Hello, Jow Forums

Hello, Jow Forums.
What do you think of my country?

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Checked. You used to be based, a few thousand years ago.

You are ok, minus the Islamic part

I don't think about it. You can take that as a compliment, considering how bad other countries in the wider area can be.

Oh also a corrupt mafia state shithole in terms of economy and politics

But your women are fucking hot, your people are generally king and you are hard workers.

Not many Egyptians here, but the few I know were all Coptic orthodox. Great folk

I was there before the entire Arab spring and it was odd lets put it this way, what I did enjoy was going trough the pyramids, quite an old achievement but outside of them things looked pretty bleak there.

Isn't it embarrassing to be living out a Planet of the Apes style LARP at the base of great monuments you don't understand?

Yall need a real 1776, not that fake ass facebook version.

I’m in NJ USA. We have many programs for summertime migrant workers on the shore. I had a person from Alexandria work one of these programs on one of my earliest jobs and we became good friends. We actually met up each year he returned to the US. Nice guy

My boss’ friend is also from Egypt but is a devout Muslim who used to absolutely hate Christians, but now he tolerates is after a decade in the USA

How safe is it for tourists these days? Are you going seeing an increase of foreign tourists this year?

You are shit nigger

Egyptians (from Canada or UK) do good pop music


Nice place, back in the day.

Well your country is shit except Mohammed hinidi and all the other comedians

It bothers me greatly that your leaders refuse to excavate the great pyramid's new chambers or look past the metal doors in the pyramid shafts
I just really wanna know what's there. How do you guys not have any curiosity for something so potentially important to all of human history?


I hope so, user. The economy has been fucked for long enough.


Been there, it's shit. Nothing but poor faggots who beg tourists for shit, buildings aren't looked after, and the pyramids aren't interesting. And this was before the Muslim Brotherhood.

That doesnt answer my question nigger

So, that's a no. I just wish it happen, since it has fucked the economy for so long.

You have been foaled in a region, where long ago the gods lived, congrats.
What an accomplishment.

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Why the fuck do you allow american niggers to claim your ancestours and their achievements?

They prolly scanned them and realised it's nothing valuable, or it's too expensive to excavate them in a decent manner .
Near my city there is a cuman tomb under a small man made hill- a tumul. They archaeologists scanned the area and declarex that the oil needed to excavate the tomb is more valuable than the bones of 2 soldiers-4 soldiers and some shitty jewellery.
And taking into account that the site usnt going anywhere, they prefer to sit on theur asses until they get an European grant to dig it.

You wuz da kangs

Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. eh

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562856339.835.jpg (360x640, 80K)