Feminists Want To Ban Incel Forums

Because incels don't deserve friends either.


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Imagine the Smell of her naughty snatch-

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Why do white people always make this face though? You know you guys can just look away or nod your head in acknowledgement or even smile and say "Hi"?

Fritz! It's kinda funny though

goddamn you're good at firstposting

>Implying OP isn't the author of that article and wanted ad revenue.

doubles again ?

Fuck those evil cunts. It's a disgrace that their harassment sub is still allowed to operate, while they banned the incel sub, which was private at the time.

It's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match.

It seems not only to guys have to accept that utter misery of not getting sex without having to pay for it, they have to be lambasted as well and cannot be allowed to blow off stream on the web ever.

That's what that is in human speak nigger. It means "I'm friendly and acknowledge your there but I don't know you and from my previous experience with your kind. I don't trust you not to sucker punch me and steal my wallet."


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Well, this is it Jow Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Jow Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. dB

Live stream link + further explanation:

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but a woman came up with the term incel back in the 90's and started a forum for incels (both men and women) lol these feminists wan't to shut it down just because a woman started it, SEXISTS, MYSOGGYKNEES.

Also she hates that the term "incel" has been hyjacked and used to basically mean "angry male virgin" so she had to start a new website lol

it’s fair since we want to surgically remove their vocal cords and make them sex slaves.

I love ya kraut

This article gave me cancer

Copypasta, fake and gay

Literal Soros honeytrap.

Good. Incels should be hunted down by packs of deadly hounds until they are all exterminated like the disgusting filthy rats they are. DEATH TO INCELS!!!

Hahahaha nigger

It's an even worse friend simulator than Jow Forums desu.
Or a better one depending on how you feel about the whole friendship thing.


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I miss the good old days when they just called you a virgin. there was something much more innocuous about it. if you're a virgin then you're just some naive loser that no one cares about but if you're an incel that means you're some kind of evil right wing rapist, possibly a terrorist, and a threat to our culture in general.

I don't know how this word became so powerful.

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Incel here
Come and get me
Bring friends. Make sure they’re all wearing kevlar.
See you soon.

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Delete all incel forums

stfu incel

total global collapse soon

cant wait

They'll just make new ones.
The only way to stop them is to go to their forums and post anime so that they get waifus instead of being incel.
But noooo you won't see any feminist doing that. Not even to save lives supposedly.

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What I find especially funny about this whole incel meme is how gleefully they are punching down at people so low on the social ladder. People who advocate against "fat shaming" ruthlessly mock permavirgins. People who think the poor, criminals and even terrorists aren't to blame themselves for their condition (it's obviously the cishetmisogonywhiteracistchristianpatriarchy that never gave them a chance) will immediately tell some schlob with terrible genetics and psychological issues due to a life with nothing but rejection that he needs to get fucking over himself and do some work goddamnit so he becomes less disgusting than he currently is, the world owes you nothing.

The double standard is pretty insane. Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly reasonable to criticize weak betas who just wallow in self-pity. But only from a rightwing perspective. Leftwingers really have no ideological ground to stand on when they're blaming permavirgins but the left never cared so much for logical consistency.

shitting on incels is like the left's version of nigger threads

Normally the left glorifies failure, though. Why is the only failure they hate so much the failure to get laid?

Anorexia is unironically the only diet that works. Don't do it until you look like a skeleton but if you're a fat fuck, stop eating.

One day they will actually try to get unjustly violent.
Incels are harmless, shy, low self esteem, don't stand out.
But what do you think will happen when you attack someone who has not only nothing to lose, but also nothing to win?

Smaller lips

They all talk shit on incels but wont do shit because they dont want to be seen as someone connected to them. If they ever actually try to do something to them they would probably kill them as they dont care about their lives anyway

Men who can't get laid will look behind the curtain
and find things the left really doesnt want you to see
Add nofap and noporn and you will become a wizard impervious to leftist indoctrination
TL;DR stop thinking, have sex

I don't really know user I don't understand these people. but the word I always see them throwing around when talking about incels is 'entitlement.' it's eerily similar to how right wingers talk about immigrants or niggers or whatever

>these dumb men think they're entitled to sex without working for it lmao you'll get laid if you just try
>these dumb immigrants think they're entitled to welfare without working lmao you can just get a job if you try

I have an Idea
Who does everyone love ?
>jive niggers
who come up with all dat new slang
>jive niggers

So listen here

What if Incels are the ones who are coming up with the new slang. Incels are the new Niggers so they just need to do likewise.

>dam those incels always talking so fly maybe they ain't so bad after all

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28 y.o. virgin (now so called "incel") here. I just live in "home->work->home" mode and have any energy to make relationship with strong-independent modern whamyn.

Well said

Because the nu-left has embraced sexuality is the peak issue in society that their ideology revolves around. Old left hated people who refused to work while nu-left hates people who can't get laid. According to left's understanding in the glorious society we live now you can only blame yourself for not having sex. To them you're the equivalent to the old days' citizen who refuses to work and smooches off of others.

Ban Crystal Cafe too, salty byotch.

The roastie wants to ban whatever opposition she has. Their ultimate goal is to get rid of all responsibility in ther lives.

They want a brave new world society where people just fuck each other for no reason since reproduction is only allowed by the state.
Leftists on sex think like Ayn Rand, leftists on wealth think like Lenin, they make no sense.

Not really. She just wants to progressively make the lives of the incels more hell-like purely for the fun of it.

>virginity is a social construct
>only for women though


Incels oppose every women privilege though, abortion is a thing they want legal just so they literally get rid of the last responsibility they have considering sex which is raising a child alone if they fuck with a stranger. Every other responsibility is already covered by the state or men will cover for them.

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Women are more pro-life than men last I remember. the abortion issue is a class issue more than a gender issue.

I consider women and roasties a different thing most of the time, just got really convulting since i started going to a university. Roasties are the leftist girls that fuck random men at bars, women are the married boomers.

>Be part of a political group that excessively stands against bullying to the point where kids dont really grow out of autistic behavior
>bully the shit out of ugly dudes who have been bullied all their lives because of bad genetics
>get scared because some incels want you to fucking die after you and your kabal tunnel vision on doxxing them and making their lives worse because they dared to vent out online because the emotional toll of being ugly is too much for them to handle
I'd link that jontron clip where he says "Ugly people never win! Thats the moral of the story guys!" But Jewtube is suppressing the search results with trendy shit

I make these lips too and I'm brown, but I'm 70% white to be fair.

>existing is banned
Ban Jow Forums and ban porn and they will have blood in the streets kek

its funny when all those "feminists" are really like the "incels" most of pol are. When it comes to women rights in the arab world and the far east, human trafficking and abuse by foreigners of a very peculiar peaceful religion they are stuck with their thumbs in the mouths. But if their own men do something that is a fraction of what men in those islamic or far east communities do they chimp out. Really pathetic. Time will pass and normal women will denounce feminism when they see that white men don't treat them as bad as they portray them.

Feminism is definitely the least respectable ideology around today, and probably in all of history. They don't even try to practice what they preach

The real feminists that aren't larping about sjw bs are concerned about domestic violence, human trafficking and basic human rights where they are lacking. Not wage gaps, the "freedom" of sexualising everything and obvious privilege. That same sjw culture that those "liberals" (they are not liberal imo as they denounce economic liberty, freedom of speech etc) endorse is also the cancer of multiculturalism, institutionalizing lgbtq+rainbow coloured attack helicopter ideology and additional privileges for minority groups to counter "racism" and "misogyny" (which is economical blackmail imo,anyone who is capable and brings money to a company can get a job without being forced upon companies under the guise of institutionalized racism and misogyny). REMEMBER: If something aimed at you is perceived racist or sexist if reversed to an "oppressed" group. It most likely is racist and sexist regardless of who the target is, be it an eastern european, american white, carribean black, indian, han chinese etc.

Only white homeowners with children get an opinion. Sorry Jow Forums most of you are 0/3.

>REMEMBER: If something aimed at you is perceived racist or sexist if reversed to an "oppressed" group. It most likely is racist and sexist regardless of who the target is, be it an eastern european, american white, carribean black, indian, han chinese etc.
Excelent post user, holy shit

The problem stems from women having economic mobility, makes them picky.

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We welcome ALL the waifs and strays of the Internet.

This is literally the critical thinking process that brought the sjw movement to light. However you have to realize that the people that endorse this are mostly liberals. They can sway from being extremely left to being right. You simply have to point out that there should be regulation of liberties and give examples of societies where there is liberty but there is a severe lack of responsibility. (for example, the UNCONTROLLED migration led to the rise of far right parties, the UNCONTROLLED corporate interest led to lobbying for cheap labour which led to mass migration which led to the rise of far right parties euroskepticism AND the bankruptcy of Greece. Lack of CONTROL and RESPONSIBILITY led to CORRUPTION and subsequently POVERTY in Bulgaria. Another example: John was careless and got in a traffic accident, now John can't walk and has partially lost his basic human right of free movement. etc etc etc)

TLDR: Use your brains. Lean on centrism and support conservative values if there is anything worth conserving. Being a conservative for the sake of being conservative is stupid and unproductive. You are being a tool for a small clique of people just like the far left is and in that regard you are simply "the other side of the coin".

Based Krautposter

and again...women should not be voting...god damn ..look what they are doing to this world..

haha I know right, imagine.

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In the beginning, there was the concept of involuntary celibacy.
There formed a group of hackers known as Jow Forums, who were up to no good or evil.
Upon the realms of Reddit they gazed, the flocks of fat degenerate weaklings they observed, when of an idea they conceived.
"Let us declare the redditard beta cuck an incel", the halls of Jow Forums chimed, and quickly the deed was done.
The ever self-conscious sausage handlers couldn't not notice this development and acted accordingly. "Incel? INCEL? THAT'S ALT-RIGHT REEEEEE"
And we laugh and we laugh as the crows fly by and we laugh and we laugh till of laughter the crows die.
The redditart lady friends saw it, their orbiters insulted, their parasitic livelihoods destroyed. Their store, their wonderful store...
It didn't take long for the first media spin to revolve our meme against us, and it failed.
After all, how could an attitude most fitting for a '90s high school Chad ever be denounced as the opposite and bad.
So don't worry and don't mind their kveching.
This is all they know: a trick called projecting.

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Incel here. They are welcome to try. Not all the internet is reddit or fagbook.

It's a face of disgust
>smile and say hi
lol fuck off