Was the Barbary Slave Trade real?

Whenever I get into a conversation about slavery with a black person they almost always fall back on the phrase "You don't know what it's like to have your ancestors enslaved".

I'd like to say "Why yes. Yes I do."

But in these days of fake news it's hard to tell if what I've found online is true or made-up.

There certainly have been plenty of pieces of art made over the last few hundred years about it, so I'd have to assume it existed in some form.

Most black people won't admit it existed, and that Whites were only ever :indentured servants".

But, if they even acknowledge it did exist, they dismiss it by saying it wasn't as large or expansive as the Atlantic Slave Trade, or that White slaves were treated far better than black slaves.

I think they refuse to acknowledge it because if they do it will diminish their "victim status".

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Yes. Greeks and other whites from the Balkans/Anatolia were also slaves under the Ottomans.

All mongrel races trade slaves, including the bantu.


>including the bantu

None of the black people I've talked to will acknowledge that other blacks from Africa sold their own into slavery.

Even when I show them News reports about the Countries in Africa that publicly apologized for their part in the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade, they won't believe it.

Almost all of them said something along the lines of "A Black person wouldn't do that to another Black person."

Also, where can I find verifiable, factual information on this?

A lot of websites I find are mostly "Christian" sites that just want to demonize Islam.

There are more black slaves in Africa right now than there ever were, total in the Colonies/USA.


of course it was, America's first war as an established nation was fought against muslims who were hijacking US merchant vessels and forcing the crews into slavery

Jefferson created the Marines to fuck the slavers. Something about Tripoli in their chon

Blacks can't be expected to understand their own history, they've never been exposed to it, they have no idea who owned the ships and who made the profit.

They feel humiliated by the fact we BVLLS took to the sea and freely roamed the seas landing anywhere's we wanted on the european mainland and even Ireland to load up on slaves.
Like the cowards they are they all moved inland so we could not spot villages. The eurocucks would pay us tribute. All this talk about muh ocean going fleets while they still could not even control their own little pond.
Their cuckery is finalized by having to rely on Amer*can dogs to finally bring us to the peace table. Absolutely pathetic.

>There are more black slaves in Africa right now than
all the Africans shipped to the colonies combined throughout the Atlantic slave trade era. You can quadruple the number

Still not enough. Eritrea, Somalia. East Africa alone slavery is cultural

it was justified vengeance for wh*tes enslaving our black kin

>it was justified vengeance for wh*tes enslaving our black kin

Except this was all going on at the same time. So if it's OK for then to enslave whites, then by that logic it was also OK for us to enslave blacks.

but blacks are worth way more than wh*tes

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only few were castrated
also i wouldn't call it Arabs enslaving since you monkeys sold eachother like the niggers and snow niggers you are

shut up sub humam worshiper of a fungus adict

No. Nobody ever bought slaves in the US.

let's establish something
you don't get to call me a subhuman when you're a slave race of our slave race
only reason the world pyramid is upside down is because snow niggers discovered the new world first
and this is getting corrected
soon arabs will return to our natural place, on the top of the pyramid with your shit kind and your even shittier master's kind in my harem


no you dont you are always beta people but only if you pay tribute to our white supreme race but if you belive you are better you will be destroyed like the jews to the bottom of the fucking piramid

>he thinks people in this country know anything about history
if its beyond the scope of the mayflower or d-day they aren't interested user

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It was absolutely real

You're white though

>First and third foreign wars waged by the US were against Muslim pirates and slavers.
>Barely if ever mentioned in US history classes to the point where most Americans wonder if it was even real.

Yes. It was also black ensalving other blacks. So by that logic, he's assuming that's also fake.


Don't forget the 300,000 Irish slaves.