship says it all . Your not getting laid just used . Drop her .

Is crappy pasta.

>and I don't know what to do?

>My GF

You just need to aggressively fuck the commie out of her. The more consistently wet orgasms you can give her with your cock, the more likely she will be to start identifying with your political and social views. It worked for me. My wife was a stupid commie, LGBTQ supporting cunt when I met her. After about 6 months of fucking the shit out of her on an almost daily basis she became a racist, bigoted Nazi like me. You can literally fuck sense into any dumb woman.

Break up with her for overuse of buzzwords.

This, nut in her and allow your child to feast on the boobs-eosie!

Of competition is used to oppress women.... doesn’t that mean they are uncompetitive and inferior?

What happened to they damping anything we can do?

Is she white? Gotta get her pregnant then. It's the ultimate red pill.

I’m going to downvote this with a ‘you’re a fucking faggot’

>I even put up with an open relationship for her
bait. move on lads

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You're already fucked. If you leave her she'll accuse you of rape and you'll go to prison. Sorry you fucked your whole life up dude.

>I even put up with an open relationship for her
Kys you spineless cuck

Me and my girl have been having this problem. Shes definitely left leaning on everything except for economic issues. Honestly it's been weird lately idk how we're gonna get through it. She really gets annoyed with all the jew bashing.

>My GF just told me she is communist
fake and gay

gulag the bitch

Have you tried beating her?

>I even put up with an open relationship for her
If that story is true you're fucked but probably a slide thread
>1 post by this ID

Make some kool aid

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Just fuck her quoting lines from Das capital. You'll be just fine

So I've been dating a girl for a few years now that was super lefty.

We put most of that to the side and just enjoyed each other. Arguments would crop up from time to time, but I would just stand my ground stating facts that supported my beliefs.

The one that really got her thinking was black male percentage of population and violent crime 7%/52%. She has definitely opened her eyes and I'm glad that she thinks about some things rationally.

However, she is still set in some ideas about men and other liberal garbage. She still falls victim to dishonest media, and after bringing it up check mate style, listens as I look more into it and uncover the truth.

We are currently stuck in a lease together and once it ends we are leaving one another. While she will always be a friend of mine I cant stay with her. We just disagree on a base level, and she often says things that turn my stomach.

All I'm really saying here is try and be civil, don't let your politics shut people out completely, and just stay true to yourself. If political opinions of your partner are important to you it might be best to move on. The one benefit to me sticking around is I've grown confident in defending my position, and I'm starting to see what a persons politics looks like on a personality level.

Go for a romantic helicopter ride.

Communists love anal. She's probably just too shy to say so. She's trying to tell you she wants you to slam it in there without warning. Go balls-deep in one thrust; she'll love you for it.