I always know he's our man
Based Trump is going to ban bitcoins
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brb, going to check Jow Forums for ree
literally not what he said at all, and its already heavily regulated anyways wtf more does he want?
Does this mean Democrats all going to be pro-crypto now?
lost my vote
I can report that Jow Forums is currently reeing
I think this was the goal all along
Yes lol every time
>backed by nothing
>irs still demands money for gains
Wait a second..
Technically isnt BTC valued in USD? If USD collapses.. so does BTC and everything else so its just the stock market on an anonymous transaction thizzle level
Guarantee strump is doing this to manipulate BTC so he can buy the dip and all of it
>Jow Forums on the ree over crypto bombing out - ruining their cam whore tipping operation
literally cryptokiked
it backs itself with no military. that's what he means. he hates it like the fed hates it. he's a stooge for the world bank.
No lambos for them
This shows he doesn't understand how fiat currency works let alone bitcoin. You voted a Jew loving NY real estate broker into office and wonder why he's shitting on the desk.
Jow Forums is so retarded
I somehow hate him even more for this. This zionist piece of shit establishment kike puppet is not the same person who ran in 2015. I refuse to believe this is the same Trump from the campaign. He is literally Jeb Bush 2.0.
The fact that someone with a british flag posted this makes this reply even more entertaining.
What did we vote for again?
How can you call other people kikes when you support Trump? Israel supports Trump more than any US president in history, going so far as to name towns, regions, train lines, and companies after him. Trump sucks more kike dick than any president in history.
Good it will only pump the price.
don't man. they're lost causes. as long as shills are here posting insane nonsense, they'll dig in and side with trump
Stack on crypto my friend, once the UK leaves the EU in October with no deal you will be by your own.
You're coping by laughing at former Trump supporters are getting fucked over by Trump. You are part of the commonwealth too yet you have an opinion, yet saying he can't have an opinion? Kill yourself. I have a US flag and I voted for Trump and he has betrayed us on every single thing he ran on, and now does this as well.
I am conflicted here. On one hand, Trump has a point. Bitcoin isn't that great, and the Libra does stand the chance of subverting our ability to issue our own currency. On the other hand, however, Trump being the one to spread the message may have the opposite effect.
There is nothing contradictory here. Bitcoin's value is based upon speculation. There is no backing, and it could tank in value instantly at any time with no ability for those invested to recoup their losses. Neverthless, the IRS doesn't really care about this fact. If you bought something, and then sold it later for more money, you made an income, and they want a portion of that income. Similarly, if you sold something for a token other than money, they want whatever the market value was of the thing you bartered with.
Does that make it 10D Chess?
Hello, rabbi.
You hear that filthy 3rd world fucks and Poland? USD is the only real currency as stated by our country's leader. Fuck outta here with your euros and wings and shit.
are you retarded? if USD crashes, then BTC is going to skyrocket
He wants in and he wants it cheap..
The only fiait currency backed by gold is rubbles and yuan. Bitcoin is valuable because of its openness and anonymity. The USD and GBP are valuable because they are the established norm and backed by Jews by as the ship sinks the rats will leave. Only this time we have the lifeboats in crypto.
-hillary's a nice lady, arrest Assange, confiscate guns, ban bitcoin.....MAGA?
How to fuck can you buy drugs and weapons now?
>former Trump supporters
There is no such thing.
>Only this time we have the lifeboats in crypto.
An escape pod into a Beast currency isn't a good plan
It's less about the bitcoins in particular and more about the very real threat of tech giants like Facebook and Google trying to actively take over part of the economy with their own cryptos. All that kind of "social credit system" shit that would never fly in the US if it were being pushed by the government suddenly ends up on the table when someone like Facebook or Google start becoming banks and financiers.
>Want to buy a house
>Login on your GoogleBank account and apply for a loan
>"Due to your internet and posting history, your application has been rejected."
rubles are not backed by gold and the yuan is fixed to the dollar, dipshit.
You're retarded if you don't realise this is sarcasm. Nobody with an iq over 100 gives a fuck about trumps tweet lol
So how long until the speculative dip that Jow Forums copes with by posting a graph comparing the dip to some historical investment
>(((our man)))
Bitcoin is NOT anonymous - the whole point of it is that every transaction is publicly traceable.
You're experiencing the same feeling that everyone who does business with Trump eventually has. I am too.
Pro trip: don't sperg out against people who are basically agreeing with you.
Is this an elaborate joke or did Trump actually delete it? I can't find the tweet.
Nancy Pelosi told him he had to delete it so he did.
Banking regulation legitimizes crypto markets not destroying them. Time to buy boys!!!!
>He doesn't realize this affects the price of crypto
so now's the time to buy bitcoin?
This. Social credit systems invented by oligarchs it is the thing civilized world need to fear.
>bitcoin not valuable
Bitcoin's value is based squarely on two things-
1. The energy used to produce it - mining bitcoin takes lots of money.
2. The value it has in money laundering
You see the power of bitcoin is it allows the middle class to launder money is a relatively safe manner. This privilege used to be reserved only for gangs/cartels, corporations, government, and of course rich people.
Any currency accepted for drugs and guns has value. Like it or not. Trump is nigger-rich somewhat so he doesn't really get it.
Fuck off, crypto Gold and Silver are all based. You probably don't know anything about crypto you fucking faggot.
>Crypto that collects your info and isn't anonymous
Any shitcoin that does this collapses, that's not how a good crypto works.
Look at all these nocoiner boomer goyim with their soon-to-be-worthless fiat and laugh
Serves them right, they trusted a kike!
Hence the name "cryptocurrency".
It's right there in the name.
you're right that its primary value is money laundering
you're wrong that it's good for society
consider this - 0.01% of bitcoin owners control 42% of the coins.
That's 100x worse wealth distribution than fiat currency (1% own roughly 40%)
Any of the big fish cash out all at once and the whole thing crashes.
Make bitcoin the global currency and 1 guy has more power than all of Israel
it's retarded
Boomers cannot into irony. That's literally exactly how fiat works, fool.
There is one person out there sitting on every bit of the BTC swiped from MTGOX. When he cashes in, everybody gets fucked.
GOOD crypto like BTC and link
He wants to stop Facebook's Libra because they are going to attempt to do economically what they are doing socially and politically, so he has to crack down on all of them to avoid looking biased about it.
>Muh income inequality
>Ignore that the only people that hold crypto are niche Jow Forums posters and BTC executives
Go back
Libertarians are literally pissing their pants. He is /ourguy/.
The global currency will be the US dollar as long as the US military exists. US fiat is backed with the US military. Namely the Navy and USAF. These two services provide global defense against piracy and invasions. Notice how few ACTUAL serious wars have taken place since the end of the Vietnam War. US efforts in the mideast have been mostly training missions to keep our forces combat-experienced(a military that never fights is weak and powerless). For the first time since humans set sail on the seas, cruise ships have been possible and not face attack/piracy. That's how safe the US Navy has made the seas.
Bitcoin is fantastic because it allows p2p wealth trade without a middleman. It allows your average joe to launder money, buy things the government says he shouldn't have, etc. That is a wonderful and fantastic thing. Banking cartels also fear bitcoin. This is why BTC is very heavily regulated in NY state.
No governments or corporations have an intrinsic right to dictate what a man does with his money.
Are you implying fiat currencies are any better you queer?
Lol too bad there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it
Fuck off shill
>I always know he's our man
not sure if trolling or gullible
"Get him the hell out of here"
so you think it's a good idea to hand the reins of the global economy over to Jow Forums posters and whoever founded BTC - which could have easily been an intelligence agency?
Libra will fucking fail just like all the other shitocins that monitor people and are heavily centralized. They won't do shit.
>pissing their pants
From what?
how do you ban crypto
Only the digital exchanges, physical ones should be in gold and silver.
I don't have a brainless wojak that is brainless enough to be a proper and fitting response to this post.
I swear to Christ if you try to peddle that digital snake oil around here I will fucking end you
>regulate bitcoin
good luck on that
He did that because (((they)))'re opening crypto currency banks.
We know that, but Trump is going to smack it down early to prove a point.
Ancap btfo
You’re not “handing over the global economy” to anyone. Anyone can buy bitcoin. Early adopters will have more at first, yes, but it costs money to live. They won’t remain rich forever just on their capital gains from one asset.
That sets the precedent to do that to other cryptos, ones that are actually good.
It's based on desirability and accessibility. Like all currencies.
They'd all be appropriate, as the pinnacle of intellectual and creative failure.
That's the cost of trying to exploit something that is good. Everything else takes a hit. `
This is the best and only real argument against bitcoin that I know of, and I don't know how it's resolved
Why bother if the whole libra thing will collapse anyways?
Lol watching you retards try to FUD crypto and pretend know anything about it beyond what happened in 2017 is amusing. Do you know what SWIFT is retards? Do you know what fractional kike banking is? Trump was literally handed the key to revamping the US economy on a silver platter and hes too fucking stupid to take it. While the US fucks around with its devalued currency the rest of the world is going to be gearing up for the tech boom the hashwar will create. If you thought microwaves and planes were cool wait until you realize we can steal energy through quantum. Dumb boomer fucks.
Trump is pissed he can not take crypto currency and give it to Israel like he does with billions of US tax payer dollars
shut up you mentally decrepidt 56%er alex jones cocksucker kike brainwashed porn watching penis fondler
To make sure that no one else succeeds.
That argument is made of solid leaf. I can refute it in one word.
Other countries are seeing right through our bullshit. The US setting rules other countries don't want to follow is making them want to bypass the dollar. Iraq sold Oil in Euros and looks at what happened to them. Now Russia and China could easily tell us to fuck off. The truth is we shouldn't be gate keeping other country's monetary systems.
At what? Making a shitcoin?
My eyes could not roll to the back of my head any quicker.
That's not a satisfying answer. If world governments decided to start adopting and accumulating bitcoin, all it would take is for one early whale or group to NEVER FUCKING SELL and they would eventually become mind-bogglingly wealthy oligarchs. Think about what Rothschild's did with oil and multiply it by 100. "Living expenses" wouldn't even make a dent.
>having immense influence and power in the short term has never, ever transitioned into such preposterous things as use of said power
*Our goy
Libra should be regulated, idgaf about Bitcoin. Let NEET losers invest in a volatile currency and have to work another 20 years like I give a shit. But Libra is just IRL VBucks ran by Facebook which in no way will end well. I don't feel like dying for the Facebook Liberation Front in the war against Google People's Democratic Republic anytime soon.
Alex Jones was a meme
i like memes
He’s right tho. Trump is batting for the fed reserve.
>Governments begin accumulating it
BTC prioritizes cryptography over central authority. Even Satoshi himself couldn't control BTC like the Rothschilds did with oil. It's just not possible considering normies literally everywhere on the planet would use it for anything they buy online.