Yang is taking over. DOUBLED his percentage!!!

Yang gang needs to take over again!

Post all your yang memes here then make a fucking thread with one!

Yang knows how to tax the Jews and make them pay us $1000 a month !!!! Take the bag and hop in the lambo!!!

Attached: IMG_20190711_220256.jpg (2048x1334, 290K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the bag will soon be secured

Yang gang brother!

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debates 3 and 4 confirmed! slow and steady gang

2 x 0 is still 0

Yang better get asked higher iq questions.. fucking give him time and know how he stands !!! What the fuck kind of debate is this


at this pace he will win in 7 days

Seeing the great white hope Francis O'Rourke up there under a moron like Yang is very satisfying.

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two scoops, two percent

So It's biden vs blumpf 2020. blumpf loses in a landslide lol.


2% while the media trashes you nonstop

gay mayor buttplug with mountains of corporate cash is only 7% lmaaaaaooooo

do you not remember
the fake news
"muh 99percent chance hillary wins"

come on, this is a guy who promises a grand per month for everyone

Yang will win DNC dunno about 2020 but at least DNC

>putting your TV in a picture frame

He’s gone from 1% to 2%. That’s not much of an achievement.

Why is Harris considered such a contender? She’s at 13%, which is what her support is going to top out at. Her support is basically all niggers- white and even spic Democrats will not support her.

I agree it's pretty impressive that he can get on the map considering the enormous establishment machine behind other candidates.

Attached: yang.png (531x660, 418K)

Yang and Beto are 100% soros puppets. Likely others in the roster as well.

The DNC doesn’t like Yang, at least in part because of his WN support. Democrats have been running on the idea of Republicans being super racist since Goldwater in 1964, so they definitely don’t want their own nominee to be somebody who’s popular among WN.

I suspect Harris might have her microphone turned off next debate. The DNC probably doesn’t want her talking more about busing, since they realize it’s political poison to most voters.

yang is there so people wont think they rigged out tulsi

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I'm surprised Pocahontas is picking up steam

Buttgieg has money from fag donors. He doesn’t have much corporate money.

Fags earn more than non-fags, and they don’t have kids. So they can donate to Buttgieg’s campaign.

How the hell didn't Tulsi get more support. She was fairly competent regardless of your political affiliation. She was well prepared compared to other candidates.

It feels rigged against her as she would become a steam roller if she had more camera time. Other candidates squawk every now and again to gain attention.

Attached: Yang Train.png (1200x919, 1.4M)

Lmao bernouts are a fucking disgrace

Nice TV frame.

someone do a yang ala Jeb! is rising photoshop pleeeeeese

Don’t like Bernie, but he’s less bad than Biden or Warren and far, far, far, far less bad than Harris.

Here is one of the arms of soros’ empire attempting to control the Democratic Party in an extremely transparent manner.
If you watch the first couple minutes of the front page video, they go over their work getting AOC elected after selecting her (among others, like Ilhan Omar) from a 10,000 person audition series to use as their puppet for political change.

Another arm of the soros empire, focused on turning prosecuting district attorneys into soft on crime niggerlovers.

Beto and yang come from similar stock and I’m sure you’ll find some familiar names behind them (for example, justicedemocrats hired a good chunk of Bernie’s 2016 team)

>13% support
>only niggers support her
I think you answered your own question

The end goal will obviously be full globohomo space communism without the space and obviously without most people being full.
In interviews soros has said the means of achieving this would be to overload the welfare state with foreign immigrants in order to cause its failure and necessitate it’s replacement with UBI/communism
>overload the welfare state with foreign immigrants
Sound familiar? Pic very related.

Attached: EF95C2FF-62F8-45C1-83DE-7698F410E889.png (640x335, 375K)

I've heard that as well. Ocasio-Cortez and Omar aren't really the representatives. They're simply place holders. The Justice Democrats and Young Turks teamed up to make their voice heard. These two groups are the ones running the show.

I know it looks sloppy and ill prepared now, but this may be a future alternative party given time. People on the left are fed up with the hyper-organized and dull left establishment. People felt like their voices weren't heard and that they were forgotten. It's really the same type of sentiment that got Trump the republican nomination. With time and more practice I think they may become a threat.

However if they get associated with Antifa, it could cause many problems for them.

Attached: yang 1.jpg (1015x1654, 497K)

$1000 a month is our only salvation

>behind someone called Buttgeeg

They are communists who want to deliberately cause the collapse of the welfare system and use the resulting civil unrest to remove the constitution.

They aren’t a “new hip party”, they are kikes doing what kikes do best: hire actors to undermine the nation and advance their agenda.

This is obviously happening in Europe as well, as evidenced by prosecutors refusing to bring charges on mud people who rape children in public in broad daylight, which we WILL begin to see stateside as well.

While fractured into many fronts, this is literally a shadowgovernment in sunlight forming; rather than buy politicians behind the scenes they create politicians out of nobodies who will do their bidding.

Here’s a great video which kinda of walks from both the prosecutorial mismanagement of the smollet case through realjustice to soros and the unlikely tale of AOC through justicedemocrats to soros.


>Implying people that browse Jow Forums will get the money.

Nice cope

>explain to americans how to save them with math and logic
>hmm I rather vote for the funny pedo
beyond saving

I was going to ask who the hell frames a TV like that. Then it hit me...
Faggots would, that's who



Well, that was quick
>"After he founded VFA, the Obama administration selected him in 2012 as a "Champion of Change" and in 2015 as a "Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship".

I'm not sure the Jews are aware they're destroying themselves. The Jewish identity is dying off very rapidly. 1/3 Jews marry outside of their religion effectively ensuring their children have no solid foundation. Furthermore due to the massive melting pot that multiculturalism is creating, many young Jewish people scarcely identify with their ethnic group. All the time I hear "I'm ethnically Jewish" and literally nothing more. It's not a significant identifier to them as they're mostly white and can easily fall into normal white culture.

Israel and Rabbis realize this and are frantically trying to build a sense of identity in non-Israeli Jews. With the rest of the Western world mixing together genetically and culturally, people are caring less and less about Israel. Without foreign support, the middle east will slowly encroach on Israel.

Pic related. Even the Jews are going into the meat grinder.

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I feel like you are being a kike right now

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Bingo. Ties back to soros justiceamerica-like good squads; just like obama and all these sudden politicians out of nowhere.

God I hope the superdelegates pick Warren. I want to see Trump stomp her into the ground.

Nope. I'm reveling in the Jews' self-destruction. I'm tired of their manipulative bullshit that tears away at the fabric of societies.

8.4% of Congress is Jewish.
By Religion Jews make by far the most money per capita.

The Jews donate to countless organizations and movements that destroy the American identity.
They funnel billions to Israel every year while 18 year old Americans choke to death on their own blood in whatever shit hole we decide to invade in the name of middle-eastern peace.

Attached: yang 5.png (478x677, 307K)

Yes op 1+1 is 2
Now did you finish your building block puzzle?

2 x 0 = 0

>most money per capita.
you mean wealth? you can't into english and you've got that flag?
Christianity would never win because of the third worlders that are catholics and all the other christians.

yfw rounding error doubles your support

>caring this much about horse race news coverage

I most certainly would

how do you define wealth? A homesteader with a family and land is wealthier than anyone in (((NY))). They have no land just slums, they have no skills just usury, no wealth but (((they))) have money.

REAL AMERICANS love this guy!

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But that means she’ll get over half the electoral votes! We’re done!

You are supporting a candidate controlled by Jews who want to turn America into a communist shithole by importing 3rd world retards and using them to bankrupt the government while simultaneously making them immune to persecution.

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Reminder this could be you. This could be ALLof us.

Attached: 2019FreedomDividend.jpg (1920x1080, 949K)

Kike with a meme flag.

why does Bernie always poll horribly?

He's a joke now. So is Yang to be fair.

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He is a delirious old man why can’t actually answer any questions without going on meandering and off-topic rants.

Meh. Call me when he's double digits. At least he's increasing though.