When will Christians and Muslims realize they are each other's greatest allies?
When will Christians and Muslims realize they are each other's greatest allies?
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But they aren’t, Muslims want to be Muslims and Christians want to be Christians and with that being said Muslims want the entire world to be Muslim just like Christians want the entire world to be Christian. It’s never going to happen.
Considering we would be the target of that alliance, you might wanna stop encouraging them you dumb faggot.
I won't stand with idol worshipers, Slowmo.
O rly? Is that why the west is becoming increasing islamified as part of a cultural invasion, because islam is actually based and an ally? You want to be a friend? Then fuck off out of the west
I won't ally with satanist pagans
>t. Never lived near them
You sound like a fucking sandnigger. Muslims aren't my friend, you goat fucking piece of shit.
Generations of inbreeding destroyed that hope
islam shall be erased.
quit being a pagan.
>Christians want the entire world to be Christian
we want this world to pass.
Oh shit we got an absolute rebel over here
Fair enough
Meanwhile you actually worship Satan
Not while they're in White countries they're not.
Two sides of a retarded shekel
>Muslims would totally be our BFFs u guise!
Die scum.
>two desert religions are bad
>oh but the third ones cool because they cut down some trees and some people we didnt like hated that
fuck off you bunch of desert larping faggots
kek this
When will you realize that religion doesn't matter and race realism is the only truth?
about 60 years ago hitler realized it
Honestly, if you’re a Christian, why even let the worldly stuff bother you? Let the Jews and Muslims worship worldly things if they’d like. Let them do whatever they want. You’re not worldly. You’re not here to stay. No amount of pain, suffering, or oppression can even begin to compare to even a moment with God. So, stop participating in these spiritual wars against other religions. Pray they get saved, and just move on anons. What are you afraid of? Death? If you’re a saved Christian, death would be an amazing gift. So, fuck em.
They aren't. If you would have read your qu'ran you would've know. Muslims hate Christians.
5:52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.
i dont know go ask jewtube or whatever you noobs do
doesnt it actually say take the believing jews as friends
>Quran (3:85) - "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers."
Where is your proof? Quote me a passage from the Quran.
Quran (3:118) - "O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people, they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand
Because sand niggers want to kill my people and replace any European faiths with Islam.
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life,
oh so not true, gotchya
>implying they were European to begin with
talking about paganism as well, whites should be Christian or Pagan, anything else is degenerate.
I've been thinking about this for some time though
Jow Forums-s dream:
>virgin wives
>gays executed
>openly hate jews without the backlash from libs
>virgin wives
>gays executed
>openly hate jews without the backlash from libs
I know christcucks wouldn't board, but in non-religious Estonia we could just use the "we're muslims now" to cloak what we do without people talking shit.
And before you screech about "but sandniggers," remember that a european country converting to islam doesn't mean the country should allow arabs or niggers in, it's not a thing. muslim isn't an ethnicity.
also not saying that's what I want, just saying it could be a back-up plan against libs who would then get confused as shit
I see but where's the befriending part then?
You're literally are forced to force me to the narrowest path of the road..
Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.
Also we can never be friends because you guys believe we corrupted the Bible and that Jesus or should I say Isa is just a prophet who will come back to save you, break the cross and kill the pig instead of Jesus being the son of God. Yet he was conceived a virgin? But he was just a normal person. Also no real Christian would call Mary (Meriam) the mother of God. That's catholic not Christian.
Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah; [Qur'ân 3:45]
And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.
>muslim isn't an ethnicity.
No, but Arab is, they'll just force you to take those in instead.
They aren't actually jews and muslims have more in common then muslims and christians
Unlikely to happen, but it would be epic. Muslims taking the hardline against jews whenever are normies even thought about cucking would be a great asset. We'd have to work out ground rules, like we each return to our own countries afterwards, but the west would lose jewish subversion and muslims wouldn't have jews dangling a sword (usa) over their heads anymore.
Both of them want everyone non degenerate to die.
But it will be you degenerates to die.
You're saying that like rebelling against kikery is wrong.
low quality i wonder why
not knowing pol has been a christan bored for about 4 years lmao new fags
im only replying because you almost sound convincing ignoring life is not a christian value
lol no
That's just cucked as fuck.
Delete this
le edgy shit
le /pol hates all religion and all religious values
le newfags
found the kids
Exactly. We await the wedding feast of the Lamb.
when muslims start burning churches
>ignoring life is not a christian value
Yeah it is. Always has been, christian end times prophecy says that christianity will appear to be completely dead before the second coming of jesus. That's why christians are so fond of bending over and taking the big fat greasy cock of life up the arse, doing nothing to prevent their own destruction. It's a jewish apocalyptic death cult.
I agree that the worldly stuff shouldnt bother us, but we have an obligation to save as many souls as possible. Plus some of us have kids and would like them not to grow up in a secular pagan dump.
If it were ever something like that it’d be whites and niggers teaming up against the kikes but that’ll never happen
to love god is to hate the world
>not ignore it
>not try to not make it better
>Suicide is a sin why ould that be the case if you are correct
>murder is a sin same thing
>the ten commandments would also be pointless
>love they neighbour what for?
your idea of Christianity is 2 lines in a 500 page book
Don't ask me to make sense of jewish nonsense. I'll recognize it for what it is; nonsense.
>implying this isnt what Christians also want
when will christcucks and mudslimes realize they should be gassed
t. Boomer
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
The sheer digits on this börger.
wow muslims rape kids, massacre civillians in my home country and cut off infidels heads in the middle east, they hate kikes just like us!
Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that they're so great!
so edgy and cool i bet you cant wait to be 21 lmao
>we have an obligation to save as many souls as possible
Why bother proselytising when the death of your religion is literally a part of your end times prophecy? Let your faith die, Jesus will come and save the day
>point out a contradiction in the bible
lmao sensitive spiritual semite
Christians are polytheists.
It’s almost like both religions were created to divide the world into competing factions not based on race. Almost.
>he he he cant be white right he british that makes him wait brits are actualy white and im a burger im not white
mfw a burger
>caps thill show him hahah pwnd noob spiritual semite sounds so cool
thats my impression of your thought procces
litteral edgy kids who are Seething
it's almost like every newfag nigger doesn't bother to lurk for 2 years before they stop shitting up the board.
also dumbass, Christianity was formally founded to UNIFY not to divide the Roman Empire. Islam was created to form large ARAB raiding parties to conquer and plunder what was left of the ancient world.
got any sources on where to learn about it?
When Christ returns and Muslims convert en masse
>brit thinks hes still white
>reddit spacing
take your weak eyes and go back to r*ddit
>other teaches you to love your enemies and be a cuck
>other teaches you to die in jihad killing infidels
Its like ying/yang but both worship YHWH.
T. Officially 49%
Fuck off Kike
Fuck off shitskin
thats not reddit spacing hahaha
when muslims accept Jesus is the Logos of God incarnate
Most muslim and christian leaders are puppets. They will never allow such alliance because it will danger world wide atheism, zionism and illuminate. The only way to save world is powerful alliance to purge secularism and atheists world wide. Jews killed most strong empires and removed kings to install easily controlled politicians.
they aren't muslims are in large part too low IQ and are very subdueable by vices, the jew uses them for over a millenia now,
they use them as leaverage gainst christianity, they are the sword of the jewry in many cases, they can't see beyond the tricks, they fight the jew in one place and doing their work in another one
christianity teaches you to love your next one, your community members,
love oyur enemys is a mistranslation the original text meant "opponent" like ingroup competitor and not "hostes" whichw as the term for outward enemys trying to destroy you,
christianity was promoting in group preference
You must be blind if you think muslims are sword of jewry since US and europeans puppets do everything they want and spread degeneracy to muslim countries. US and europe dying will be better for the world.
fuck both of them and the Jews
>gothic spain
look up the Nasi family, and the name Josephus Ashkenazim i think wa sthe name
they literaly started 16th century zionism and used ottoman fleets at their disposal
the ottoman harem was exclusively catered too by jews it was a priviliege of them,
while other ethnicities got their believes surpressed to varrieing degrees, the Nasi family actualy acquired the right to resettle jews in palestine.
just the jews of the time refused it to a large percentage because they did not know how to make a living there, as they were relient on others to do actual work.
they also seem to have had maybe a big hand in the arab slave trade...but i do nto know the details about that yet
>1 post by id
There was barely any "ISLAM" after prophets death. You know that called salah din that opened palastine. He had a jew called bin maimon and salah aldin when his leader forget his name died he married his wife for one night or fucked her then divorced her I think if even married her. Slah aldin is piece of shit. When second khalifa omar ruled he brought someone called kaab alahbar a jew to teach hadith and he never saw prophet faked lots of israelitis. There obviously jewish influence and control over some islamic empires but overall they didn't hold the power they're having over westerners now and most muslims don't like them or allow their degenracy and follow sharia until these modern days after world wide atheist revolution and death of otmon empire. It wasn't perfect but at least filthy jews and atheists weren't able to spread degeneracy easily. There are still people who will rule with sharia sooner or later but most christians follow their degenerate constitutions and secularism that's why they will always be slave of jews and atheists.
you can say what you want but the history shows that what ever you say, it is like i stated and will always go said way,
Fuck both christkikes and mudslimes
>When will Christians and Muslims realize they are each other's greatest allies?
a long time ago
That's about right. OP is high as fuck.