Oh boy, here we go


>ADELANTO, Calif. (VVNG.com) — July 10, 2019 — A man was reportedly shot multiple times by a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy Wednesday morning, according to witnesses.

>It started at an apartment complex in the 18000 block of Poinciana Road near Bartlett Avenue in Adelanto. At 11:11 a.m. deputies responded to a report of a Domestic Battery, Sheriff Spokeswoman Jodi Miller told VVNG.

>When deputies arrived at the location, they encountered the male suspect with a knife in his hands and demanded him to drop it, according to several witness statements.

>“He was outside with a butter knife,” stated Samuel Jace, “two cops came up he put his hands up and they shot him multiple times.”

>A video posted to social media showed deputies performing chest compressions on the man before he was taken away in an ambulance.

>“[T]he suspect was transported to a local area hospital,” stated Miller, “Detectives from the Specialized Investigations Division-Homicide Detail are in route to conduct the investigation.”

>Sheriff’s officials have not confirmed if the man shot has passed away from his injuries. However, family and friends are posting about the incident on Facebook and said he has died.

>The Facebook account “Waterboy Slip”, is tagged as the name of the person who passed away.

>The last public post on the profile was made at 11:16 am, five minutes after police were dispatched to the location. “I Love u all take care”, read the post.

Adelanto is a shithole of a town with a fuck ton of blacks. As a former resident of the Victor Valley, it had the moniker "Ghettolanto." Victorville isn't much better. So, this has the potential for a happening. Keep your eyes on it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Entire complex taped off
False flag



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>The last public post on the profile was made at 11:16 am, five minutes after police were dispatched to the location. “I Love u all take care”.

Sounds like suicide by cop. Cops need to just stop responding, eat their donuts, and let things fall out as they may around the country. There’s no way to win in these scenarios. Might as well just not participate.


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fight the future

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>It’s another blacks having their usual schizo episode as they are more highly prone to mental illness
>”family and friends” are propagating the situation to get the normie masses on their side

Keep in mind that cops in general should never relax arounds blacks as any actions by them monkies is a matter of life or death. They did what they have to do.


Its real

>“He was outside with a butter knife,”
hope he wiped it off before he brandished it in a threatening matter.

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>hands up don't shoot 2.0

Weird place...not far from the recent earthquake epicenter. Maybe the scalar waves from the tectonic howitzer drove him crazy.

Attached: earthquake_projector.png (197x286, 127K)

Nobody cares.

kek. you cheeky cunt.

>San Bernardino
Always the same fucking counties

You have to keep in mind, San Bernardino county is the largest county in the country. Granted, most of it is BFE, but there are still major cities and towns in the county. It's bigger than Vermont and New Hampshire combined. Strange things that are linked by virtue of being in the same county, generally aren't related whatsoever in San Bernardino county. Going from Ontario to Needles is like plane shifting to a new dimension, but they reside in the same county.

more arm chair quarterbacking . police are trained to defend their own lives and the lives of others. Someone asked with a knife who's within 100 meters of you can easily reach you before you have time to react. Thats part of the reason why high powered rifles such as AR-15s, with scopes or other optics, and becoming more popular for responders

wtf a brotha cant jess butta his cawn brea outsaid without some cracka azz cop lightin him up shieet

dont even care anymore

i care slightly more but i still dont care

Why is it so big? Is it huge spic voting block or something?

they aren't humans so who cares?

Counties aren't laid out based off voting blocks. The county is so big because it's so sparsely populated. Well, rather, it was when the county was mapped out. East of the San Bernardino mountains is nothing but Mojave Desert through till the Nevada border. It's a whole lot of nothing at all. A lot of the towns that there are today were railroad stops. Victorville, Barstow, Needles, etc... Past that you had mining towns back when they were pulling silver, bauxite, and talc out of the hills. Towns like Calico, Baker, and Ivanapah. When the state was founded you had all this nothing out there, but it still needed administration. You're not going to build a county around a no name mining town that could go bust. So you just have the largest city in the county serve as the seat of administration and make the county fuck hueg.

Same goes for Riverside county to an extent. It's not as big as San Bernardino, but it encompasses a lot of desert full of nothing.

Sorry, I misspoke. Not Bauxite. To my knowledge Aluminum was never mined in that part of the Mojave. Borax was what I was meaning to say. Borax, silver, iron, talc, and some gold.

man they just taped it off and they already know he's innocent, they sure do work fast!