NBN has blamed annoyingly slow internet speeds and dropouts on the rise of Netflix. But there is just one problem with that claim.

Chinese spy ship arrives off Queensland coast to monitor war games

myGov system goes down; Telstra blames 'traffic' for yesterday's outage

Drug deals, homeless visitors and 4am fights: Inside the new 'luxury boutique' Melbourne apartment block - where residents sleep with axes at their doors and knives under their pillows

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for Stacia

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>But there is just one problem with that claim.
Will colloquial headlines end in our lifetime? The answer might surprise you.

Yes, cloaca headlines be in our end. It will surprise you.

Who here doing heaps of /overtime/z/

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And thats a good thing!


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>courts force Malcolm Roberts to pay some lefty journo $6000 for being a dual citizen in his last term as senator in which he had to resign and resolve the issue before recontesting and winning his seat back
Why get a job when you can just sue pollies that the courts don't like?

Here's some news that isn't just
NBN sucks (old news)
Spying chinks (old news)
Another gov web fuckup (just the usual)
Melbourne is a third world shithole ( the oldest news)
ACT laws protecting pedo rights
Cheatin chinks
NDIS subsidizing masturbation specialist
Our gov can't import enough foreigners to save the economy
AFP officer fighting pedo charges
Jewish Pedo worried the US might actually prosecute him.

Does this mean I can sue Larrissa Waters, Scott Ludlum, Rebekah Sharkey et. al for 6k apiece.


We should all sue them.
Only seems fair that we all get bucks as this affects Oz politics which affects us all.

In short, no.

Roberts was sued on some old grounds that the public can sue politicians for being ineligible, this guy made a complaint about Roberts 27 days before he was expelled from parliament due to his British dual citizenship. The man brought back his old complaint from over 2 years ago trying to bleed him dry now that he is back and a judge decided that it seemed reasonable to charge him over the correct amount (supposed to be $200 for each day issue is unresolved).

This case would be thrown out if it were somebody else, Malcolm has been preaching too much wrongthink lately though.

friends and the office are leaving netflix because other media companies are setting up streaming services, good news those sick faggots should definitely not be the main streamer in the world

apparently friends is the 2nd most watched shit on netflix, also good news i guess, not every normie is a sick fuck and wants to watch something that is entertaining and normal

>paid service
yeah nah

me neither but normies pay

Who here's gonna fuckin' save the country?

find another politician you want to bang

it doesn't exist anymore if your waifu gets gang banged by niggers every day for 10 years is she still your waifu?

What do you mean? The nation, the land or places outside of cities?
I pay for internet and electricity and shit. Rates, rego and insurance. Vidya, but none recently. Still working through my backlog, but not in any hurry to do so because vidya is shit.

Paying for propaganda on top of that seems decadent. May as well get the poz for free.

>Who here's gonna fuckin' save the country?
There's no saving it.
Burn and rebuild.

>NDIS subsidizing masturbation specialist
How do I apply for that job?

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>How do I apply for that job?
Masturbating cripples?
Set your sights higher user and give gobbies in toilets in flash nightclubs.

I AM DISABLE how do I get my NDIS gf

Not so user, in cases like pic related, all you would need to do is provide a paper bag.

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The bushfires are a sign from God. Take his advice and burn it down.

Thank you cunt.
Now I'm instasoft.
For life.

Australian plants only thrive after a good burning.
It's all we can do to save our natural habitat.

I don't think they're doing the fucking. They're mashing two cripples together like they're action figures.

Think again user.

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Why anons haven’t moved to MELBOURNE yet? Don’t you want to get enriched by our superior multiculturalism?

pic very related

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And this is why I linked the story.
She looks like she would love to legally fiddle tards.
You can have all the sudos to yourself.

yeah a sex therapist is a shrink, they don't get hands on
a sex worker in this case sounds like a puppeteer

What did they mean by this?

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>legally fiddle tards
a sex worker is a prostitute ffs.

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I see what you did there, user.
Well played.

Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. FB

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562922364.896.jpg (360x640, 80K)

>What did they mean by this?
Obviously they meant that the petrol can and cenno logo are boong trademarks.

If I had to operate a cripple marionette for pay, I'd be a prostitute. If it was for fun, I'd just be a hobbyist.

Welcome to your daily pasta.

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Thats not an aussie pic.
No way that mag is that cheap here.

aren't fitness and gym instructors and so on essentially just sex worker tier? i think so. probably lesser people really, seeing as sex workers need to be fairly brave people to do that job

Thoughts on moving to Tasmania and turning it into a white ethno state. It would be a system of apartheid against the mainland.

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I saw this on cripplechan this morning. No one wants to join your tranny discord.

There are better ways to earn a living or enjoy a hobby user.....

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Are you saying that he said he was going to shoot himself this morning?
And still hasn't?
That's pretty weak, even those AFP guys had more commitment to the task than that guy.

NEET here ama

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>earn a living
living is free

He's been saying it all fucking week.

>He's been saying it all fucking week.
You'd think that if he needs attention that bad he would just transition into an instathot.

>transition into an instathot
thinking that would solve his problems

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It would get him out of our hair.

how do you sustain yourself, what kind of welfare?

I get pension plus I have assets.

How's your Mum & whats she cooking tonight?

Dsp and family

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i said i want to meme sports workers into being on the same social level as sex workers
i mean they mostly do it for better sex and so they don't have to do real work, just do a few aerobics sessions with soccer mums with aging faces trying to eke out a few more years of so called hotness
imagine the smell

Good lines for West Coast b pies...
I am hungry
shoo shoo



mommy may is fucking hot

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>She looks like she would love to legally fiddle tards.

where do i sign up

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Just get on the NDIS and they will send someone to fiddle you soon you little tard.

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>tfw no discord tranny

Yeah, the net is slow because of traffic users, not because of primitive technology designed to decrease bandwidths so that cable television is still competitive.

Fuck the Coalition.

Fuck off pedo.

When ever there is a fuckup with something the gov has a hand in setting up it always turns out to be everyone elses fault and not because of incompetence from the people managing the job.
I wish I could blame someone else every time I fuck shit up.

You know who to blame, that cunt from Wentworth.

it's the jews
or boomers

So lads when can I get sex workers paid for on the gubmint dime?


spend newstart on whores

Nah i need my neetbux for better shit than pussy

We need a medicare type card for whores

I was going to go whoring tonight, but I don't have a car.

I laugh when I see thots demanding 250+ for their holes.

I miss Europe.

i can't even remember the last time i saw someone take responsibility for their actions
ive had a couple of sorrys when people got in my way that's it

I can 30 minutes for 100 bucks where I am. I went to Europe a couple years back, if I'd been less of a prude I would've been fucking hookers every night.

>ive had a couple of sorrys when people got in my way that's it
Most people throw sorry's around like it counts for something.
I hate how asians and islanders do dumb shit, say sorry and then keep doing the same dumb shit.
They think sorry somehow removes all responsibility for their actions.

they probably can, rich chinks, their pussies would get low mileage from chinks as well

so you've probably got all the bogans paying for chink pussy, and rich chinks paying for all those expensive white whores on that site


i appreciated those sorrys
i had some pretty beefy white cunt try to block me on the left the other day i just pushed past the cunt i wanted to smash him

>Drug deals, homeless visitors and 4am fights: Inside the new 'luxury boutique' Melbourne apartment block - where residents sleep with axes at their doors and knives under their pillows

When will they stop running this experiment? Letting scum coast along and enjoy the amenities people work hard for just brings scum to nice people's doorstep, it doesn't create some grand change in scum attitudes or behavior.

Hello yellow fellow

How is /chink/pol/ tonight?

>How is /chink/pol/ tonight?
Going great Mr pedo fellow.

Who here belives in religion?

Good to hear, chang
This is a religious board of peace

I'm moving to Australia.

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>This is a religious board of peace
As long as the religion involves nibbling foreskins right?

Fuck off cunt we're full

Athiests only.

Lads, I want to apply for a job at a coffee supplies wholesalers as a storeman. But they want me to "write down one quirky thing about yourself (yes, really!)". I've got plenty of quirks but nothing I can tell them about. Any genuine ideas would be helpful.

>Ms Cox

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Tell them the smell of coffee beans gives you a boner

We already have one potato farmer he posts here

go to lakemba

Say something normie like "I love D&D". Never be honest with cunts.

sounds like a reddit workplace if they are asking that