Are blacks human?

Are blacks human?

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They are, but Nazis aren't.

Yeah, but they don't act like it
Anyone who says otherwise is a troll or retarded

Ahaha so clever here’s a gold plebbitor xDDD

if they weren't than white women wouldn't be able to breed with black men like we've seen countless times

>I said Reddit in a negative way
>I am based now

Nah. Retards are more thoughtful and capable of self critique than nogs

One shekel plz

Shills everywhere. I’m just gonna start asking In person so people like you can’t hide behind a screen when you answer

They lack the empathy that makes one human.
I'm not saying they're hommunculi. But they're hommunculi.


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Why would they say "No" to your question in public? What makes you think anyone with half a mind would say that they are part of a different species? Are you serious?

Please ask this question in person. When you get knocked out, the cops will laugh in your face.


Why wouldn't they say the exact same horseshit in person? You're acting like they're not protected by society

id pay for a nigger zoo full of this hilarious shit

>violence for asking questions

Just walk around outside

Indeed. Remove them from all societies, reduce their pop by 96-97% and put the survivors in zoos with HD vid cameras and hotmics hidden everywhere and put that shit on pay-per-view.

Say whatever you want but you have to admit got you good.

Billion dollar idea

Attached: niggers 41.webm (552x358, 2.99M)

he's a commie. words are violence and violence are words for him

Attached: niggers 4.webm (202x360, 1.88M)

Attached: nog rekt.webm (640x360, 2.8M)

They are stuck at homo erectus

>instigates violence with words
>gets shit pushed in
Typical weak Nazi games.

I don't know, what would you say?

Attached: Red Goyim Avenger.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

this is you. revel in the fact that nobody wants or likes you and pictures a faggot everytime we picture a leftist online.

Attached: (987x761, 1.02M)

>wants to chimp out
Yup, blacks aren't human

They're the Missing Link

Nobody has pushed my shit in yet and i call non-whites out in public all the time. Are you that guy who was sitting in the back looking at his phone?

Someone made that and thought it was good lol

>I get mouthy all the time
Nice larp

Sounds like you're arguing with yourself there kiddo


Attached: 1562864096019.webm (931x576, 2.1M)

You seem pretty upset.

They're hominids.....a different species. Definitely not human. You can breed with them if you like.

keep your dollar

Attached: niggers 23.webm (408x720, 2.75M)

>i call non-whites out in public all the time

Attached: 1547387723593843.png (459x708, 166K)

There's something worse we have to deal with than petty fights between negros at Disney Land

Here it is:

Attached: dsfhdghdrtr3rtw.jpg (441x396, 33K)

Two shekels for the good goy

I called a black kid a nigger to his face after he laughed at me for slipping on ice in 6th grade. He called me white trash and walked away.

Niggers are scared of white people.

Wrong. Different species have been able to breed and have offsping. Remember Napoleon Dynamite? In the movie Napoleon said the Liger was his favorite animal. Liger is a mix of a tiger and a lion, two very different species of big cats.

Ever heard of a Wholpin? Pic related. Point is, just becuae niggers and humans can breed and have offspring does not "prove" that niggers are human. It proves simply that like a liger or a wholpin, niggers, being a different species than humans, can breed and have offspring. And half-niggers are just as violent, treacherous and drawn to crime as full-blooded niggers.

Attached: Wholpin.jpg (3121x1873, 1.01M)

>in 6th grade


Attached: always.jpg (249x243, 8K)

Or maybe he just decided to respond to your racism with racism and not escalate to violence over words.

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The Lyger experiment didn't work out. The Lyger offspring got depressed, anti-social, and most became sterile. It's a cruel thing to create life that'll just suffer like the black species.

>I said the n word again
>am I cool yet guise?

>implying that it's possible to say Reddit in other ways than negative

>being this naive

Attached: nig nogn.webm (288x360, 319K)

I'd watch the fuck out of that.

go back to redit you fucking nigger loving kike.

I beat niggers to death with my bare fists.

There was a group of Chinese people acting like fucking insects to a white girl behind the counter, they couldnt even speak english and werent providing her with the couments she needed to check them into the motel. "HURRY UP U TOO SROW" I was behind the chink so I grabbed his shoulder firm and told him that we respect each other in Canada. Shut him up.
I also regularly call out the roaming shitskins during festivals we have here when theyre trying to steal purses. Ill regularly refer to this behaviours when discussing non whites with other people and ive never had my "shit pushed in"

yes, blacks are a subspecies of homo sapiens. just because they are more violent and less intelligent than any other race (except aboriginals) doesn't mean they are not humans.

t. abdul

Niggers aren't humans.

Attached: niggers aren't human.jpg (483x393, 129K)

Attached: nignogs have excellent critical thinking skills.webm (698x384, 1.07M)

I think he's cool.

Attached: 1560681008575.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

they are subhuman

>Edgy keyboardwarrior
Have sex you neckbearded incel

Attached: niggers 37.webm (406x720, 2.69M)

not an argument tyrone.

Attached: 1541149040301 (1).jpg (2592x1936, 1.16M)

They are not "Human". Aboriginals are actually better than niggers. We have niggers in Australia, and they're definitely worse the Abos - niggers can't even cross the street or wipe their own asses without making problems.

You're a fucking nerd too.

lol that manlet got chokeslammed

Not as bad as I expected from someone on Jow Forums

>Ask in person get beat up.
>Always proving the point.


he dead

Hahahah holy fuck this is what half of Jow Forums's wrists look like aren't they? Jesus christ kid lift a fucking weight.

Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. Nu

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562876671.8899999.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Attached: niggers 27.webm (400x240, 429K)

Did you come up with that one all by yourself?

Attached: 1558529494755.png (510x344, 330K)

It's not hoffspring though, is fertile hoffspring.

Here's your star, juden

Attached: verified check mark vs jude star twitter jews kikes you lose.jpg (668x452, 74K)

Do you know how many times I’ve been obliterated on Xanax and called niggers a nigger to their face? They never do shit and neither would you.

>a progressive liberal thinks he's based
cope mutt

Attached: amerimutt reddit donald user fatass amerimutt mutt.jpg (1024x545, 115K)

Attached: NO.jpg (800x575, 30K)


Have sex for once, stretch mark-eating cuckold.

Nice larp

>Limpwristed faggot
>Proves my argument with his own pic
>"N-not an arguement!"
>"M-muh huwhite skeen maks me stronker than any blak persun!!"
Holy fucking KEK. What a little dorky faggot ass bitch! Does your mother know you're posting on this racist board Timmy?

Attached: FUCKING KEK.jpg (179x282, 8K)

>Can't read


You too nigger

Attached: not dead enough.webm (640x352, 1.27M)

Guys spread memes about the nigger disneyland thing. Don't let it die. This is a perfect opportunity for normies to see blacks as subhuman.

t. nigger

Post whole arm, your wrist looks like you're anorexic

Niggers are cowards. Especially alone.

It has to be bait

I just love this one! Makes me roar with laughter every time. Jamal is strutting along, hat cocked sideways, thinking he be tough and shit. Squares off against white boy for no reason. Jamal throws one good punch that connects but only puts white boy on his heels for a second. White boy goes berserk, like his European forefathers, and goes after Jamal. Hits Jamal a couple times then jumps on Jamal. Gets Jamal on the groung and knocks Jamal silly. Kicks Jamal's ass good! The only communication niggers truly understand is violence. Beat them down so they understand.

Are they human? Uh, no.

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Normies can't be saved.

Attached: niggers 15.webm (400x442, 1.73M)