Alleged Black Lives Matter member streams himself kidnapping and "tickle torturing" "incel"

One suspect has been charged in connection with the kidnapping and abuse of a Chicago man that was streamed on Facebook Live.

Video of the incident shows the 18-year-old victim's legs bound at the end of a bed, thrashing and squirming as the assailant appears to remove the victim's socks and tickle their legs and feet. The victim apparently is white; the suspect is African-American and allegedly associated with protest group Black Lives Matter.

The kidnapper is heard referring to the bound and gagged victim as an "incel piece of s***" and a "sad white boy virgin".

Attached: BLM-tickle-torture.webm (480x330, 1.83M)

What in the fuck?

Jesus christ and these are the fucks telling us were all bad people for our internet posts. Now they're physically tormenting people with autism.

Uhm....are you niggas watching fetish porn?

Have sex.

Attached: MxJZbKm.gif (624x352, 661K)

It looks like he's wearing pantyhose. Also link is broken.

Yo what actual fuck is wrong with blacks? All blacks are fucking crazy

Get a new meme you fucking kike. I'm married with a kid. I've already had more sex than you ever will.

>It could be you, or it could be us, but there's no page here.

Is he related to the Utah guy with the meat hook dungeon

is this fucking fake?

I’m sure this will be in the news for all of 5 hours.

Confused whitey is letting them do anything they want

I wanted this to be real so badly

>America 2019

Hahaha so thats why you keep projecting unto sweden! We never have this happen in our countries hahahaa AMERICA IS RULED BY NIGGERS AND JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: AMERICA 02.jpg (960x720, 166K)

I want aliens to glass our planet

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Australia never disappoints when it comes to absolute shitposting

Cheers you fucking cunt

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Man I don’t know about you all but this makes me want to kill all the niggers even more than I wanted to a few minutes ago.

Link is working perfectly. Thanks!

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What the fuck is this shit?

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Holy shit I don't know what to say

Fuck it, i'm going to laugh because this is just too fucking crazy not to

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Finally proof chicago’s strict gun laws work.

> There's no page here

Don't go changing CNN.

Tickling his feet
That's brutal, man.

Attached: NightlyNews-HonkHonkler.jpg (1920x1080, 499K)

>The kidnapper is heard referring to the bound and gagged victim as an "incel piece of s***" and a "sad white boy virgin".
Imagine getting kidnapped thinking you are going to die and it ends up being this. This world is crazy.

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>both are gay
>this was just a craigslist meetup between 2 degenerates
>OP is a faggot

So once again OP is a faggot.


That's some fucking weird porn right there.

It's just memefetish porn


> Tickle torture.

This isn't serious is it? Tickles feel good, practically harmless.

>no-one notices the link leads nowhere

Pretty based if you ask me.

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