Buddhist monks are pretty stupid in a sense that they only know about their own environment, own habits, own culture...

Buddhist monks are pretty stupid in a sense that they only know about their own environment, own habits, own culture. I had a conversation with one (varyana) back in the early 2000 and the guy was literally just a small village stooge who had no idea about physics, logistics, electronics or anything social except his own community.

I guess "enlightenment" to them is just being on child-level knowledge and build a marketable facade.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>stop focusing on the betterment of your own community and become an atomized transnational universalist like myself
The Finn must be stopped at all cost. I've been saying this for years!

I have had a variation of the same Q op... To them, isolation and discipline can bring enlightenment... So total rejection of what the world has to offer means they win? Seems skewed. Seems to me that getting your hands dirty, and making good and bad decisions along your way is more yin and yang then they could hope for... However the idea behind it all is choice, so if that's what they want, well then... Its a choose your own adventure.

obsession with the physical world that you cannot stay in forever is not a human trait.

Being oblivious to the universe which you inhabit isn't smart, enlightened or fulfilling. There is so strong sense of "giving up" in those guys, they'd rather be stupid than try to learn.

You don't spend a single a second in a world which isn't physical.

Well in a Trudeau sense they win if they won't even try.

>Materialism = Enlightenment

Holy shit, I didn't know it was possible to be this much of a fucking brainlet.

From perspective of Buddhism, everything you experience as physical is an illusion which does not really exist.

I don't know

Well, he knows enough to keep going. Being isolated from normie society with its useless dramas and unnecessary complexities can help you a lot. This is part of several religions (northern european tribalism, early indian and native american shamanism, chinese/japanese/eastern asian religions...)

Buddhists are well-known to have set up some of the greatest centers of learning in history. It's funny because your illiteracy is causing you to start from a faulty premise and you're too dumb to even realize it.

Science fags like you are gay anyway.
>woaah did you hear what Joe Rogan just said about space
>woaah it's like infinite and stuff woaah and then Elon Musk said this like we're in a simulation and i was like woaaah that's deep
stfu loser no one cares. Go water your turnips.

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>You don't spend a single a second in a world which isn't physical.
prove it
>hint: nothing about MUH SCIENCE has been "proven" to you because you are too stupid to understand truly complex mathematics and too poor/powerless to see MUH SCIENCE in action.

Sit around and zone out all the time. Only eat shit tier food.
Never fuck chicks.

Sounds like shit not enlightenment

I believe it... I also believe that if a person chooses to be fulfilled by an aspect of the illusion, then it can have an equal result as rejecting the illusion by way of fulfillment. Energy is both waves and particles both yin and yang. It doesn't even matter what you choose, you'll get recycled into the collective and it'll be time for a reboot imo. Its all about variables, and individual experience which is data/information for the universe to process. It happens, because it can. imo... thanks for any thoughtful responses...

>some of the greatest centers of learning in history

is that so what great inventions they had? teaching cult crap isn't learning

what "great inventions" have braindead snowniggers created?

Ha ha ha, what a wise little fin you must be. So much smarter than those monks, too smart to die even.

He knows exactly what he needs to know to function and go about a single day.
Academia is cramming heads with knowledge most people can't apply or rendered extraneous.
Is it an ego thing?
>Golly, I sure know a lot about philosophy as an astronomer!
Really, do people need to know any more physics than "stuff falls downward"? Do people care to learn any more about electronics than "Electricity makes shit happen"?
I thought they teach you in school not to prejudge others just because they/their culture lacks the higher knowledge you possess.

he will most assuredly live forever once those dumb christcucks stop preventing the unsustainable industry of stem-cell life-extension.

teaching cult crap isn't learning

The universities were all destroyed by the 13th century by Muslims. The west didn't invent shit until like the 18th century. And it wasn't because of a lack of Buddhism.

India and China are well-known to have invented a lot and were on-par with the west until pretty much the 18th century and they were Buddhist for a lot of that time.

explain how and why.

Sound pretty retarded and full of yoursef mate

There are no Christians in Finland. But life extension technology won't save you anyway so stop deluding yourself and cure your existential dread by transcending silly materialism.

Just take the non-dual pill and realize there was never any birth, nor will there be any death and you'll be fine.

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Imagine if you were in a deadly forest with larger-than-a-man wild predators and poisonous fauna and animals, and you meet one man who knows about Pluto, and one man who is knowledgeable about survival in the forest. Who would you rather have with you? The Pluto guy knows all about far away places but not what’s safe to eat. He is the retard.

is it varyana or thervada where the monks can't kill anything and every day go into town to beg. They get food and in return the villages get mystical karma.

Id agree if you weren't Finnish.

making up a belief system and teaching it isn't knowledge and learning means knowing things which are true, i could teach you about how dogs have telepathic connection to humans but it's bullshit

there is bliss to being unaware of how shit this world is

>making up
everything is "made up", every single system of categorization.
you are no better than the retards calling "whiteness" a "social construct"

link 6 of those destroyed universities

Buddhism breeds softies easy to cuck. Good to know.

>is it varyana or thervada where the monks can't kill anything and every day go into town to beg.
That is all of Buddhism.

There was this video of Buddhist monks slamming their heads into a wall, in order to toughen up their skulls. All the comments were about how wise and skilled these great mystical monks were as they literally bash their own brains out

>literally bash their own brains out
>durrrr must be safe must be unharmed all pain is bad all pain is harm
just like a fucking dog.

The skills you mention are material world skills. A Buddhist seeks spiritual knowledge, knowledge of the self, and internal journeys that eventually lead to external ones.

OP doesn't comprehend what core-cognition is

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At least link it dipshit. I'm a lazy lardass and I want you to direct me to the things you claim exist.
Also, I just want to see people do strange things.

Less so than Christianity. Islam conquered more than half of Christendom.

Ignorance is bliss

Where did you go "smart boy"

and pseudointellectualism is heaven for a snownigger.

t. Country who mutilates infant boys

You could say the same thing about 75% of the planet's population.
It has nothing to do with his beliefs.

70% of Afghanistan is illiterate. That's about 27 million people who can't write their own name, let alone understand gravity, internal combustion engines or radio waves.

meh andes indians knew already about similar astronomy at that time what is supposed to be so grreat about these except they spread your religion?

I apologize on the behalf of my alcoholic friend. Have mercy on him Jow Forums. He doesn't mean any of what he is saying.

Rejection of the ego is a path to overcome suffering. Abandon all hope, and worldly desires and you be surprised how little 'shit food' or hunger/pain effect you.

Their culture has and will continue to last longer than yours.

>butthurt because a timeless brotherhood doesn't notice you

Functioning as such is fine by me but I reject the idea that these people are supposed to be smart. The whole ideology seems lazy and fake.They decided to tackle hardships by trying to ignore them instead of living by them and improving. Exactly like drinking booze to help alcohol withdrawal.

freedom is slavery
(using your freedom to satiate desire is nothing short of slavery by sensation)
slavery is freedom
(only by engaging in deliberate control of yourself and engaging slavishly to ritual and discipline can you achieve freedom from the bonds of your desires)


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not politics

And the guy probably lives a happier and more fulfilling life than you, I mean I'm not saying that I'm sure that's the case, but I have a feeling that it is.

Taking care of your own comunity, your spirituality and your traditions vs. materialism and intellectualism, you can see that the west took the last path and were are we? Babies can be transexuals, that's where we are right now.

There’s just a difference between consumers and producers. Consumers don’t need to know anything as you said. Producers do and theoretically producers have a greater capacity to consume than strictly consumers do, so we teach our kids what they need to produce. In other words, some people do need to know all about how electricity works and children are considered too young to decide their futures for themselves so the remedy is to just teach everyone everything.

You don't really understand the concept of monks, do you?

Science has failed humanity. There is a sense of wonder that we have lost. I wish I could look up at the stars and have no idea what they are aside from what legends my people made up for them.

The Buddhist enlightenment is different from western enlightenment. Theirs is finding that everything your mind percieves is inherently biased then removing that bias. These scientists tell the entire world how the universe works and they hardly know anything about themselves.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Yep, and those libertards are convincing everyone that these monks are "pure" as fuck. Shit they are fucking just uncivilized. IMO China go fuck them all.

>Battle your ego for eternity

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The material plane/physical world is a soul trapping matrix run by evil. They understand this. Jesus understood this.
It's the way out of reincarnation into an eternal hell on Earth.

The lifespan of a human is about as long as the time it takes a blob of spit to hit the ground
This life is like getting a three year college degree. It's not worth getting overly involved in college life because you will have to leave very soon
Monks look at the world like this

You'd rather sit in this decaying heap? Those dudes have it figured out.

They are providing an essential energy in the holding together of all existence you fucking retard. You should be offering to feed them and ask if there is anything they need that you can provide so you will be born into a higher capacity form under favorable circumstances, you fucking inbred male on male cousin fucking faggot. They are having megagenious thoughts that you are not within 1000 lifetimes of even catching glimpses of with your mind so deep into the caves of Samsara.

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>Buddhist monks are pretty stupid
>I had a conversation with one

So you determine that they're stupid in general because of a conversation you had with literally one of them?

Yet another fantastically retarded post from a Finn.

Every single second of life not spent right here in the present moment is spent in a world made entirely by your mind. There is nothing physical about that.

Buddhism is generally misunderstood, even sometimes by it's practicers. Generally western whites don't know anything about real proper Buddhism. And non whites being illogical by nature re interpret the words of Buddha/Shaka himself to be something genuinelly illogical. For example Buddha once said that there is no self with no eyes no ears, no knowledge, no conciousness. What he meant is that the self is empty, hence one of the meanings behind the zen circle. Because the self is empty, you are still you whether you live or die, whether you forget or remember, whether you are blind or can see, whether you are a sleep or awake, aware, or unaware, wether in this life or the next no matter the body you take, or if you even have multiple bodies at the same time. You are still you, you are empty but whole and complete. Read the heart sutra for reference. Also Buddha only objected to a creator god that was pantheistic, like Brahman on account of man has free will. Anyways. Buddhism had also lots of heretics. Many buddhists don't consider Tibetan Buddhists to be real buddists but are part of some sex cult. There's way more than that but that's the generaly point. Also Buddha was white

Don’t say that friend. The tathagatha does not say the world is an illusion, only that it is like an illusion. To say it is is to fall into the same trap as thinking it’s real

Yep, that's exactly what they're saying. Not to mention he doesn't even seem to consider that he was too dumb to ask any questions worth giving more than trite, simple answers to. Monks ain't got time to waste on tards, they have to go do one million mantra prayers over blessing pills to distribute. You sometimes get them as gifts from Rinpoches. I was fortunate enough to be given some, one packet of which is considered a "lifetime supply", so you don't take them willy nilly, and you share with others when the need is seen. These days I think you can buy them over the Internets.

t. Country with no white infant boys

Gnostics ruined Buddhist philososphy they even at one point tried to assert that Nirvanna means that you cease to exist entirely. If you read teh Heart stura (it's only two paragraphs long) youll see why gnostics would try to twist Shaka's words

you are really a spoiled overgrown teen.

If you want to understand the gist of Buddha's philosophy just read Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes is very eastern in it's philosophical beliefs. If you read zen koans plebs will say they are illogical. They are not illogical, they are just speaking in riddles. Zen buddhism was the meme where young men would become monks to become hokage. And their master makes them do all kinds of exhausting things speaking to them in confusing riddles. When they understand well enough and finally complete all their tasks they would be told "it was all vapor and dust" their efforts were vainity, the vainity of vainity, then finally they would truly learn that was their whole life and the totality of earthly desire, vainity. Carnality is vain it's fruits are vain and all that is not vain is seeking after god. That's would they would learn in the end and that's what the real meaning behind zen koans are very much about. The famous zen koan "if you meet hte buddha kill him" has gnostic influences, gnosticism is false buddhism

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All great religious teachers, compared to Gautam Buddha, fall very short. They want you to become followers, they want you to practice a certain discipline, they want you to manage your affairs, your morality, your lifestyle. They make a mold of you and they give you a beautiful prison cell.

Buddha stands alone, totally for freedom. Without freedom man cannot know his ultimate mystery; chained he cannot move his wings into the sky and cannot go into the beyond. Every religion is chaining people, keeping some hold on them, not allowing them to be their original beings, but giving them personalities and masks - and this they call religious education.

Buddha does not give you any religious education. He wants you simply to be yourself, whatever it is. That is your religion - to be yourself. No man has loved freedom so much. No man has loved mankind so much. He would not accept followers for the simple reason that to accept a follower is to destroy his dignity. He accepted only fellow travelers. His last statement before dying was, "If I ever come back, I will come as your friend." Maitreya means the friend.

>Inner contemplation, meditation and imagination are practices that have no meaningful application in the physical world and therefore ought to be eliminated.

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What are you talking about? Why would gnostics do this?

I've never heard Gnostics say extinguishment is the purpose of life. If anything the materialist heresy in Buddhism that preached this stems from a misunderstanding on Buddha's anatman doctrine. When the Buddha said that this and that wasn't atman, these people started believing that there was no atman(no Being) at all and started subscribing to nihilism.

But then again I haven't really studied any (((Gnosticism))).

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India could not understand Gautam Buddha for this simple reason: it thinks that to sit silently, just being, is worthless. You have to do something, you have to pray, you have to recite mantras, you have to go to some temple and worship a manmade god. "What are you doing sitting silently?"

And that is the greatest contribution of Gautam Buddha: that you can find your eternity and your cosmic being only if you can sit silently, aimlessly, without any desire and without any longing, just enjoying being - the silent space in which thousands of lotuses blossom.

Gautam Buddha is a category in himself. Very few people have understood him. Even in the countries where Buddhism is a national religion - Thailand, Japan, Taiwan - it has become an intellectual philosophy. Zazen, the original contribution of the man, has disappeared.

Perhaps you are the only people who are the closest contemporaries of Gautam Buddha. In this silence, in this emptiness, in this quantum leap from mind to no-mind, you have entered a different space which is neither outer nor inner but transcendental to both.

You should read gnosticism. Against heresies by saint irenaeus shows just how many varients there are, literally dozens if not hundreds. My point about the atman was that some people did and still do ascribe it to literally mean no self when Buddha was abviously trying to explain reincarnation and how it is possible. Obviously your knowledge does not necessarily carry over into the next life, at least at a certain point.

Buddha's point about extinguishing desire reminds me of Aristotle's "greatest happiness' which is continual contemplation on contemplation itself, eternally meditating. Aristotle also in one of his books, i think Physics mentions Indian philosophy, long ago the Greeks seemed to have had good understanding of those things. I agree generally people have a hard time understanding Buddha.

everyone is an NPC to a degree, it's called bias you retarded faggot
your post itself shows you have a preprogrammed response ready that or similar things

Hitler was inspired by the lack of materialism in Buddhist and Hindu cultures during his time.

Buddhism and Buddhists are based, they don't give a fuck about gay shit, natural order is key (dharma). Sorry that a random village monk isn't as big brained and enlightened as you, I'll send some natgeo magazines to my local temple

Astronomy is fucking retarded. Unless you're literally traveling to other stellar bodies it's useless.

>I agree generally people have a hard time understanding Buddha.
Because a Buddha is a literal rock. Enlightenment is for those who tap into the cosmic collective unconsciousness.

Eternal peace and happiness isn't human. Trees and rocks don't know how to be unhappy. They only know how to be happy. Same with a Buddha. A buddha isn't human. To be human is to have an ego. A buddha doesn't have an ego.

>if you dont master physics or electronics you’re a stupid
Implying that these make your life better? They are living a much more full-filled life than you user.

Why won't these ugly mongs hate niggers like I do!!!!?

Ehhh!!! Listen Chang, blacks are 10 times more likely to commit crime. FBI stats back this up!

W-where are y-you going???

> stupid
you mean ignorant

St Thomas Aquinas once commenting on Cicero's Tusculan Disputations disagreed with him, St Thomas Aquinas concluded instead that it is impossible for mortal men to be truly happy, because true happiness is being virtuous, but in a world like this and with imperfect bodies, mortal men, even if virtuous cannot fully do virtuous acts, thus inhibiting the ability to be happy. Hence desire for ambition, glory, wisdom, strength, power, wealth, are all vainity. All of it is vainity.

Morality should be very relaxed and easy - just like your shadow; you don't have to drag it with you, it simply comes on its own. But this has not happened; what has happened is a psychologically sick humanity. Everybody is tense, because whatever you are doing there is a conflict about whether it is right or wrong. Your nature goes in one direction, your conditioning goes just in the opposite direction, and a house divided cannot stand for long. So everybody is somehow pulling himself together; otherwise the danger is always there, just by your side, of having a nervous breakdown.

With no morality, judgment goes. When morality goes, judgment goes. If morality is there you will always be judging: that's why the moralists, the puritans, are continuously judging. Their whole day and night - twenty-four hours - is of judgment. They are comparing, always looking. They are peeping Toms. They are looking into everybody's life: What are you doing and who is doing wrong? Their whole life is that of continuous inspection. These are ugly people. It is very difficult to live with a moralist, he is utterly boring. He is dull and dead, and he creates a dull and dead atmosphere around himself. Unfortunate are those who have to live with moralistic people, because those moralistic people sooner or later will poison them too.

Moses has given a certain pattern of life to be lived, but it is three thousand years old. The world has gone far away from that point. It is irrelevant, but people go on following it. We are worshippers of the dead, we are worshippers of all that becomes irrelevant. We don't look into life. Each and every moment one has to look into life and find a way to respond to life, not to dead codes.


Gnosticism is literally the most red pilled religion out there you fucking tard. The whole religion is built around how evil kikes and their Masonic demiurge god (((Yahweh))) is. Show some fucking respect you cunt.

Why learn of the world when your flesh and bones are shackles tying you down, separating you from the divine? All religions treat this life as transitory, but Buddhists are the only ascetics I see manifesting those beliefs into action.

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Well Aquinas's whole point is in accordance to Ecclesiastes and similar to Buddha's, which is straining after happiness is futility. In this imperfect world you can have virtuous people but they can only be truly happy if they can exert their virtue fully. But good men can be silenced, thrown into jail, they can be barred from public office or clerical office, they can be stripped of earthly power and authority, with things like this, a virtuous man can be become truly miserable. It is like Jow Forums here good men are unhappy, they are righteous but their righetousness has not fully been able to be acted upon to change the world, they see evil but they cannot always carry out justice. They can watch and grieve

I agree that everyone is tense these days and it inhibits personal growth. I recomend an acupressure mat actually really does wonders. Muscles can contain emotions and memories, which is why the heart in ancient times was the seat of emotions.

>I agree that everyone is tense these days
>these days
how about since man developed consiousness. Humamity has always been tense and very neurotic. What an idiotic statement. I'm an example of it and so is everyone expect newborn babies.

>which is why the heart in ancient times was the seat of emotions.

My way has been described as that of the heart, but it is not true. The heart will give you all kinds of imaginings, hallucinations, illusions, sweet dreams - but it cannot give you the truth. The truth is behind both; it is in your consciousness, which is neither head nor heart. Just because the consciousness is separate from both, it can use both in harmony. The head is dangerous in certain fields, because it has eyes but it has no legs - it is crippled.

The heart can function in certain dimensions. It has no eyes but it has legs; it is blind but it can move tremendously, with great speed - of course, not knowing where it is going. It is not just a coincidence that in all the languages of the world love is called blind. It is not love that is blind, it is the heart that has no eyes.

Buddhist learn what Buddha taught. Nothing else, nothing more...

Take this story for example (Long Sutta incoming):

"Once the Blessed One was staying at Kosambi in the simsapa[1] forest. Then, picking up a few simsapa leaves with his hand, he asked the monks, "What do you think, monks: Which are more numerous, the few simsapa leaves in my hand or those overhead in the simsapa forest?"

"The leaves in the hand of the Blessed One are few in number, lord. Those overhead in the simsapa forest are more numerous."

"In the same way, monks, those things that I have known with direct knowledge but have not taught are far more numerous [than what I have taught]. And why haven't I taught them? Because they are not connected with the goal, do not relate to the rudiments of the holy life, and do not lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding. That is why I have not taught them.

"And what have I taught? 'This is stress... This is the origination of stress... This is the cessation of stress... This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress': This is what I have taught. And why have I taught these things? Because they are connected with the goal, relate to the rudiments of the holy life, and lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding. This is why I have taught them.

"Therefore your duty is the contemplation, 'This is stress... This is the origination of stress... This is the cessation of stress.' Your duty is the contemplation, 'This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress.'""

Now what's the meaning of all of this, you ask?

Well, what Buddha is trying to say that is that his goal is to teach you how cease passion, how to be calm, how to self-awake, how to be free. If you want to learn about the other "leaves", the go on and learn about them, that is why the "forest" is there after all. Just do not expect him to teach you about it. That's not what he came to teach. He is more about the leaves.

So yeah. If you want to learn other things, then go learn them. Just don't be monk.

>be bhuddhist monk
>spend 60 years contemplating the universe
>reach enlightenment
>some drunk british 18 year olds show up and conquer your country with their boomsticks
>fooking shite m8

Sorry for the typos. I am originally from Bhutan.

this chart is fucking retarded