Why did calling someone a "racists" become such a popular political weapon? Is it effective, and if so...

Why did calling someone a "racists" become such a popular political weapon? Is it effective, and if so, what are the mechanics in terms of how it works on the populations psyche?

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it really got jacked up when your god obama won.

It's incredibly effective if used on social media, or in any medium where information is permanent. Whether you are or not your name is now synonymous with being a racist, and that slander ruins your life.

That being said, only liberals can use this term. Any effort by conservatives to call someone racist is meant with indifference, being laughed at, or it just boomerangs back since liberals have jewed the media into telling the people that conservatives are racist by default.

It's only effective because whites aren't racially unified. Slave owners didn't give a shit about being called racist

It's only effective when it dings the ears of npcs. Normal humans dont flinch at the word racist, because normal humans know racism isnt a problem

It's becoming less and less effective. Once a political gunshot, it's now more like a political snakebite. Where everyone is becoming immune to the venom.

>Why did calling someone a "racists" become such a popular political weapon?
Because it worked.
>Is it effective
Yes, but it's become less effective over time.
>and if so, what are the mechanics in terms of how it works on the populations psyche?
Speaking as an onlooker near as I can tell it works according to something like the following mechanic. First, the Western population was persuaded via media to adopt the post-WW2 narrative as a sort of new foundational mythology. Within this mythology, you had a man named 'Adolf Hitler' as the devil figure, his followers the Nazis as a sort of genetic demon, and their ideology, 'racism,' as a new term for 'evil.' After the West population was persuaded to adopt this mythology, they could be easily manipulated into any kind of social or political position simply by being told that a certain behavior was 'racist,' or alike to the 'Nazis' or 'Adolf Hitler.'

erm, that should be *generic

It's used to shut down debate and get whites to go against their best interests. Same as "anti-semitism"

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It works because so many cuckservative politicians think they are competing of same voters ith lefties.

I just call everything racist no matter what.

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Because everybody cucks to it. It's like how blacks are destroying society. Crime is out of control and blacks are over 80% of it despite being just 15% of the population but nobody will ever do anything about it because to fix it would be calling them all niggers and they're too afraid of being called a racist. It will never happen. Society is doomed.

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It's like 'bigot'.
The left has strong opinions. They are intractable on many things. They can use invective, but if you call them bigots ... 'Huh?'

Calling someone a racist used to be an effective means of shutting someone up, and even if they did keep talking nobody would be taking them seriously because hey, they’re a fucking racist. Over the last several years (particularly starting with Obama’s presidential run) the word really started losing it’s meaning when it was hurled at every critic of Obama. But today in the age of trump it has virtually zero power since all you need to do today to be called a racist is discuss certain issues or use certain words (for example anybody who uses the term “illegal alien” is a racist, as is anybody who questions the benefits of affirmative action or the existence of “white privilege”). Now when somebody is called a racist, they’ll either not care, or respond sarcastically “well, I guess I AM a racist then!”. This would have been unthinkable just ten years ago

It would have been unthinkable to be called a racist back in 1776 because back then all whites cared about each other and not some gooks and nigs

It is a communist concept that originated with trotsky.
Political correctness is basically a political form of grammar. A way of forcing people to "tow the party line" as the saying goes. It bullies you into saying the "right" things, even if these things are not true.

its effective because it makes people backpeddle
everyone was trained in their youth to not be racist so the gut reaction is to deny that youre a racist
all you really need to do is tell the person who calls you racist to fuck themselves and come up with a meaningful argument
for politicians they freak out because they constantly have to worry about pandering to actually retarded voters and they think that being racist would impact their career

Yeah, true. We didn’t care about them back then and that’s sort of what we’re seeing now as well (well, at least on the right but also in general to a certain degree). Look at the pictures of the dead kids that the left is constantly trotting out to blackmail Americans into feeling sympathy for nonwhite invaders. From the drowned kid on the beach in Europe to the drowned father and child in the rio grande, its largely not having the impact that the democrats expected it to. Imagine what would have happened if these pictures came out in the 70s or 80s when empathy for nonwhites in society was much higher, I predict that if they had come out in say, 1988, that the election would have been a blowout for democrats because they’d be opposed to the “cruel” republicans.

Tldr people care more about being called a racist today than people in 1776 did, but less than people in 1980 did

because white people are growing more and more insecure about losing their grip on power, and candidates using this insecurity in order to win votes, by pandering to people who hate mexicans for instance, are engaging in the textbook definition of racism

>because white people are growing more and more insecure about losing their grip on power
Non-white here, this seems like a reasonable response to me. I mean, what would you expect? That they would be happy or relaxed about losing power?

Is the reason Donald Trump is such an effective enemy for Liberal america, is because whites are so scared of being accused as racists, that to denounce Trump is the most effective means flag themselves as not racist?

I've heard something to the effect that white guilt is liberals trying to deal with he fear and prove they aren't racist, because deep down they know their ancestry makes them an accessory to slavery and they're scared a black person is going to confront them on it

'92 Los Angeles riots

great....two meme flags. Yeah, everyone's gonna totally take you seriously

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Is what I said wrong in any way? If someone is under threat, surely he should become insecure at the very least. Probably more appropriate to become aggressive and attack those threatening his power.

>I've heard something to the effect that white guilt is liberals trying to deal with he fear and prove they aren't racist, because deep down they know their ancestry makes them an accessory to slavery and they're scared a black person is going to confront them on it
That's a really interesting take on it. Could you expand on it a bit more? In the past whenever I've tried to contemplate the internal processes of the white guilt folks I had to stop after a while because they were just too insane.

Can a person be prejudice against a racist, those always crying racism look for a reason to say it and hold a racist chip on in their mouth

Fair comment but that depends on what your definition of power is. In my own country white men are near the bottom in terms of average earnings or university admissions. There is no white "club" that we all belong to beyond that of the nation, in fact the very idea is absurd and minorities appear to be favoured and pandered to as a group in a way that isn't the case with native Englishmen.
It's also as much about culture as race, foreign cultures are lauded and promoted while our native customs and history is mocked and subjected to character assassination with for example endless programs about the evils of colonialism which I had nothing to do with and it could be argued, didn't benefit from.

Jesus fuck, at some point this is all just so tiresome. Just figure out your agenda, find the person whose agenda opposes yours, and go fight him. Watching you people ramble on endlessly about what is and what is not 'racist' is like watching Christian denoms bickering about Literal vs Metaphorical Transubstantiation!

Knowledge of the Scale
Only Certified employees to weigh product.


I stated that as a fucked in the head thought.....you are right it is all bullshit

It's the same reason "cuckservative" stung so much.

you've posted the most in this thread; you're the rambler


>Why did calling someone a "racists" become such a popular political weapon
I mean, not to get all judgy, but you're posting on one of the most well-known racist forums on the internet...
I watch you assholes say deeply racist shit literally every other post.
There's a pretty good chance that if someone's calling (You) racist, they're just plain factually correct.

post her nudes

Unhappy BLACK man destroys cars in germany

You say that, like it's a b-bad thing.

Black man explains white guilt


I ain't talking Jow Forums....I'm talking normie world....the Dem's calling everyone racist...the left using it against the right to win over in policy or elections....

Political correctness only works when both parties agree to be bound by its rules. There's no innate reason why I should give a flying fuck who is offended by anything I say or think.

Trump taught people that it's possible to opt out of the game simply by ignoring it completely. This infuriates the people who use irrational guilt and grievance to exert dominance on society and drove them to turn up the heat on Trump and everyone else. This in turn makes it ever clearer to the rest of the world how attractive opting out actually is, so more and more do so as time goes by.

The question now is whether the thought police-types can solidify enough power before their influence dies entirely to enforce their will on the public by force. In Europe the answer is clear, but America still has a little hope.

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It has social power behind it. Media propaganda.
If there was a power institution that attacked people for being a egalitarian, then egalitarianism would be a negative enforced word.

PLUS Jews destroyed Christianity in the west, no moral framework allows them to socially mold people how they like.

this cuck i know calls me racist and threatens to get physical with me, and i just laugh in his face and btfo him with common sense until he changes the subject

Did someone say racist: youtube.com/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI

>Is it effective, and if so, what are the mechanics in terms of how it works on the populations psyche?

Nothing mysterious about it. It's just the prevailing moral panic. Used to be that you dreaded being called a Unitarian. Later being called a communist would get you exiled from everything.

Because establishment conservatives were so spineless that they never played offensively and routinely gave up on social issues if they were accused of being bad guys. The left adopted calling them racists, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, and eventually furryphobes because it keeps getting the left what they want. The people supposedly supported by these suits realized there was no real fight in defending traditional values, much like how a cuckold has no real fight in defending his bond with his wife and lets her cheat on him.

Everyone is racist. The ones calling others “racist” are just too goddamned scared to admit it to themselves and accept that it is illogical to not be.

I'm not racist. The term racist is an invention of a white jew from around the mid-century. All it ever was, was a power-tool meant to get power over the thoughts of white people. As I am not white and having seen the damage adopting this term has done to whites, I refuse to let it have any power over me the same way it does over whites.

It's a lot more than just an insult. If some random black guy decided to sue you, and your phone's data gets ripped for discovery and your internet browser history shows you've been on Jow Forums, you're pretty much instantly out 6 gorillion dollars even if the case had nothing to do with race. I wouldn't fear being called a racist at all if it didn't legally fuck you in the ass because if you ever get cross with a negro, your racism is essentially illegal in the eyes of the law.

Well its a little off base because it implies that whites by and large had the power. 1% of the population has the power. Sure blacks and others were kept from the sham we call voting so they didn't get to participate in the sports game of cheering on your team, but other than that what did they miss out on? Its not as if voting has ever really brought about any change that isn't beneficial to the elites. And any time it came close it was co opted.

So sure "POC" will have their "power" and they can strut about like peacocks while their 1% vlget folded in and their overlords can be the same color as them. Yuppie!

Ok, so here's the thing - your country (assuming you live somewhere in five-eyes land) literally used to treat human beings as property.
Not that long ago... Here in the US, 150 years or so.

You can talk shit about the Arab slave trade or whatever, all you like, but you have to understand, that was like 4 civilizations ago...
The government that rules you today literally used to have laws all about how people could be bought and sold, because they were not white.

White people literally had to be taught (fairly recently) that human beings shouldn't be property.
That doesn't just disappear from a culture overnight.

I had the strangest dream the other night. I was trying to sell a weapon to the government and AOC showed up to the assembly and told me why what I was doing was bad and then I pinned her to a table and raped her.

I didn't become a racist until middle school. I was a big Israel cuck in middle school because of my parents and had a Muslim english teacher who was a black Muslim woman. I had the ga'll to ask her why we spent three months on black history projects when we only spent like a week on the holocaust.

Grade went from an A plus to a d minus. Black women used power on me. Made me realize that they don't want to be equal. They want control.

The Arab slave trade happened concurrently with the Atlantic slave trade. The only reason they never had any long term ramifications is because, being the peaceful folk they are, they castrated their slaves so none of their descendents are alive today.

Man that smug, condescending tone coupled with your historical illiteracy sure makes me reconsider all my problematic beliefs and fills me with a burning desire to redistribute all my income to Guatemalan border jumpers to atone for my whiteness, friend. Keep up the good work!

By other white people. Social issues by ahd large are solved by white people. The holocaust qlwas ended by white people. Slavery was too. White people didn't invent slavery, they ended it, at least in our sphere of influence.

I think 3\4ths of Mauretania are slaves? Africa has a huge child soldier and slave problem.

Brazil didn't abolish slavery until 1888.

You can whine all you want but in the end white people police not only our problems but those of other cultures. Hell if thats not the case every white man in the U.N should be pulled out of Africa. See how long you they can keep from killing each other.

Friendly reminder that white people onvented human rights as a governmental ideology.

Also civilizations ago? I think you mean generations and its much longer than that.

Why don't you want to #MakeAmericMexicoAgain user? Are you a racist who believes the American southwest was conquered by white settlers, who took it from people who conquered it previously?

Are you a racist who believes the Gadsden purchase happened?

Seriously though joking aside these people are ridiculous to assume that white people are outliers in the field of humab tragedy. Perhaps we are. Seem to have the world record for genocides stopped, even when the two groups are non white.

>The Arab slave trade happened concurrently with the Atlantic slave trade
yes, but it wasn't sanctioned by any government that is still around today.
that's a pretty serious difference- the US constitution has an ammendment outlawing slavery.

god can you fuck off with the reddit spacing already

Your argument is flawed. The trade was sanctioned, the Ottomans, and that government only fell following world war 1. The replacement, Turkey, started it's reign by murdering millions of Armenians. That government ...IS STILL AROUND TODAY, as it has not changed constitution as far as i know.

That government fell and it wasn't able to reform itself. It is a testament to what the western world is. It can reform itself without collapsing.

If spacing induces anger in you its not the spacing that's the problem. Don't like walls of text. Deal with it. Or don't.
Its a Mongolian throat signing appreciation board. Dont care about you user.

But Jesus does.


What's your point? Using your logic the Muslims seemed to have had the right idea just using the slaves and not allowing them to have children that needed to be babysat for the rest of time.

Separating large ideas into paragraphs is more a sign of knowing how to write properly than going to reddit. Quit trying so hard to fit in, Skylar

most people are braindead status seeking cowards and want to be accepted by a group of people and bully others outside of that group, people legitmately want to be divided so they can do some jewing themselves
so it's childs play really, give them a gun, that gun is getting others nailed for racism
back when we were 90% white, there was definitely no solidarity, whites were very tribal, at least they were in the 90s

Your argument is that non-whites are morally superior despite committing even more atrocious acts because they literally cant reform themselves without starting a whole new government that inevitably does some bad stuff and then has to collapse again to "reform".

No wonder there hasn't been any lasting international non white empire for a few hundred to a thousand years.

>Ok, so here's the thing - your country (assuming you live somewhere in five-eyes land) literally used to treat human beings as property.
Not that long ago... Here in the US, 150 years or so.
Yes, they did.

You can talk shit about the Arab slave trade or whatever, all you like, but you have to understand, that was like 4 civilizations ago...
The government that rules you today literally used to have laws all about how people could be bought and sold, because they were not white.
Yes, also true.

>White people literally had to be taught (fairly recently) that human beings shouldn't be property.
That was where they went wrong. You see, their greatest sin was not that they enslaved the black man. Their greatest sin was that instead of following the time-honored tradition of castrating their slaves, they kept them for breeding stock. And then having bred them for several generations and completely ruining their culture and genetics, decided to set them free to become a plague upon the land.

But what is any of this supposed to mean to me, as a non-white? How does it in any way demonstrate that I should believe in 'racism?'

get educated, leaf

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Thats a better thread for /pol. Where are there so many people that are disagreeable for the sake of being disagreeable?

Why do they try so hard to be more /pol than any other /polack?

We need to have slander suites, so that racist gets a legal definition in that case and we can fight against the now permanent term instead of this watery term we have now.

After they managed to sell everyone the ((meritocratic)) make believe lie, where no matter your genes or inheritance, you're supposed to be equal in potential worth to any "human". You can easily play victim for being discriminated by shit you didn't choose to be. No matter the pragmatic, realistic criteria about it (such as IQ etc dimorphism)

It's not effective anymore.

>That was where they went wrong. You see, their greatest sin was not that they enslaved the black man. Their greatest sin was that instead of following the time-honored tradition of castrating their slaves, they kept them for breeding stock. And then having bred them for several generations and completely ruining their culture and genetics, decided to set them free to become a plague upon the land.

You're on to somethin

So what youre saying is that white southerners are the real villains for importing 400,000 foreigners into the United States and letting them breed unchecked and killing other whites to keep them?

It works on people who are afraid of being called racist

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Something like that, yes. We are, all of us, now plagued by the black man. But the black man is not a particularly competitive creature on his own. He is strong of body but weak of mind, a creature of infinite todays and no tomorrows. Without the Europeans' food to increase his number, the Europeans' ships to carry him around the world, the Europeans' colonies to disperse his seed populations, he never would have become the scourge he is today upon all continents.

Mass repliers will be the first to go on the dotr

this was a useless read

People tend to operate on an extremely primal fear of being ostracized. Being banished to the icy wastes - in a state of nature - typically means you fucking starve to death unless you are an extremely capable man.

Leftists (and most normies, to be honest) tend to be mental, physical, and emotional weaklings. They were convinced that being called "racist" would not just put them in the outgroup, but would put them on the furthest edge of the outgroup. As a result, they deeply fear the label.

The left was able to weaponize this fear. That age is ending, though - they overplayed their hand. If someone called me a racist in public, I'd look at them and say: "Okay. I'm racist. Now what?" You'll see this sort of thing more and more. It divorces them from their power when you don't apologize and aren't put on the backfoot.

The word was given its power by the way the mainstream media and the politicians used it over many years.

Repeating it over and over again has made people believe its a thing. In fact its a lie.