Why do people who call themselves "left wing" or "socialist" tend to support mass immigration?

At least this is the case in the US, not sure if this is the case elsewhere. But it makes absolutely no sense to me at all. If you are someone who supports left wing economic ideas, like more power for labor unions, high wages, collective ownership, etc, then why the fuck would you support more immigration? By doing so you are driving DOWN the value of labor for the average citizen, driving up the demand and thus the cost of almost everything from housing to healthcare to college. You are doing exactly what the rich capitalists want you to do while they profit off of migrant labor. So why the FUCK do leftists support immigration, how could they be so stupid?

Attached: pt.2017.01.10_minister.jpg (600x399, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They revel in debauchery and death, and therefore require new peoples to supplant their numbers as they do not reproduce.

They are puppet people who get all of their ideas from Jewish professors and Jewish media people. It doesn't matter that all of their bullshit is contradictory because they all agree on it.

They're young people who have never worked. They live off their parents or student loans.

They know nothing about the job market, let alone labor unions and bargaining power

They didn't used to. But they got taken over by neoliberals, and neoliberals pushed the racial politics angle to drive out the immigration restrictionists from the modern "left." Basically, once modern "leftists" became obsessed with race, there was no way for them to defend borders anymore.

And that's how the neoliberals took over the American left and neutered it as a force against corporate power.

Attached: Edward Abbey quote.jpg (850x400, 32K)

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Because they do as they're told. Same as all the sheep in this country who are incapable of independent, critical thought. Unfortunately there's no shortage of them on both sides of the aisle, pick any average liberal or conservative and you can easily find a dozen conflicts and hypocrisies in their political beliefs.

We're in the destabilization phase. Law and Order is being challenged constantly and being ignored. They don't care. They have big corps to help push this. If we don't fight and win against this, they will win and the new "Law and Order" will be in place, and you will get a bullet in the back of the head and more than likely these leftist idiots will too.
