Well Anons, it looks like we dodged a bullet on this one

Well Anons, it looks like we dodged a bullet on this one.
Miley Cyrus says: “We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women,” she said, making another comparison to feminism.
“We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce. We’re getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child,” the Grammy-winner continued. “Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.”
Millennials as a whole, Cyrus claimed, feel the same way.
>Miley Cyrus won't reproduce because muh feminism/weather change
>Millenials won't reproduce cause muh weather change
>Boomers will die out soon
MFW this is the best news I have heard in a decade.
If you reproduce, your enemies win?

Attached: WTF-Now_I_Love_Climate_Change.jpg (657x734, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


if only her mother could've had an abortion

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According to liberals, it's not too late!

i 100% support 26 years late term abortion of Miley Cyrus

She’s such a braindead whore.

>We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women
>We’re getting handed a piece-of-shit planet
An unintentional redpill.

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If she wants her video to mean something, she should do it again in Chinese


3.5 earths hurr durr

the real miley is dead

Isn't that racist cause the biggest cause of pollution comes from China, India and Africa has shit everywhere?

>Millennials as a whole, Cyrus claimed, feel the same way.
Lmao this slut can get fucked. I now many millennials that are fucking fuming because of limp-wristed little pussy faggots like this shiksa whore and the beta worshippers that grovel at her feet.

We've got to remember, though, that only retarded leftist brainlets are buying into the whole "I want to save the environment so I won't have kids, but I will hypocritically champion shitskins having 10+ kids!". We need to have two kids to replace the mother and father, and an additional four (at least) for our nations.

Fucking this
>Have less children to save the world
>But give money to Africa so they can have more kids
>And import third worlders also cause of population drops!

Those places get a free pass because they're 'developing nations' so apparently it's fine for their billions of people to crank out many times the CO2 we do, plus most of the vocal tree-huggers aren't comfortable with putting blame on non-whites as well, so they'll keep berating the west despite all our best efforts amounting to drops in the sea next to those titans of pollution

>I think it’s very confusing to people that I’m married. But my relationship is unique. And I don’t know that I would ever publicly allow people in there because it’s so complex, and modern, and new that I don’t think we’re in a place where people would get it. I mean, do people really think that I’m at home in a fucking apron cooking dinner? I’m in a hetero relationship, but I still am very sexually attracted to women.
>“If you’re looking for faithful, that’ll never be me. If you’re looking for stable, that’ll never be me. If you’re looking for someone that’ll be all that you need, that’s never going to be me.”
This mega chad is a literal cuck LOL

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>oh no the environment
>hops on private plane to next concert
It's all so tiresome

thats based i fully support her decision

Thank god!!!!!!

I'm a millennial and Eric Rudolph is my damn hero. This bitch and all her friends and kike masters are gonna get fucked.

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I knew Liam Hemsworth had to be a turbocuck to wife up this nasty slut.

Just goes to show that all the looks, money, and fame in the world can’t change a beta mindset. Liam could have had a 10/10 tradwife, and instead he settled for this filthy whore who has zero desire to please him.


How does someone with such superior genetics even get a beta mind set like that in the first place? Was he an ugly kid? Was he molested and abused?

Attached: liam.jpg (700x700, 35K)

Complacency would be my guess. When you can get laid based on your looks and fame, you don’t ever feel the need to develop an alpha mindset.

Hes from Australia

How is she going to clean up China, India, all of the defense and energy sites in the world single handedly? Oh yeah she's not she is just going to stay stupid shit and flash her otten crotch until the world is disgusted with seeing it. Like Madonna.

She still can. Post-birth abortion’s are now legal, remember?

His brother is the Chad... he got beta'd by proximity

His chosen career is literally pretending to be someone else.
Nothing CHAD about that.
True men don't look like manicured faggots either.
I hope his line ends with him.

He's a fag.
She's his beard.
The excuse is because he's a donut puncher.

I'm glad that my generation's actual pop star, as degenerate as she was/is, still manage to have two sons. I can't ever feel sorry enough for Billy Ray. He gave her everything and she spat in his face, and will likely piss on his grave just for attention.

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reminder that this is Billy's """""son"""""

Attached: trace cyrus.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Dumb mk-uktra slut.

Good God Almighty

>Everyone else: Lmao Lets have a fuckload and move to white countries.

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If we are fucking the earth then why hasn't earth given birth to another earth

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thanks for asking the important questions

Earth has access to abortion

>Be Coping roastie, who realises, that noone really wants to marry her
>virginity is a social construct
>I wont have kids because I don't want to
>I'm just so concerned with the environment

a lot of big australian guys are the biggest faggots you've ever met that would give a reddit faggot a run for their money, at least redditors try to stand for something so they are actually even bigger faggots than redditors

she's surely a (((creation))) to make people hate white girls and white girls hate themselves
what a skank

I'd litterally kick her out my bed stupid scank

*Make a familly with

Miley was literally born dead in terms of intelligence.

>I hope his line ends with him.

God's will be done...