Trump will be re-elected

every leftie faggot on this site knows it and it fills them with pain, as it should.

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Trump 2020

Border crossings by undocumented migrants in March hit 12-year high
>U.S. officials encountered more than 103,000 undocumented immigrants crossing the country's southwest border in March, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday. The DHS officials said that Customs and Border Protection is holding more than 13,000 immigrants, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which holds immigrants long term, is at capacity. As a result, hundreds of migrants families are being released to nonprofit organizations or simply dropped off at bus stations.

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I wasn't on board with Trump at first, (also hated hillary) but he hasn't taken us to war yet. I like him.

He's forcing the Iranians to lash out by isolating them from the entire world economy.

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they will try to cheat and fail.

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Build a wall around Iran. Also, who cares? They don't have nukes. Hahahahah

Fuck trump and his bump stock banning fudd ass.

It isn't a guarantee. The democrats are shitting the bed spectacularly, but Trump's support is actually weak. His base is angry at him for not delivering on key promises.
Trump needs to have deported millions of illegals between now and election day. If he doesn't, he's fucked.

>hasn’t delivered a single promise
>hillary isn’t running this time
>he will have been exposed as not being a billionaire before the election
you are incredibly retarded

quit spamming that shit chink

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>make earth great again
we MEGA now boys

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The last time there was a one term president was George Bush in the 1990s. Over 20 years ago.

You mean the Israel champion who built no wall, gave money for kikes to buy more real estate, had most of his team literally arrested and hired foreign workers to Mar-a-Lago from where even Epstein recruited young girls for his predations?
Of he will win! And Im not even being ironic. Murica!

>actually posting this as a rebuttal that he won't get re-elected
stop, I can only get so erect


Trump will pick up no states.
Dems hold their 2016 states plus win the old pro-Union states, which trumptard won narrowly by pluralities.

He's finished.

You mean like trump cheated with Putin pulling his strings?

It will be great when he's dead.

go to sleep friendo

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HH Based and checkpilled

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Only your NPC minions believe that shit. Heheheh. Left can't psy-op.

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He will probably have a (((heart attack))) before the next election. I am still going to bet money on him winning when the lefties push their next big scandal, and the odds are good, just in case they don't JFK him.

Stay mad fag.

Stay mad fag.

Maga bc God help us if any of the Democrats win.

2 terms. :^)

They will.

And god is a superstition.

Stay mad and keep hoping for miracles.

I own a bump stock, literally no one cares or actually enforces this “””ban”””.
Stay mad fag.

Stay mad Fag.


Thoroughly disproven, stay mad fag.

Nothing would be better for America that traitorous scum like you shot between the eyes. Stay mad fag.

>Four more years of kikery from the Trump administration
No thanks

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That's awesome and (((THEY))) aren't too happy about it.

>8 more years of the pedo in chief

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lol better a jew than a muslim like you.

They won’t.
Stay mad.

guess I better vote for crazy nigger lady instead, surely that will be better

>bust 10,000+ pedophiles
The only thing you care about is narrative.


the P in POTUS stands for Pedo

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Communists, faggots and leftists getting bullied.

>still using retracted allegations
Stay mad fag

anyone can make shit up on the internet

Commie Pinko Transexuals BTFO

Wow, what a very good goy! You get an extra shekel this year! Keep working hard for us goy!

what kind of sick fuck talks about their daughter like this?

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>>U.S. officials encountered more than 103,000 undocumented immigrants crossing the country's southwest border in March, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday. The DHS officials said that Customs and Border Protection is holding more than 13,000 immigrants, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which holds immigrants long term, is at capacity. As a result, hundreds of migrants families are being released to nonprofit organizations or simply dropped off at bus stations.

MOAR Africans, Indians, and Mexicans = MAGA!

not only this, boys...
Trump's 2nd term will present him with a return to a GOP majority in the House and damn close to a super majority in the Senate

Check them digits. Shill BTFO

You're a prick.

>but he hasn't taken us to war yet.

my dear bot, the attempts by team trump to move the goalposts aren't working. we voted for trump to bring our troops back from Afghanistan, Iraq, and syria....which he caved on when Lindsay graham told him to btfo

cry Moar shill
you aren't very good at this

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but Trump's support is actually weak. His base is angry at him for not delivering on key promises.
Trump needs to have deported millions of illegals between now and election day. If he doesn't, he's fucked.

correct. #stayin home

answer the question faggot

A lot can happen in a year tho

Oh no he touched a child fucker now he fuk all the kids.

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Oh noe the bump stocks...

Fuck off commie fag

>Trump will pick up no states.
>Dems hold their 2016 states plus win the old pro-Union states, which trumptard won narrowly by pluralities.
>He's finished

you forgot. Open Borders Donny imported just enough of his precious immigrants to turn TX and FL blue. electoral college bye bye.

look at all the shills rushing in to defend the pedo

>anyone can make shit up on the internet
like twitter tough guy, real life cuck trump?

whatever I'm not even going to vote
both parties suck and Trump and anyone who sits in the Office is a puppet

Why would (((they))) JFK him? He is being good goy so far.

Cool. More power for my vote.

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
>The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

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I think you mean Israel, get it right.

And? I'm not voting for his honesty.

>Hillary cheated*

a shekel for a good goy

Of course he will, he's the best goy for the job.
The noses aren't just gonna give that up.

lel can't wait for the /ptg/ and migatard suicide when he loses

stay mad fag


Castro's son is your head elected official. Literally Trump 2020 and suck my dick

Love it

Go read a book, commie. I suggest Atlas Shrugged.

How do you sleep at night?

kys boomer

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago asks to hire 61 additional foreign workers using visa program
>There’s "help wanted" at The Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. But the company is looking outside of the United States to fill 61 open positions at what the President often refers to as the “Winter White House.” The server positions will pay $12.68 per hour, and cooks will make $13.31 an hour.

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As long as the economy booms, he'll stay president. The democrat lineup is complete fucking garbage.

Though if the recession hits before then, his chances drop dramatically.

Stay complacent, goy.

>My god is the same as yours but mine is impotent
I swear, atheists are the dumbest dumbfucks. Talk about religious kooks. Hey swinefelcher guess what? Your model god is errant. Of course the model you worship doesn't exist.

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CIA nigger eat lead.

Look at the desperation of the shills.
None of you errant swine will ever turn Jow Forums against Trump.
It's good to see the desperation because you've got it coming. You deserve your pain. Because you're all very bad people. Dishonest, rude, mentally ill, ignorant, cheats, emotionally incontinent and greedy materialists. You're the absolute worst type of human on the planet.

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so, what's it like to shill for a pedo?



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Incels and fat feminists don’t know a true chad when they see one.

oh look another bot

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Are you fucking retarded?
Trump was supported because of the fact that he vowed to protect the second amendment.
It isn’t about what he bans, it’s the fact that he fucked his voters over.
But of course I bet if Hilary Clinton had taken your bump stock you’d be pissing your MAGA underwear in fury and crying like a baby

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