Are we gunna let her get away with this?
>her real name is on the profile
>basically everything about her stupid normie life is too
>I don't know how to fuck with people on twitter, how many socks can you make without IP ban?
The Roastie who filmed bagel boi
Other urls found in this thread:
>IP ban
reboot your modem, nigger
As an atheist I wont let you Christians harm this woman, I will save her from you and your evil ways and she will fall in love with me in return and have atheist babies you incels
I got cox, it stays on the same IP
use a proxy then nigger
She's based, manlets need to learn some respect
yah that's wut im goin with
>rainbow flag.
Am pretty sure now she is cunt.
No, you do cucktard. Before I found my gf I almost raged hard a few times. someone has been wronged here.
nypa especially not to white knight some fucking wop Manlet
Sure. Whatev. bump
she really didn't do anything thing it was the bagel bitches height shaming that poor boy
she is benefiting and gaining followers from his woe. Somebody needs to do something. I cant think of something juicy to say about her though
Manlet lost all sympathy when he chest bumped lankcuck. Rage verbally all you want but don’t get physical with someone and not expect a response.
this isn't about him
anybody that is defending the short little moron is clearly also a short person who hates themselves as well. short people are the fucking worst.
Someone wrote on the orig video tweet about how the manlet was likely mentally ill and probably needed help. Some roastie replied, “I couldn’t care less about this man’s wellness”. That hit a nerve. That’s not backhanded contempt or simple anger. That’s dehumanizing cruelty. Based example of the female’s complete lack of empathy for men. Find that post and release the hounds.
I've been suspended like 5 times, so far no IP ban. Unless you post illegal shit (or maybe gore) you're good to go as far as IP bans are concerned
Every body point and laugh at this guy. It’s his first day on the internet.
Change your router's MAC and reset your hardware then you doublenigger.
fuck off it's been awhile.
I don’t understand why people film those kinds of things and then put them online. It serves no purpose but to needlessly humiliate a guy. All he did was spaz out a bit and then get tackled. He caused no harm. This is the kind of shit that causes people to off themselves. Why did she do it? For Twitter followers?
The fuck is this video?
Exactly the type of shit he talks about them doing and when he confronts them the whores play stupid. And seeing as she posted this, spread it around and that fag flag he was right on his assumptions.
we need to do something about this bitch. Start brainstorming ideas.
Please do it. In minecraft of course....always in minecraft
>NPC’s are more cruel and normalize bullying more than Jow Forums
clown world
Yeah I would like to see something come of this anons. Many manlets are struggling right now. This man took the fall for us. This will help our agenda. LET THE WAR OF MANLETS BEGIN.
females are sub-humans
We are at war this these people user. They are normies. It's time to start fighting back.
i dislike a lot of them that ive known, but what it's about is double standards...bitch clearly has some sort of shitskin in her and would hate to be discriminated against because of it
hold on a minute Im putting together all her links for you guys
someone explain who bagel boi is and what she did
>rainbow flag
>dyed hair
2 major red flags
fuck off midget
>one of our fellows manlet got attacked, gois!
hahaha the 2nd manlet division on the move!
You do realize that most residential addresses in the US use static IPs, correct?
Not true, it's about the rigged sexual marketplace. 80% of thots would be walking skin tags if they were born male
It isn't fair to our manlet bros, we must avenge them
ok here we go
Normie bullies midget with other normies... Then tries to make midget the bad guy... Wtf?!
Again, is Jow Forums all that is left of decent society?
I think shae is a middle name. Im assuming her last is Bradley, I'll have her FB soon. Might write a crawler to see if she posts anywhere else
spoken like a true incel
This manlet just needs some love, any woman would do but they all shun him. To add insult they mock him relentlessly to the point of no return, he can’t help but rage. It’s unfortunate he was born with the shit end of the stick but it’s nothing new. He may be a douche who knows but I bet if he scored a 2/10 he’d be a different completely different person. To assume that he could score much better than well that’s on him. Gotta face facts as they lie.
I feel bad for the guy op, he was obviously triggered by the girl behind the counter smirking at him bc of his height and went on a rant about how women constantly shit on him, then this twitter bitch calls him a misogynist because he stands up for himself. She is obviously a vapid whore aswell
That hoe needs a good burn though
These ugly hags are laughing at the poor guy.
Fucking based.
Cull the manlets, Height war now!
>This manlet just needs some love, any woman would do but they all shun him
A blessing in disguise. Their all ugly landwhales.
Why the fuck would want attention from fat sows?
Their npc comments, “how can he rage when there are such delicious bagels here omg!”
Those comments man. Just a fucking endless sea of normies all acting like this guy has done something unspeakable. Wow.
Just legalize prostitution and put manlets out of their misery
>The natural order isn't fair
Why do you deserve sex, user? Are you a worthy male? Not all males are worthy of passing on their genes.
This is what really gets me. Maybe my oldfag is showing, but there were days when something like this would happen and people would be a little shocked, maybe laugh it off, and move on with life. He’d get talked about a bit in town. But none of this Internet viral humiliation and accusations of hating women. I really feel bad for the guy,
I'm 5' 3". So as a manlet, I definitely feel for the guy.
One time, a lady scorned me infront of her coworkers saying, "You're small". I roasted that bitch by saying, "Lady, I make up for my size. Those who cannot see it are at a lost."
Her friends suddenly took my side.
Fun fact: I've had taller women flirt with me. As long as you're in shape & are confident, women will drool over you.
>>The natural order isn't fair
Are all the kikes and niggers ganging up on White nations to death a righteous thing? Shut up.
There was a day when pol would have done something about it. In minecraft.
/whoosh right over your head
>Her profile
>"i put the bi in bitter"
Any woman who labels herself "bi" or "bisexual" is a giant WHORE by default
Comments like these only show this is a shill Russian Troll.
I got on twitter for this. But I'm only one man
Guy goes on an emotional rant about how women are humiliating him because of his height, dumb dyke puts him online to humiliate him based on his height, only a fuckin normie would find that funny
Who cares about some basic bitch on Twitter
fag flag, twitter account, height shaming. she'll pay the toll soon.
wtf are you mad at HER for? Why not get made at her phone for recording it? Why not get mad at the internet for letting people see it? She saw someone sperg out in public and recorded it. So, no one should ever record anything again? Fuck off and get a brain.
Think again newfag
The manlet sounded and acted like a jew so I don't give a fuck.
wat is a bagel boi?
oh trust me all that and more. tonight will be research time, then I attack at dawn
>why not get mad at her phone for recording it
>thousands of normies mock bagel manlet
>Jow Forums shows sympathy for him
are we the good guys?
I feel for him - but man - if you are that insecure about your height - get in fucking shape. Better yet - move to a country where the people are shorter and be a king.
There was another video of the incident, she's a fatso, must be around 200 lbs.
The white knights pissed me off the most, oh a woman got yelled at as a consequence of her shitty behavior better body slam this midget, fuckin beta male leftists
The uprising is soon
What's the point? He's an asshole.
Anybody see Charlie's video about it?
we should film and laugh at her for being fat and tell her to killherself
How are we going to get back at the roasties?
yeah felt bad for the guy , why couldnt they just let him vent its not like he could've done any actual damage unlike noggers fucking up every kfc and mcdonalds they enter
shoo shoo zoomer bug
What's natural about 3.5 billion roasties with no personality ganging up on little people, who broke their backs in the past to invent agriculture and mine coal and usher mankind out of the stone age?
I just don't feel like being taller gives us a right to humiliate wee folk
And to everyone who says no one deserves sex, and you should develop a personality of you want to get laid, true. except roasties have no personality nor inherent worth and yet face no discrimination towards getting endlessly plowed
Hypergamy is a bigger sin than being a manlet. The choice is obvious.
Who’s Charlie? Fuck Charlie.
I'll know where she lives by tonight. Here's the plan
>roastie is college thot
>college thots get drunk
>link up with based bois in her area
>record her being a drunk whore
>probably wont take much setup, but there are a lot of options for how it actually goes down
So he's pressing charges? Or not. I only just saw this and it's pretty hilarious.
Never heard of penguinz0 ?
He's a manlet who sided with the roasties.
Interesting fellow. I know him well.
manlets on suicide watch
You know what time it is
was he melting down because of his height? seems more like he just snapped and thought he was in his living room with his wife and kids, where they live in fear of him. The real world demonstrated that tough guys are around every corner ready to pounce on people they think they can easily beat down.
If it was a black guy yelling in the store she would have pulled out her phone to get his number not record him.
keep us updated user
Charlie's a judgmental douche, I think he worked as a cock fluffer for Liam Hemsworth on the hungryfags movie
Why don't I revolt and destroy this civilization with the other 80% that don't have women? That's the natural order.
As a Christian, go fuck yourself and die. Don't need more literal faggots like you.