"Quick honey, give me some redpills!"
"Quick honey, give me some redpills!"
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Lana is an ugly whore who ruined her body and sucked nigger dick in exchange for money.
Qtie, but degenerate whore. Hope she kills herself, as a warning to other women.
big dicks in your ass is bad for your health
Ok but first give me a blue pill.
Haha thats it for me evrybody
I'm off to bed, take care faggots.
Stalin raised life expectancy by 60%
HIV will make your dick hang sideways!
And that ain't cool.
>"Quick honey, give me some redpills!"
The elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.
They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. See these threads for more:
Yep and Iceland cured Down Syndrome
The Jews have been expelled from a list of nations a mile long.
The Nazis did not posses the resources nor the manpower to execute anywhere near 6 million via crematorium and Zyklon B.
Blacks commit roughly 50% of the violent crime in the U.S. despite only accounting for 13% of the population.
Marriages in which the wife has had previous sexual partners are by far less likely to last. The odds get worse as the number of partners increases, and the chance of success falls below 50% after just 3-4.
You want Tylenol or Adderal?
WTF I love commies now.
The united states KNEW about the hijackers plan on 9/11 and they, along with jews, let it happen
So that bush could get his war and the jews could get their shekels
who this?
is that real?
August was hot in her prime, god bless her tits
fuck off roastie whore
The left is a pornstar who killed her self, the right is not her
A porn star who killed herself. Forgot the reason. I think she refused to shoot porn with some nigger and the internet raged on her.
august ames memorial tribute vid :(
It was a faggot, she refused to have sex with a faggot, and faggots, trannies and other roasties of peace shitposted on her on twitter telling her to kys
Mein Neger.
Jesus will return with the hosts of heaven to establish his 1,000 year reign on the earth. Turn or burn.
God will destroy the wicked.
That shirt makes you look like a whore.
August Ames, I think. Can't say for sure, never fapped for her.
Wearing that kind of outfit, you are no honey of mine. I have no redpills to waste on you but you can take this backhand slap instead.
Cover yourself up you degenerate slag. Also why am I in your car.
Audi. Literally one of the last brands on Earth not ruined by pakis and nogs.
Based pajeet knows when to show bob and vagene and when to be classy lady
Yeah I just watched a video of her stuffing a cucumber up her slizz. It’s even hotter knowing she’s dead.
White men cant defend their women. News at 11.
Source plz
Ah lana rhoades
Kaitlyn Jenner is Bruce Jenner.
imagine listening to faggots and trannies and actually doing it
Okay here's a redpil for you, babe: Women can't be redpilled. Your brains don't work right.
I've got a big redpill for you right here darling.
> "What kind of dining set defines me as a person?"
I liek grils, they smell noice and have breddy voices.
whats it like to fuck a hot grill and have her be interested in you
We will never have an August Ames anal scene, why even live?
When you think about it, mud is just wet dirt.
Captcha is being quite jewy tonight.
Jew did 911
"Quick, mommy. Give me some milkies!"
binch gibbit
Men evolved to create resources. Women evolved to collect resources
feels good man
Breddy noice.
Learn game fren, but don't play with grils hearts, that is very bad karma. I suggest Krauser PUA literature, self improvement, having your own loife independent of grils.
7's tell le truth.
wat? i just googled august ames anal and found one...
Things are the way they are for a reason.
I want to find a gril I liek and that loves me to hab family when I have my financials in order, but I have no delusions of how machiavellian grils can be, game shows you A LOT of shit that you never see when you act liek a noice goi.
There has to be a balance, grils go for bad bois because they push for what they want, while most noice gois are spineless and supplicate to them and bend to the most outrageous shit they should never in the first place, for anyone. You can be a GOOD GOI, get the ones that liek you, and you don't have to be a bad boi that wrecks their loifes.
It does not feel good man to be a manipulative prick and play with grills hearts, unfortunately I had to go thru that phase during my game learning quest in order to show myself that the shit I was reading was for real.
Now I be a good guy, not a nice guy, not a bad boy.
Shit, that made me chuckle, now I need to repent.
It's sad as fuck, that story of the lefty porno an hero.
I still fap to her, god-tier tits
Never, ever fuck a hot grill. Wait for it to cool completely, then fuck that grill.
"I'm gonna leave you for a younger chick when you hit the wall."
The porn industry is run by Jews to destroy the white race.
Du nod burn teh benis :DDDD
Never trust a woman.
This is actually 100% accurate, and Jews are trying to fuck it all up. 3rd cousins ARE the best mate pairings.
>communism did that
7's tell the truth
jews did 911
reddit is for leafs
Cover your shame.
>"Quick honey, give me some redpills!"
Sure, women should not be in the driver's seat of a vehicle.
Oh that's a shame, he used a real stainless. It belonged in a real home with a wholesome shooter.
Very based and underrated post. Thank you.
woman is the originator of sin
Yes the USSR never ever did anything bad
Based sleep well user
Dogs are the White Man's animal. Nigbulls don't count.
Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler. Unironically.