>SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California legislation that would require presidential and state gubernatorial candidates to release their tax returns in order to appear on the state's ballot cleared a significant hurdle, passing the State Assembly with an overwhelming majority vote.

>SB 27, co-authored by Senators Mike McGuire and Scott Wiener, was approved by the State Assembly Monday with a 57-17 vote, according to McGuire's office. It will be heard again in the State Senate this week, and if approved, will head to Gov. Gavin Newsom for his signature.

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If there were a chance of Trump getting more than a dozen votes in California, somebody might care.


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States dont control the ballot for a federal election

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struck down by SC in 3... 2... 1...

Imagine being a voter and the state won't put you're candidate on the ballot. Write in?

LOL Trump could completely be left out of the ballot in California and be just fine.

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i have to hope that these people have better things to do
this would spend a decade in court up to the scotus
they all know this but they do it anyway. california is such a joke

Now if only States had any power over the federal government that would mean something

this niggers are insane

Tenth Amendment gives them the right to do that - there is no Federal law against it, so the States have the right to do so

>controlling a federal election

They get a say, yes, but this is all saber rattling. Besides, didn't that one he-bitch maddow or whatever spend around a year pissing and moaning about this same thing, finally got some and it turned out to be fucking nothing?

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if he has nothing to hide he will release them. unless there just happens to be some russian payments or money laundering going on in there...HMMMMM

They changed the law after he was elected. They cannot keep him from attempting to be re-elected.

He won 2016. He is the President. And you're a snowflake for not accepting reality.

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If State Campaign Law changes, then he has to follow the law or not be on the ballot

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sure thing vlad *tips vodka*

wait, why dont ALL politicians be required to show tax returns and itemized total income for the year?

ahem...since illegals are not on any gov't databases because they can't use any gov't services, then guess how much info he'll get........

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t. pic

wew what a surprise next up they'll realize they don't actually get a fucking say in the matter.

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Two problems
1)It's seem aimed at Trump
2)Presidential candidate requirements are set by the federal government. The states can't change them.

I suspect this will easily be shut down in the SC.

You don't know too much about STATE RUN federal elections, do you? Each State makes their own rules regarding eligibility to be on a States ballot.

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>based user

>they can't use any gov't services
Is that why they're on welfare?

He was already on the fucking ballet. He won the fucking election. You cannot turn around and change the rules to not allow him to run. Trump has already passed more back ground checks then anyone on this website combined.
The Presidential candidates already have to disclose personal info. He has done that.
Trumps taxes? None of your fucking business. He made the money. Go be a jealous bitch elsewhere.

Kill yourself FBI nigger, or better yet hopefully some American Redneck will gun you down with his AR-15.

Not on the census retard. He caved on that! and instead ordered federal agencies to turn over any information they collect (or have) It will have nothing to due with the Census or allocation of Representatives or $$


Explain to me how this works legally. I'm ignorant enlighten me.


They do actually. Each state runs its own election, then uses the results to send the electors to DC to vote. That said, this will get struck down as it basically is saying "a candidate's 4th amendment rights must be violated in order to run for president, an action with already enumerated requirements in the Constitution." Also even if by some miracle it wasn't struck down, it would just mean Trump wouldn't be on the ballot in CA, he'd lose the popular vote, and liberals would whine when he still wins.

Ahh, if only the rest of America was filthy, with shit covered streets, free needles for junkies, free health care for illegals, highest tax rate in the nation, socialist democratic utopia like San Francisco or a MS-13 haven like Los Angeles in Commiefornia. Getting rid of Trump and making sure the elections only favored one party would make everything soooo much better, right shillfag?

Democratic strategy, if you can't win playing by the rules, change the rules. Always cheating cocksuckers

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>california eternal blue hellhole

Proof? I am ignorant enlighten me.

imagine being so fuckin dumb you believe this....

I remember reading that many states require more signatures for any party other than the big two to even appear.
Some don't even allow anyone else on the ballot at all.

I'm not sure what they think this will do. Dems don't want to show their tax returns either and they are the ones that matter on the California ballot. Well, I guess their media pals will openly lie about them, and claim anything found in theirs is a right-wing conspiracy, so maybe it doesn't matter.

all of the affected will be BTFO, do it, i wanna see how much of a fair share old bernie puts into the pot.

The only people that have been shitting in my face are open border anti-white shitlibs like you.

>he caved!
Hope you don't have too hard a time answering that question on the next census lol

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Why don't you guys think trump, or amy presidential candidate, should show his tax returns?
What are you scared of?

Non-meme responses preferred, please and thank you.

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Thats not how it works and every Candidate since Nixon disclosed their tax returns. He's not on any ballots for 2020 yet. What backround checks? I bet he drops out anyway

>not even through the senate
>writing a news article about it
Jesus fuck I want reporters to die. They always do this dumb sensationalist shit.

Why do you think anyone is required to show the entire country their tax returns?

CA trying to meddle in the election

>option A: release tax returns, get on ballot, lose California
>option B: don't release tax returns, don't get on ballot, lose California

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Shilling this hard

>implying a republican being on the ticket in California makes a difference at all
Democrats could nominate a turkey sandwich in California and it would win in a landslide

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>since illegals are not on any gov't databases because they can't use any gov't services

Dumbarse...drivers licenses for illegals and California just gave em health care...retard

I want to see Gavin Newsom's tax returns.

Dems and these fucking Tax returns. Would revealing them even matter at this point?
Is this all they have left to cling to?

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It's the reverse. There's no reason to do so. There is no valuable data for the public that can be gained through them that can't be gained without invading their privacy. That said, I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it, if there wasn't such a Jew stranglehold on the media.

>John Podesta not toasting at his own party

Good idea

I don't think Trump being on CA's ballot would make a difference one way or the other.

So Trump cannot appear on ballot if he doesn't release his tax returns? Taking into account elections aren't by popular vote, what's the point?

Both of those are state government, and they've already been banned from talking to feds about illegals. The amount of information the EO will be able to gather is likely very low.

It would count towards the popular vote, which, if he lost, they would use as an excuse to push for abolishing the electoral college. Once that's gone and the popular vote determines the presidency, they'd just start stuffing the ballot boxes with votes every illegal in the state, whether or not they even tried to vote.

these retarded MIGA boomers trying to force narration that releasing tax returns is a bad thing
>just die already

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dank flex by the state for its' internal elections
pretty much they want to constrain the repubs in the state as much as possible to make it a liberal mecca within the country, and the state doesnt realize that its federal importance to the union is waning

What a dump.

Mass reply since you're all so God damn dumb you don't realize this hasn't even passed the senate of California. Not to mention it violates the constitution. Please fucking end your lives for replying seriously to this bait thread. You're dumber than God damn journalists.

the apple jobs guy is actually john pederasta

>Would revealing them even matter at this point?

It wouldn't. The media will find something to mislead their puppets about, but to people who actually pay taxes, ie Republicans and Independents, won't find anything that would change their vote. It wouldn't change anything substantial, and would be more of a problem for Democrats than him.

Weren't they already release. And for fuck's sake, can people stop reddit spacing. We're halfway through summer. Can't some of you fuckers learn?

I'm guessing that you didn't watch him in the Rose Garden today, where he had Barr say it was not going to be on the Census (while dtrumpf was standing next to him) You retards believe that illigals are lying to get welfare and food stamps, but wouldn't lie on a census form. It doesn't matter anyway, maybe in 11 years it will be put on the form, but not in 2020

they prove he had investments in russia and therefore commited multiple counts of capitol perjury. stop drinking the koolaid. just stop.

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He's not running for a state office.

Trump has already been audited multiole times by the IRS. They are a federal agency. (Fuck off kid)
Every single candidate running for President must pass a Fbi background check. (Fuck off shill)

>and liberals would whine when he still wins.
that's the best part.
He won without California last time.

>if you can't win playing by the rules, change the rules
that what we call 'nigger baseball' around here

I'm not american.

Like it even matters if Trump is on the ballot in CA. This is a bullshit stunt.

Is California actually retarded? States can't tell what the federal government has to do

>every Candidate since Nixon disclosed their tax returns
by choice - Trump chooses to not show his

the US constitution lays out requirements for running for president. a state can't add to the requirements. this will go nowhere. thanks for playing

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Sorry you were just caught in the cross fire my Brazilian friend

>release and kikes nitpick and pilpul more talking points, no benefit to him
>don't release and the left screeches about them for his entire presidency, making them look utterly insane to everyone else who doesn't give a shit

Again? What? Didn't Madcow already do that? You know, that dude that has that MSNBC show?

then the state of california doesnt count toward the federal election.
>wah we wont pay taxes
then dont recieve aide
>ahh earthquake


CA will never vote red again who fucking cares?

It doesn't, however, say what is required to be put on the ballot.

>private, personal financial information
>neither presidents nor candidates are required to provide
>you make a self-rule that makes no sense
If you don't post a picture of yourself in 5 minutes, that means you have something to hide. It must be that you're a pedo.
If you are not a pedo, you would post your picture


This is just performative to have the dems symbolically release theirs is 2020 and then make a campaign issue out of it.

Lol as if Commiefornia was gonna vote Trump anyway.

>State legislate
>Overriding anything federal
lmfao K. So if a presidential candidate is from CA and running they have to release. Good thing Trump isn't living in or running from California.

We know it's just a worthless stunt that wouldn't ever actually make it into law. That doesn't mean I wouldn't answer people's questions about the hypothetical. If you are mad at people replying in a bait thread, why are you drawing attention with a massive response? Fuck off wannabe board police

So my state can make a law stating no one from out state can be on the ballot?

pozzed blood play enthusiast Scott (((Weiner))) strikes again nothing beyond their reach?

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They kept Lincoln off the ballot in certain states.

>is nothing beyond their reach?
True beauty