UFOs are real objects that defy our knowledge of physics...

UFOs are real objects that defy our knowledge of physics, this is officially confirmed by the American Department of Defense, which has had (and has) secret programs to study UFOs. In the pic related NYT article, it's also claimed that DOD contractors for one of their secret programs have managed to retrieve material from crashed UFOs. The material is some type of compound we don't know anything about.
Why aren't you talking about it?

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>glowing auras
They're reading Jow Forums. They know about glowniggers.

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>defy our knowledge of physics
bullshit since we built them.

There's no evidence for that, unless you want to posit that we have secret physics that is kept hidden. Not a tenable idea if you really think about it.

Bitch, US bombers and Directed Energy Weapons aren't based on fully disclosed technology. You don't even need to bring ayy lmaos into this.

>It's another Blink182 limited hangout disclosure thread

>We're going to tell the world about UFO's!!!
>sorry, can't give any details tho ;p

Tom DeLongue needs to up his game. He's still dicking around at the level of a casual vagueposter on /x/.

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>Just read UFO pogrom

>look up in the sky, goyim

Do you think the DOD is a credible or reliable source?

I don't believe in UFO and aliens no more

Physics is universal, you can't hide it in secret bunkers or bases. Someone will eventually discover the secrets. Just like the Nazi's, Americans, and Russians were all reaching nuclear weapons independently of each other.
Physicists have been trying to advance physics out in the open for the past 70 years and nobody has achieved something that even hints at the possibility of UFO physics. Now you could say that because's it's a conspiracy, but really, every physicist in the world in on the same conspiracy? Do you realize how much motivation there is to achieve something like that? The person who does will go down in history as the next Einstein or Newton.

If they are not, who is? Who is more reliable than the military industrial complex? Some UFO researcher living in the woods in bum fuck nowhere USA? Who?

Yeah, military secrets don't exist, Mr Retardo.

>UFOs are real objects that defy our knowledge of physics

it's a ballon, you moron !!!!

Hiding military secrets is an entirely different thing to hiding an entire new field of physics, which the smartest physicists around the entire world know nothing about and have come nowhere close to achieving, despite having billion dollar study budgets (like CERN).

closed mind... look at the evidences and stop the denial

Disclosure is a distraction disinformation.

>I said it so it must be true

conspiracy theory

People are so desperate to deny that they resort to crazy theories like project blue beam and so on, they simply cannot accept that the government knows this stuff is real and is slowing willing to talk about it.

Satin has arrived.

Don't let her get the codez Frens

Shit, you found me out.

Bumping those satanic digits

Show flag. Why do you shills keep pushing TTSA Elizondo glowing bullshit when they're way over budget? Who actually pays you?

>that defy our knowledge of physics
For you and me maybe, doubt the same goes for experts working on reverse engineering them

>everyone with a different opinion is a shill working for evil forces
Where is information on UFOs going to come from if not from the military, intelligence community, or the goverment?

I don't buy that view, I explained why above.

Links and multiple sources our shut up nigger.

Go read the article, it was written by 3 top journalists, including two Pulitzer prize winners, all in full cooperation with the DOD.

Ok so let's say they did somehow have UFOs or encountered alien UFOs. Why be so secret about it? Why develop it and get it working and then hide it from everyone? If there are UFOs made by the government I assure you they arent the fancy scifi shit you're thinking of. Also New York Times isnt very credible or non biased.

So Bob Lazar is legit

Doesn't make sense unless you think humanity went from kittyhawk to the shell absorbing silent hovering aircraft in the battle of LA in 40 years.

National security, obviously.
And what government wants to come out and say "There's this aerial threat with technology superior to anything we have, we can't even track it properly and know nothing about its origin/motivation, sorry folks, can't do anything about it, now go back to your daily life".

>can make anti-gravity propulsion aircraft
>still can't defend against asteroid strikes

get fucked usa

Having some Pulitzer prize winners and a UFO fanatic like Bigelow doesn't give legitimacy to this article but smells like someone from the DOJ got paid for a sensationalist story.
Not to mention there is NO scientific evidence supporting this shit = aliens

This was back in the 80s.

How come nothing has been leaked since then?

"unidentified aerial phenomena "

Because not all of us are blue beam shills trying to distract from the Pedo saga unfolding. Fuck off.

>Yfw some kikes are shilling ufos across the media because someone is threatening to discontinue government funding to their meme field which produces nothing of value or disinformation

No, these leaks are very recent from several incidents between 2004 to 2015, and these leaks are not the full details, lots of stuff is still highly classified. The video footage we got was heavily cut and not the full footage, additionally, they have a lot more footage that they haven't released.
>Having some Pulitzer prize winners and a UFO fanatic like Bigelow doesn't give legitimacy to this article but smells like someone from the DOJ got paid for a sensationalist story.
Pointless conspiracy theory. People risked their careers and reputations getting this out, no money can compensate for that.

>I don't want to believe because of x conspiracy theory which I have no evidence for

Na I believe in ufos, but its silly to think there arent kikes scamming for zog bucks with the rest of their tribe

Yes very risky I bet the authors Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Khan are all in hiding or near death ..... oh wait they're still working with the NYTimes.....

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>but its silly to think there arent kikes scamming for zog bucks with the rest of their tribe
Where will real information come from other than from the government, military, or intelligence community, the people with billions of dollars at their disposal? Some crazy guy living in his bunker in Nevada? Where?

They've clearly suffered reputation losses, just look at your own opinion, you think they're evil people spreading disinfo and working for the jews.

great strawman bringing in the jews.
(You) think this is aliens so (You) have the burden to provide proof not anecdotes.
If you can't do that you shouldn't be surprised no one is interested

I haven't said it was aliens. I have no idea what they are.
You were the one arguing it's a disinformation conspiracy for money, burden of proof is on you.