Enlighten me Jow Forums

Enlighten me Jow Forums

Why do you blame the Jews for everything that's bad in this world? Why do you believe that they want to wipe out the white race? I've heard "revenge for the holocaust" but most of you don't think that even happened. The Jews are being wiped out faster than white people are, so surely if they genuinely cared about racial heritage then they would do a better job at preserving their own race. By Jews, do you actually mean the elites, Illuminati, freemasons etc.?

I think you need an incredibly positive mindset to believe that humans need to have an elite group conspiring in order to make humans dumb and degenerate, instead of just believing that humans are naturally dumb and degenerate.

Pic related is exactly what you sound like. You just see Jews with higher intelligence and more wealth so you blame every world problem on the Jew, instead of looking at yourself or your own culture. It can never be a white person's fault can it?

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This tired old shit again..
Look, retard.
Jews are already over-represensted in PROPORTION to their IQ and share of the population.
Ron Unz and Kevin McDonald already proved that.
And it's not just about them being wealthy, it's about:
1- Their suppression of the nationalism of their host
2- How they accumulated such wealth
3- What they do with said wealth

>Jews are already over-represensted in PROPORTION to their IQ and share of the population.
Okay? I don't see how this is an issue.
>2- How they accumulated such wealth
>3- What they do with said wealth
Exact same criticism can be made of white people. What you actually don't like is another demographic ruling over you, which is something white people have done globally. You're just looking for excuses as to how "Jews are different".

>1- Their suppression of the nationalism of their host
1) Where is the actual proof that the Jews are actually doing this? And I mean Jews and not the 'elites' in general.
2) What is their motive for doing this.

I'm made this thread because I genuinely don't understand.

> memeflag
Die, oven dodger.

Not an argument.

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>Why do you believe that they want to wipe out the white race?

High IQ Low Empathy
Psychopaths. Subversion, evil, destruction is just what they do, it makes them feel good

Again, this is the sort of generic thing that could be said against Europeans. I want actual fucking reasons. I want actual evidence.

Attached: 408d3d2.jpg (430x318, 31K)

You taking the word jew too literally
It’s just code word for the Hebrew clans that work within the jewish dogma

He does not see it because... he is jewish? Are you jewish, OP?

This still doesn't answer my questions. I'm still struggling to see the actual motives.

Not that I know of. I do have a big nose though.