Why does pedophilia go hand-in-hand with power?

Why does pedophilia go hand-in-hand with power?

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How did Kubrick predict Trump??


It goes hand in hand with the left. The left just happens to have been in power now for nearly a century

Attached: How the Democratic Party has Destroyed America for 100 Years.png (927x6648, 1.17M)

>sharebule memeflag nigger

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First you get the money. When you have the money then you get the power. When you have the power then you get the young girls. It only happens in that order

I know right? But, let us not forget that it's not just Trump who is a pedophile, but ALL politicians and people of power.

Eyes Wide Shut had an entire hour of footage removed before it released and if I am not mistaken Kubrick died a day before it released. He fought extremely hard to keep the footage in but the production company kept giving him shit. I think he was silenced and definitely knew something.

blackmail on one another.

Everything is about sex, except sex, its about power

Based and truthpilled

>Why does pedophilia go hand-in-hand with power?

because having power over other people is the ultimate power, and the people you can have the most power over are those who are too helpless and unable to fight back/understand whats going on/etc, therefor abusing/killing children, babies, fetuses, and corpses who cannot fight back is the ultimate power trip.

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Serious question: is eyes wide shut worth watching? I've never seen it.

this article is fake. its from a satire website

the Great Pyramids
it's a clever strategy to make people afraid of a mob
the powerful live in fear of a mob of people

its strangely suspenseful. i liked it.

you can sorta fell that theres something missing from the film.

fuck off

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funny, Kubrick died unexpectedly of a heart attack as he was finishing up Eyes Wide Shut, kinda like Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly of a heart attack right after sending out this tweet. Shit, they'll probably get me for making all these posts.

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>Serious question: is eyes wide shut worth watching? I've never seen it.

all of kubricks films are "worth watching" at least once and some are so spook'd you end up watching them multiple times. Eyes Wide Shut is worth watching even for plebians because it has prime Nicole Kidman's titties and Tom Cruise at his best.

it's the jews, stupid

It's the forbidden fruit. The powerful can have it so they partake in it. Most of them probably don't even get off to the sex they get off to the power trip knowing they're in such a position where they can do shit like that.

Unlike regular pedophiles and other sick fucks, the elite have the means and resources to act on their sick impulses.

its from a satire website, you fucking idiot

I fucking wish

Can it, leaf

>Why does pedophilia go hand-in-hand with power?

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There’s a nineteen hour directors cut that exists exclusively on reel. It’s been passed around over the years.

Get ya in the mood for a bit of the old Ultra Violence...

Because the social construct of power does not represent reality. It is built uppon deceit and the praise of egotistical values. It is a funny thing because most people genuinely understand the fakeness of those who "shine" or hold some idotic social status. Every sane person beyond the ages of 14 to 25( some will realize sooner than later) knows that the only true power resides in oneself. From there it is easy to recongize who is posturing and who is for real. Sadly, shallow people, the deeply afraid and, many times, the naive, are unable to grasp this.

This means that whoever gets to the "top"( a vacuous, subjective, and undefinable concept) are inheritly ignorant of the true experience of being human, therefore they engage in perverse acts on the thoughts that they are above any moral law, or, that a true human must/can go through this kind of "life" experiences.
When in reality they have their heads so far their own ass they can't enjoy life as it is, and have the constant need to feel special. Like an eternally annoying teenager.

Truth is, they don't have the balls to let go of their constant need to feel special and just feel happy with themselves. Fuck them.

Can plebs get their hand on the content?

Because youth is peak beauty and those in power dont buy into the brainwashing they use on the peasants to keep them with nasty wrinkled rode hard roasty hags.

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Kill yourself you fucking retard

you are blind fag, very blind

the elites don't just fuck them, they kill the children. sacrifice children and torture them for fun, to appease their "god" Moloch....

they drink their blood, because it gets them high....literally.

tell me, do you also advocate this?

Smarter than average people in general are prone to some kinky stuff, smarter than average people are more likely to end up in positions of power and power corrupts? That seems easy. But the lack of any moral compass is weird. Since most successful people are not pedophiles, because that's wrong, no matter whether you're a theist, atheist or whatever. Everyone can see and understand that hurting someone is wrong, because if they are wired correctly, they will be unable to not feel empathy. But that can be dulled or supressed though. But i'd guess the levels required to watch pedophilia in action would require some fucked up shit to happen to you.

Or maybe i massively underestimate the messiah complex or something that develops when you're essentially born into power.

Nice larp Alex Jones. The average citizens hurt kids you dont even need to go up to the elites.

no newfriend

It's from a satire website. It's fake. Be honest next time OP.


Because real power cannot be obtained by following the rules, only by breaking them. When someone who's entire life is built around breaking taboos achieves that power, they will find more and more extreme ways to violate social norms.

It sounds like they would answer the kind of question "if you could do this illegal or just plain evil thing you fantasize or sometimes fantazise, or have thought about, without a risk of ever getting caught, would you do it?" with a "yes". Except that in reality, there's never a 100% chance of not getting caught, especially if there are other people who know about your decision. Like, in case of this Epstein case, they might've had a real 99.99% chance of not getting caught. But yet they still did.

Well said.